Saturday, February 13, 2016

Is It Responsible To Urge People To Have Large Families In A Poverty Stricken, Environmentally Degraded,Overpopulated Land?

An archbishop told the crowds at a religious event that attracted hundreds of thousands of people that they should serve as missionaries for God and go out and have large families to spread their religion. Europe, he added, in decline, chooses dogs and cats over children. But this is a false comparison. You can love your children far more than you love a pet, and express this love by having a smaller family size. Because in the country where he urged people to have large families, already millions are malnourished, millions live in dire poverty, millions live in dilapidated inadequate shacks without electricity and water or on the streets without any protection, or under bridges and other such structures. Millions cannot afford even minimal health care, and untold thousands die because without money, there is no one that will treat them with medical care and medicine if they are sick. Almost every forest has been destroyed, almost every mangrove, almost every coral reef. Farmland continues to be destroyed to accommodate the growing human population, even though already the country cannot feed its large and growing population. Millions waste precious hours each day commuting in bumper to bumper traffic, choking on exhaust fumes in huge, overcrowded polluted cities. What is the value of a human being? To be a one dimensional servant of a religion and endlessly breed without regards to the environmental and human suffering that results from overpopulation? Do people deserve the right to live where there is clean air, clean water, clean wholesome food, the opportunity for children to have a future other than a life of debilitating poverty and all of the social ills that brings?

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