Saturday, February 13, 2016

It Will Be A Dismal Future If Nature Keeps Getting Destroyed And Population Growth Remains Unchecked

When I was a child, there was something magical about going into a a forest, even if it was nothing more than a small patch not yet destroyed by development. But in time, development claimed all the patches of forest, and the world became a less interesting place. For the millions of children growing up with no connection to nature, to the land, there is so much that they will never know, that they will never have the joy of experiencing. How dismal the future will be if what little of nature that is left keeps getting destroyed, and the human population keeps growing unchecked. At some point, in the same way biodiversity is now unraveling, humanity will pay a heavy price for believing itself a species not beholden to the laws of nature. It is impossible to keep destroying and breeding indefinitely.

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