Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Jew And The Jew Hater

Everyday thousands, even millions, listen to sermons, speeches, lectures, internet videos, blogs, internet postings, films, and so on, telling them how terrible is the Jew. The rabid Jew haters go on incessantly, because obsessive people that are filled with hate or that are sadistic cannot control themselves. They cannot stop themselves. It does not matter what is the actual reality. This is about hate combined with obsessiveness, not about fact or truth. Millions of humans follow these demented hate mongering cowards. The followers are like mindless sheep eager to be told how to live, how to think, who to hate and how to hate, who to harm, who to kill. They listen and watch, willing to become homicidal robots. The Jew haters know their Jew hatred can make them rich and attract a following. Jew hatred frees them and their followers of individual responsibility and accountability. Theirs is a demented world where everything depends on having the Jew scapegoat to blame. No one questions, no one wonders, how a tiny minority still numbering in the millions(no matter how persecuted it has been, still survives) can all think and act alike. The Jew hater wants you to believe Jews are like one single celled amoeba, where every Jew thinks and acts alike. But it is they that acts as a mindless single celled entity, full of hate and homicidal rage. No matter what the world faces - wars, environmental disaster, deforestation, biodiversity collapse, nuclear bombs, radiation poisoning, failed nuclear power plants, massive oil spills, hurricanes, unemployment, economic collapse, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, terrorism, tornadoes, cyclones, land slides, disease, famine, typhoons, tsunamis, drought, flooding, poverty, hunger - these simplistic hate filled cowards will still obsess endlessly about the Jew and ignore all else. They revel in their self indulgent obsessive hatred. And we who choose to ignore their hatred, do so at our own peril.

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