This blog originated as a futile effort to expose ineffective and harmful programs and practices as it pertains to animal cruelty, dog fighting, animal welfare, wildlife protection and conservation. A number of nonprofit organizations, individuals and others profit handsomely from their exploitation of voiceless populations.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Oil Funded Islamic Fanaticism And Nuclear Proliferation
When 9-11 happened, the world was in crisis. The American president at that time told people to go on as usual, and keep shopping. And the west has been doing that since 9-11, even before 9-11, shopping and ignoring the pending doom that oil is bringing. Not just in the form of climate change, but something far worse and far greater of a threat. Americans went to war against the Taliban, Saudi sponsored and controlled Islamists, and now are stuck in Afghanistan over 15 years later, having lost lives, treasury, limbs. All of this could have been avoided if only American leadership stepped back and thought this out and proceeded wisely. Why does the west fight in unwinnable war and against the terrorism the Islamic oil producing nations produce, and yet the west not only ignores, but finances through oil purchases the very countries that create these wars and terrorism? Oil wealth has funded, courtesy of the oil rich Islamic nations, the "schooling", brainwashing and indoctrination of millions of children worldwide that are taught intolerance, fanaticism, violent jihad. They are eager to kill and die, believing they will be transported to a magical kingdom in the sky where god happily greets murderers. This religious intolerance and fanaticism will not leave the oil rich nations unaffected. It will eventually collapse the world economies and bring murder and chaos everywhere - as if there is not already enough poverty and suffering in this world - and all prosperity will end. And that is the easy part. It is only a question of time now before there is the marriage of nuclear weapons and Islamic fanaticism, at which time there will be incredible suffering on this planet and it will be the beginning of the end of human life. All of this can be stopped. But not if the proliferation of fanaticism and nuclear weapon continues.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Trump- The World Does Not Need Saudi Troops To Fight ISIS, It Needs Something Far More Important
Donald Trump wants the United States to stop buying Saudi oil unless the Saudis contribute troops in the war against ISIS. So here is a quick reality check that seems to be missing (and that George Bush - safe in a lucrative retirement, unless there is an opportunity to make an easy quarter of a million dollars or more in speaking fees to a group such as Wounded Veterans of America - ignored). Saudi and Qatar promote a literal, intolerant, fundamentalist version of Islam. ISIS, practices a literal, fundamentalist, intolerant version of Islam. The Saudis and Qataris, with their vast wealth, have been promoting all over the world through their schools, mosques, educators, state sponsored media outlet, and so forth, their intolerant, hardcore, rigid, bigoted, brand of Islam, crushing in the wake all forms of Islam that practice moderation, toleration and nonviolence. It is known who funds and educates Sunni violent jihadist groups, and who funds and supports Shia terror (and the one Sunni violent jihadist group that is supported by all). All voices of nonviolence, tolerance and moderation, in the Muslim world must be supported, which is the complete opposite of what the Saudis and Qataris have been doing. The millions of children getting Saudi/Qatar sponsored educations right now ensures that the hell that ISIS offers, even if ISIS is completely destroyed, will continue.
The Saudi/Qatar Poisoned Gift That Keeps On Poisoning- Easter Massacre Of Christians In Pakistan
Yesterday on Easter Sunday in Pakistan, at a holiday gathering in a children's park, Christians celebrated the Easter holiday. A bomb was set off, perhaps by a suicide bomber(this has not yet been determined), killing at least 65 people and wounding over 300 people. A branch of the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility, proud of their murderous accomplishment. Who funds and supports the Pakistani and Afghani Taliban? Who was the major financier and supporter of the Taliban regime when it was in power in Afghanistan? What extremely rich nations, made rich by the oil that lies beneath their ground, have spread a worldwide network of mosques, schools and madrases, in which children and people of all ages are taught the supremacy of Islam, the inferiority of the non Muslim, the sub-humanness of certain non Muslim religions, the importance of violent jihad ( waging war and armed struggle on behalf of Islam and its expansion)? The average child in Pakistan goes to a Saudi sponsored school where the "education" is nothing more than the Quran and the Saudi version of Islam. Between Saudi/Qatar on the Sunni side, and Iran on the Shia side, diversity, toleration and moderation in the Islamic world is becoming less and less. There is no shortage of brainwashed people eager to kill, and children now being indoctrinated by Saudi/Qatar on the Sunni side, and Iran on the Shia side, that will ensure many more years of senseless, mindless cruelty and war. It is not enough to seek out the murderous cowards responsible for the Easter holiday slaughter of Christians. We need to wake up to who supports, funds, educates, and even arms, these violent worldwide jihadist organizations.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Blaming Israel And Jews For Wars, Violence And Terrorism In The Islamic World
There are those who blame the violence and extremism emanating from the Muslim world on the unresolved conflict between Arab Palestinians and Israelis, or on Jews themselves. It is pointless to indulge the hatred of weak people that need a scapegoat or simple minded answer to complicated problems, but at the same time, propaganda that defies logic and promotes hate needs to be countered. Long before there ever was an Israel, there was the violent expansion of Islam throughout much of the world. Christianity also violently expanded, and between these two largest religions of the world, millions of people were slaughtered, enslaved, forced to convert, and the cultures, languages and religions of thousands of indigenous people were wiped out. Thankfully, Christianity long ago reformed itself, and forced conversion and church sanctioned violence and killings of non Christians stopped. Islam, desperately in need of reform, has yet to have its own reformation. To this very day, the violent expansion of Islam continues. People debate whether this violence comes from the Quran itself and other Islamic holy books, or from Muslim leaders and religious figures that are teaching violence and intolerance. While this debate goes on, the killing rages. Violent jihad itself, forced conversions, and the acceptance of intolerance and bigotry, regardless of where it comes from, must be completely rejected if humanity has any chance of surviving. If there is a widespread rejection in the Islamic world of violent Jihad and religious intolerance and bigotry, most of the wars and conflicts in this world will stop. Most of these wars and conflicts have nothing to do with Jews, or with Israel, regardless of how much the Jew haters or Israel haters would like us to think otherwise. Long before there ever as an Israel, there was violent conflict in parts of Mindanao in the Philippines that continues to this day, and has taken the lives of untold thousands. In south Thailand, Muslims have killed thousands of civilians in their war against the Buddhist majority. War rages in Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Libya, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, and many other places, in which Muslims are killing Muslims and/or non Muslims. Islamists are destroying middle east religious minorities like Yazidis, Christians, Bahais and others.There is genocide in Darfur by the Sudanese government against black African Muslims. Whenever, in the history of mankind, a religion sanctions and promotes religious violence and intolerance and bigotry, the result has always been exactly what it is the world is witnessing today- deliberate attacks against unarmed civilian populations and widespread war and terror. We now see this religious inspired terrorism all over Europe, Africa, the middle east, Asia, and more. Regarding Israel, if there is the rejection of violence, especially the deliberate attacks against civilians, and the goal is Palestinian statehood, not the establishment of an Islamic state on the ashes of a destroyed Israel, Palestinian statehood will happen shortly thereafter. Many Jews in the world will do everything they can to help Palestinian Arabs have not only statehood, but a Palestinian state that prospers, if they know statehood is the goal, not Jew killing and their own extermination. Philippines(south Mindanao) south Thailand, Israel, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan, Kenya, Yemen, Iraq, Nigeria, and many other places, can be resolved when people stop killing in the name of religion.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Man Made Religions and Holy Books- Religion Can Uplift, But Can Also Be Poison
In the short span of my lifetime, there has been the serious depletion of the things I value most. I always valued nature, which is something humans cannot create and seem determined to destroy. I never had an interest in religion. I would rather be in a forest, or at the ocean, or in a wilderness area somewhere, than inside of a building praying or studying. I find the presence of God, or a higher spiritual power, in the natural world, not in the buildings and structures humans create. Religion should not be mindless conformity and blind surrender to the thoughts and beliefs of another. There is not a religious book on this planet that I do not think is man made, whether it is the New Testament, Old Testament, Quran, or any other book that a religion might follow. This does not mean that if a person follows one of these books, or believes it is the word of God, there is anything wrong. There is only something wrong if following a religion, or a religious book, becomes an excuse or a reason to hate and be intolerant and violent towards others. Religion can uplift mankind, but it can also be pure poison, as the world is learning only too well as religious intolerance and hatred spreads like wildfire. Far too many are willing to kill and harm others of different faiths, religions and beliefs.
A child of today will be lucky to see the things in nature I was able to see in my lifetime. And I was not able to see things in nature a person thirty years my senior could see. Gone are many of the vast rain forests, oceans rich with diverse and large marine life, large tracts of unspoiled land in all kinds of habitats. Humanity cannot survive in an unhealthy environment, so that protecting our environment, even if we could care less about nature, ultimately protects ourselves. The world will do far better with less religious intolerance, bigotry and fanaticism. We should be concerned with what we conserve and bequeath to the children of the future, and ensure it is not our hatreds.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Statehood And Independence For The Kurdish People
The boundaries and nations of the middle east and other places, including in Africa, were arbitrarily created by former colonial powers concerned with protecting their own economic interests. Rulers, including kings and kingdoms, were placed in power to protect these interests. The world is stuck with badly drawn nations, which have contributed to countless wars. Over 99 per cent of the middle east and North Africa have been given to Arab Muslims. Nothing for the Kurds, who are mostly Muslim but not fanatical Islamist, nothing for the Christians of the middle east except Lebanon, which has now been taken over by Iran and its proxy army Hezbollah, and a tiny state for Jews which is still under attack over 60 years after its creation. It is time to right a historic wrong, and give the Kurdish people independence. The Kurds are at the forefront of the battle against ISIS. The Kurdish controlled areas, now under Kurdish self rule, are one of the few places in the middle east where there is moderation and freedom. It is time for the long standing oppression of Kurds to end, and for this ignored and downtrodden people to receive what they have long been denied- nationhood.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Yazidis, Front Line Victims Of Religious Intolerance And Genocide By Islamists
Many in the world do not know the Yazidis, ethnic Kurds and followers of one of the world's oldest religions. Followers of one of the world's newest religions decided that because of what is written in their holy book, permission was given to raid Yazidi villages, kill the men, healthy and handicapped, and take the children and women as slaves. Yazidi boys taken hostage are now converted and forced to join the ISIS demented Islamist army. Girls, children, are being raped daily and are now the sex slaves to these demented Islamists, who think raping children is permissible by God/Allah. Young women, by the thousands, are now the slaves of these demented Islamists. Some women have escaped. Many are in their captors hands, and are being raped daily. The Kurds, most of whom are Muslim, are at the forefront of the war against the demented Islamists. The Kurds fighting ISIS are an example of the best in humanity, the best in Islam and the best in all the religions they follow. We should be asking now, not waiting for the day when there is no ISIS, why the world accepts the diet of hate and bigotry that pours in from the Islamic world and produces demented Islamists by the boatload. The Yazidis did not bother anyone. It was evil that came knocking down their doors. And it is evil men and women holding the helpless Yazidis as slaves here in the 21st century.
No Thanks Saudi/Qatar For Poisoning The Minds Of Children; The Educators Of Demented Jihadist Terrorists
There is no end to the trillion dollar wars that are unwinnable. There is no country strong enough, no economy rich enough, that can afford these endless wars. Bad ideas cause or help cause wars, and right now, the world is full of them. Especially the ones left to fester and spread. Hate, bigotry and intolerance are always bad ideas. Wars are not caused by poverty. Most of the world is impoverished and not at war. But everywhere in the world, when people, especially children, are taught to hate, taught to be intolerant, taught to be bigoted, killing and war are sure to follow. What will the future be? Endless unwinnable, impossible to afford wars fighting against hate cults, where when one hate cult is destroyed, another will pop up in its place? ISIS is a hate cult. After it is destroyed, another with the same ideology will simply take its place. When will responsible people start thinking wisely and fight smartly and preemptively? When will we finally look at what the children of this world are being taught, and how the hate indoctrinated child of today is the potential terrorist of tomorrow? George Bush and other world leaders rushed into war in Iraq. If only they took the time to look at what it is so called allies are spreading and teaching children, allies like the Saudis and Qatar, and how the hate and bigotry they are teaching children keep blowing up in the world's face. Children all over this earth are being raised and indoctrinated to hate, to be intolerant and bigoted, by so called allies and so called enemies alike, ensuring an endless supply of mindless, demented, murderous Jihadists.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Two Hundred Years Or Less Of Human Life And The Hate Cult That Could Care Less
Within the next two hundred years, human life will cease to exist, or will minimally exist with a small, depleted, desperate population, unless there is a dramatic reversal in human behavior. There is the proliferation of nuclear weapons. There is environmental degradation and depletion, human caused, in which we are poisoning our environment and causing the collapse of the very biodiversity upon which life depends. Instead of responding to these very real and serious threats, a big part of humanity thinks they have no obligations in this world other than to pray, procreate, and wage war. It is easier for humans to hate and kill each other than address the real issues that threaten their long term survival. Now we have the rise of demented religious fanatics that have no use for this life because they think in their death and in the killing of others, a better and new life in a hedonistic paradise awaits. Which means a big part of humanity is not invested in what takes place on earth, and seeks death and destruction, which in their eyes is only re-birth. Another big part of humanity ignores, defends, or justifies the violently demented. As the world deteriorates, in schools, in religious centers and places of prayer and worship, the next generation of children are being brainwashed to hate, kill, and learn that other than war, procreation and prayer, they have no obligations and none to earth and all of its living creatures, including people of other faiths and religions. An overpopulated, environmentally degraded world filled with nuclear weapons will not survive this submission to hate.
A Short History Of Bullying, A Short History Of The World, A Short History Of The Jews
There are weak people in this world that need a scapegoat or target to despise, which is usually someone different and/or vulnerable. The target frees these people of individual responsibility, and it gives them an opportunity to be as sadistic or as obsessively and relentlessly hateful as they can be. When the door is open to demonizing someone else, there no longer has to be restraint on one's own conduct towards that which has been demonized. There is a whole universe of people out there that are sadistic, blood thirsty, and will do harm if given the chance. Children and adult bullies pick individual targets to bully and make miserable. Instead of reflecting on what they are doing, they instead convince themselves of the flaws in their bullied target that justifies their cruelty. This happens also with groups and with nations. The target will be demonized, despised, and if possible, destroyed. Millions will stand idly by, only too glad to have a target that is not themselves. Or they delight in having an external enemy that they can freely hate. And so continues human history. Ever repeated, ever flawed, ever bloodied, never learned.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Earth Day, Earth Hour- Lights Out For An Hour, Lights Out For Good For One Rare Rain Forest
Earth Day is approaching, and more importantly, earth hour, in which there is a worldwide effort to turn off the lights for one hour and reduce energy consumption. This event is designed to raise awareness about climate change and to save the planet. There is an argument that an event such as this has an opposite effect. That instead of accomplishing anything substantive, it instead allows people to be complacent and not have to do anything. Undertakings that make people feel good, but require little to nothing else, are more harmful than good if they allow people to do only the symbolic, easy to accomplish, often worthless tasks, and not the difficult, meaningful ones. Is earth hour, lights out, only a symbolic, feel good event that makes people feel good, but that accomplishes little to nothing? Does it let people off the hook from having to make real change? The answer can be found in the actions of certain worldwide, so called conservation/ wildlife protection organizations, and what they did in one particular country where many have a strong presence. There is a rare rain forest in that already heavily deforested, environmentally degraded, polluted nation. One of the last rain forests in that country, and home to highly endangered species. A huge development plan was set in motion that we knew would be enormously damaging to the forest and to its wildlife. We begged and pleaded with a number of wildlife/conservation groups that bill themselves as the protectors of wildlife and/or of rain forest, birds, bats, and so on. A number of organizations responded to our emails, phone calls, meetings in person, about the need to protect the rain forest and its rare wildlife. When it was clear we needed them to actually help or at least try and help, and not provide empty words and talk, they stopped emailing and all communication. Earth hour brings enormous free publicity and positive press coverage for a number of conservation/wildlife organizations, including for at least one of the organizations that we tried to get involved. When it came to actually saving, or at least trying to save, a rare rain forest and its rare wildlife, which meant upsetting powerful interests, probably no free and positive publicity, nothing was done. The destruction of that one rain forest, the loss of trees, vegetation and habitat, will contribute to climate change and carbon added to the environment. It is a huge, permanent loss, and has far more of a negative environmental impact than anything positive that can result from lights out for an hour. Imagine the executives of one of these organizations sitting in their board room, having a conversation about earth hour - "Lights out for an hour means we do not tick anyone off, and that the donations can still pour in. It seems like we are doing something for the planet, and earth hour certainly feeds that impression, so we can have our cake and eat it too. We can keep pretending we are an effective wildlife/conservation group, and we will keep making a fortune in contributions. The world actually thinks we are the answer to conservation". The world cannot, and should not, absorb any longer the massive failures in the nonprofit world of conservation/wildlife/animal protection that these organizations have done a tremendous job of keeping hidden. Let the so called conservation/wildlife/ animal organizations have whatever ineffective self serving projects they want. Real conservation, wildlife and animal protection needs to move fully out of their far too often greedy little hands and into the realm of responsible, not corrupt, serious governments and countries that are capable of doing real conservation and wildlife protection work. There is too little left anymore of nature and wildlife to continue to not be serious.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Arab League Fails To Reign In Terrorism; Nothing, Including Occupation, Justifies Deliberate Attacks Against Civilians
Once again the Arab League and oil rich gulf nations miss the opportunity to stop the spread of terrorism. Terrorism is unacceptable if it is used against them, but it is just fine if it is directed against their enemies or the nation of Israel and the Jew they hate. Hezbollah was declared to be a terrorist organization, but Hamas was not. It is not terrorism, they declared, if it is against occupation. This is their way of partially condemning terrorism, but continuing to allow and accept it, even promote it, if it is suits their political and religious purposes. The weak minded west, ever concerned with oil, money and business, fails again to uphold a minimal moral standard, and is silent as usual. Terrorism is the deliberate attacking, with the intent to harm, maim and kill, unarmed civilian populations. Terrorism is not defined by being a response, or lack thereof, to occupation. Terrorists make no distinction between combatants and noncombatants. They deliberately seek out civilian populations to terrorize and harm. Once evil is accepted, it quickly metastasizes. The world learned this only too well when Hamas suicide bombings were accepted and praised, and now suicide bombings are occurring all over the Muslim world and elsewhere. No one, no where, has the right to deliberately attack and harm unarmed, noncombatant, civilian populations. To Hamas and Hezbollah, all of Israel is occupied. It is not about the west bank, Gaza, and east Jerusalem in their minds. It is their belief that infidels, especially Jews, have to be destroyed, driven from the land or preferably murdered, and that only Muslims have the right to rule. Israel to them cannot exist even on one hectare in Tel Aviv. There are millions of people in the world today whose lands are occupied, where the original indigenous people were expelled and the descendants now live elsewhere. Many have legitimate claims and yet do not resort to violence and terror, and if they did, would be widely condemned for using terror. Would the Islamic world that selectively justifies terror like it if all the millions of descendants of people displaced from the expansion of Islam, and that had their lands taken, most often by force and violence, now start randomly attacking and killing Muslims? Would the Arab and Muslim world like it if the Jews who were persecuted by Muslims and that were driven from their lands and forced to flee to Israel now start randomly killing in order to get back their occupied lands? This includes lands in Iraq, Syria, Algeria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Lebanon,Libya, Egypt, and other places. Do Jews that used to live in Hebron and other places in British Palestine that were violently driven out, with many murdered in the 1920's by Arab Muslims, have the right to randomly kill any Arab in Hebron or the west bank, much as Hamas thinks they have the right to kill any Jew living in Israel? Do Jews have the right to commit acts of terror and claim back their occupied lands in Saudi Arabia that were stolen from them in the 7th century when Islam first appeared, and at which time the Jewish tribes living on the Arabian peninsula that is now Saudi Arabia were slaughtered? Do Hindus and Buddhists driven out or murdered from what is now Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and other places have the right to kill innocent civilians in order to recover their lands that are now occupied by Muslims? Do the Christians and Yazidis of the middle east now being slaughtered, raped, kidnapped, sold as sex slaves, driven from their homes, have the right in fifty years to return and attack any Arab Muslim civilian who is then living on their lands? Do the indigenous people of Australia, North and South America, the Caribbean and other places have the right to attack the people now living on their ancestral lands that were taken by force long ago? Do the millions of Muslims driven from India in 1948, the same year Israel became a state, and that were forced to flee to what is now Pakistan, with many Muslims having been murdered, have the right to kill anyone in India? Do the Hindus and Christians driven from Pakistan in 1948 and thereafter, with many murdered, have the right to attack and kill anyone in Pakistan? Is it okay for Jews of European descent to randomly kill Europeans that now live on the lands that their ancestors owned before they were rounded up with almost all murdered? Do the millions of non Muslim descendants of people in Africa, Asia, the middle east, that were driven from their lands, murdered in many instances, with many taken as slaves, have the right to randomly attack and kill the Muslim descendants now living on those lands? There is hardly a place on this planet where there was not violent conquest and occupation, most of it by Muslims or Christians. It is not by accident that thousands of native people and their cultures have been destroyed, with millions forced to become Muslims or Christians. Unfortunately, this is still happening today by violent Islamists. It is legitimate to resist occupation, but not by terror. It is legitimate to demand the right to full citizenship and the right to freely vote, or to have independence. But it is also legitimate for a nation not to grant statehood and not to make territorial concessions if that means their own nation will be indefensible and vulnerable to war and terrorism from a hostile enemy. Remove terrorism, and there can then be no justification for occupation. It is never legitimate to use terrorism. Terror only ensures more misery, poverty, death, repression and suffering. Terrorism is always wrong and evil, no matter who does it, without any exception, and to say otherwise and to try to justify it is being nothing but a hypocrite.
When Lives Matter, Black And Otherwise, When Men Fail To Raise Their Own Children
In the early 1990's, when crack cocaine was spreading wildly across the United States, homicide rates were high in Chicago, higher than they are now, as gangs fought and killed each other to control territory and the lucrative drug trade. Few voices were raised in protest as innocent lives were lost from gang violence and out of control violent youth. Decades later, gangs are entrenched, and out of control, violent youth are as eager as ever to kill and harm. Innocent lives will continue to be lost. There is now, as there has been for decades, the same muted response. Perhaps because there is no perceived political or other objective to be gained. Perhaps because the media responds not only to what they can sensationalize, but also only to that which fits into their political correctness mindset. Violent youth, especially if they are nonwhite, will continue to be largely ignored, and will continue to kill and harm. There is a failure on many levels to address the plight of black and minority communities, including the failure of schools, the failure of institutions to invest, the failure of politicians, racism, but none of this excuses the failure of far too many black men to properly raise their own children. All men that are not willing to be responsible for their own families, communities and for themselves, and that do not completely devote their lives to their own children, can blame whoever they want, or wait forever for some one else to step in and for things to improve, but it will never happen.
Putin Draws Down In Syria, Not Much To Be Gained For Russia From The War Beteen Shia And Sunni Islamists
There are things Putin has done that are wrong, but one thing that can be said about him is that he is pragmatic. Maybe, besides the drain on the Russian economy and unwillingness to eagerly squander billions or trillions of dollars like his American counterparts, Putin realized that the war in Syria is now a proxy war between Shia and Sunni Islamists, and nothing is to be gained from deepening involvement in that quagmire. Yes, ISIS must be stopped, because they are kidnapping, raping, enslaving minority religion children and women, along with torturing and murdering. But Islamists, whether Sunni or Shia, deserve no support because no matter how much they fight each other, they share this in common- their pathological love for war and killing, their death cult that rejects life and glorifies death because they share a childish belief that once they die they will live eternally in some kind of hedonistic paradise, their eagerness to resolve conflicts by war and violence, their worship and glorification of violent jihad, their pathological hatred for Jews, their sometimes opportunistic acceptance of some minority religions but complete intolerance and suppression of others, their willingness to violently crush dissent. Violent Islamist jihadists are bigoted, intolerant, hate filled cultists. Unfortunately, they are in control of nations, territories, oil, wealth and power. A weak west so eager to not offend seems incapable of responding and properly drawing a distinction between opposing these demented Islamists and not offending Muslims. Moderate Muslims have suffered enormously from the demented Islamists that endlessly beat the drums of war and hate. The world pays a heavy price by accepting, ignoring, even condoning at times their hatred, intolerance, bigotry and lust for war and killing.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Money,Oil, Business As Usual; The Unholy Alliance Of The West And Jihad Backers
Hatred, bigotry and intolerance, combined with the justification and eagerness to use violence(violent jihad) in all its forms, including the use of terror and deliberate attacks against unarmed civilians, is burning out of control and fueling wars and conflict. But the west has made grave mistakes that have exacerbated all of this. The actions and wrongs of one side are not an excuse for the actions and wrongs of the other, because two wrongs never make a right. And neither are the actions of the other side an excuse to not have accountability. Why did we go to war in Iraq? Saddam Hussein was already contained, and the reason the American people were sold on the war- that he was about to get weapons of mass destruction- proved to be untrue or even a lie. Why did we allow anarchy to prevail after we won the war and were then the occupying force? How did we prove to be so incompetent and inept at administering Iraq, and why was no one held accountable for these mistakes? Did our leaving Iraq too soon contribute to the genocide now occurring against Yazidis, Christians, moderate Muslims and others? Why did we fire all Baathist employees, including teachers and administrators, and thereby deprive them of any reason to want to cooperate? Now it is said that the ISIS leadership is drawn largely from former Baathist officials. Did our failures and incompetence, including the firing of all Baathist officials and employees, contribute to the rise of ISIS? Why did we commit to a full scale invasion of Afghanistan when we already knew no foreign country ever succeeded in occupying Afghanistan, including the Soviets and British empire? Why were we so arrogant to think we were any different? More than 15 years later, we are still stuck there. Was there a way that we could have better responded? We knew there was the northern alliance already fighting the Taliban. We knew that our ally, the Saudis, were the Taliban's major supporter and had enormous leverage over them. We knew that most of the 911 hijackers were Saudis. Why did we fail then, why do we fail now, in not holding the Saudis and other oil rich gulf states responsible for the rigid, intolerant form of Islam they are aggressively spreading all over the world? Is money, oil and business and business as usual that important?
Monday, March 14, 2016
The Cancer That Caused The Demented Islamists Of ISIS Will Still Be Present When ISIS Is Destroyed
If tomorrow ISIS is completely destroyed, the cancer that manifested itself in ISIS will still be present. It will take another form, and there will be another group of demented Islamists that will replace ISIS. Until the Islamic world puts in check its own violence and intolerance, we will be stuck with these wars, terrorism, and violence. Violent jihad, bigotry and intolerance needs to be completely renounced. Jihad needs to be internal struggle only that does not violently engage others in what should be a personal matter. Almost a quarter of the world population is Muslim. It is largely in their hands whether this world knows peace and tolerance or endless war, destruction, death and maiming, which will culminate in thermonuclear war if nothing changes. If that happens, there will be no more Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, or anything else, because people will cease to exist.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
The Benefits To Hate
Hate is a crutch. It frees people from responsibility. People that hate do not have to worry about their own moral, ethical, spiritual development. Individuals, governments, groups, organizations, can be corrupt, despicable, degenerates, and as long as they have others focused on the object of their hatred, no one will call them to task. Whatever happens in this world, whatever difficulties there are, however complex and daunting life may be, hate provides an easy way out of responsibility and facing up to life's complexities and uncertainties. Hate is an easy way to control people. It is the ideal elixir for weaklings.
The Muslim Summit In Indonesia, Once Again Responsibility Is Avoided
The Muslims nations of the word recently met in Indonesia, and declared that despite all the wars raging right now in Muslim nations,in which millions of Muslims have been killed, maimed, made refugees by these wars, the priority is Palestine. Palestine is the excuse by which the Islamic world can hide behind and never face up to the enormous hatred, intolerance, acceptance of terror and violence now extant in the Islamic world. It is true the western world is hugely flawed, and waged wars it had no business waging, like the Iraq war. But regardless of the flaws of the west, regardless of how easy it is to pin all blame on the Jew or Israel and use it as your scapegoat, no one can indefinitely cast blame elsewhere and never accept responsibility without paying a heavy price. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict will end when statehood becomes more important than driving the Jews out from the middle east or exterminating them. It is just too bad such manufactured, fabricated concern is not shown to the moderate Muslims and religious minorities of the middle east and North Africa that are being crushed. The head of the Sudan attended this summit in Indonesia, a man wanted for war crimes for the genocide being committed against Darfur African Muslims that the world has chosen to ignore. Iran attended the conference, using again the Jew/Israeli in order to control its own population by fabricating an enemy to hate, despise, and unite against. Not once did anyone question Iran's treatment of its own religious minorities, including people of the Bahia faith, a peaceful religion that Iran is persecuting and destroying. Hundreds of thousands of innocent, helpless civilians, children, babies, slaughtered in Syria, with millions made refugees, and not a word. Mass murder and war in Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, and in so many other places, and yet not a word. The sexual enslavement and daily raping of children and young Yazidi women by Islamists and yet not a word. The murder and genocide against middle east religious minorities including Christians, Yazidis ad others, and yet not a word. The recent murder of nuns and nursing home patients in Yemen by Islamists that took place around the time of this conference, and yet not a word. The rise of demented Islamists all over the world, and in Indonesia itself, which threatens to tear this world apart, and yet not a word. Not a word about the mass poverty and unemployment in much of the Islamic world and how to ameliorate this. Not a word about the fires raging out of control in Indonesia Borneo. This list can go on and on. Palestine cannot endlessly be the excuse the Islamic world hides behind in order to not face its own serious problems. And even the Palestinian plight is not helped by their fabricated concern that has done nothing to resolve the conflict, and that has only helped keep the flames of hate and war alive.
Morality Is Not relative; Teaching Children Hate And Intolerance Is A Crime Against Humanity, Disband UNRWA
Morality is not relative. Children should not be taught the hate and intolerance of the adults that influence and shape their lives. This should be a universal rule clearly established by the United Nations, and if violated by any organization associated with, or part of the United Nations, like UNRWA, should immediately result in their disbanding and loss of all funding. Another organization should be established in their place. This is a polluted, crowded world full of war, hatred, weapons of mass destruction and the huge loss of biodiversity. This world is not big enough for children to continue inheriting the hatreds of adults.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
How Hamas and Other Islamists Understimate Israel And Pervert The Will Of God/Allah
No decent human being, not one of the dime a dozen pathetic, Jew hating whiny cowards that need the Jew as their crutch and scapegoat, can possibly want this violence and bloodshed to continue endlessly. To Hamas and the other Islamists, you want your children to inherit your hate. You are not offering them a chance for liberation. You are offering them nothing more than your hate and pathological obsession with death, killing and violence. This will never bring statehood, liberation,or anything more than war and misery. You underestimate your enemy, and you are turning faith into something demented. There is no God, no Allah, no great higher power that wants this bloodshed. This bloodshed is what humans want, not God/Allah.If you think God/Allah is truly all merciful, all powerful, all compassionate, then how can you possibly believe God/Allah wants human bodies torn apart, babies, children, people of all ages. Inflicting cruelty and suffering is a human desire, not a godly desire. Furthermore, no child should be taught to hate and encouraged to commit acts of violence, no matter what the religion. This is completely evil and against the will of God/Allah. And no one, nowhere, no matter from what religion, has the right to deliberately attack and harm unarmed civilians and noncombatants. Now here is how you underestimate your enemy- Jews have been mankind's historical scapegoat. Only the weak and demented continue to blame and hate the Jews for everything, especially when the world has already seen where Jew hating has led, extermination and mass murder. Jews have always lived in the middle east. They are every bit as much an indigenous people as Palestinian Arabs. Your fellow Arab brethren made Israel strong by expelling and driving out their Jewish populations and sending them fleeing for their lives to the state of Israel. Now do you honestly think the Israelis that come from the middle east and from North Africa, and that form the majority population of Israel, are going to return to Yemen, to Egypt, to Libya, to Afghanistan, to Syria, to Lebanon, to Iran, to Algeria, to other Muslim countries from which their grandparents and great grand parents fled, and from where they will face certain persecution. And Jews have always lived in what you call Palestine, including Hebron, from where many were murdered and others expelled in the 1920's, long before there was an Israel. There is no place for Israelis to go, and you know this. You, Hamas and Islamist leaders, on the hand, can freely travel to the over 99 per cent of the middle east that is in the hands of your fellow Arab brethren or Islamist allies. And so we see you, Hamas leaders, living large in Qatar, and other places like Turkey where you are comfortably among fellow Islamists. Israelis have no such luxury. There is no other place where they can go. So you can brag about how you worship death and welcome it, while your enemy wants only life. You think this gives you the moral and combat edge. But it does not. Because the simple fact is the Israelis have no where to go. Their back is to the wall, and it is that which makes them strong. People whose back is to the wall, and know that their enemies will slaughter them if given half a chance, will do everything they can to fight and survive. It is irrelevant if they fear death or not. What is relevant is that their back is to the wall. If you continue to choose Jew killing instead of a Palestinian state, compromise and peace,then it is war and suffering that everyone will get, with absolutely nothing but blood, guts, pain and misery that results.
To The Professors and Teachers that Parrot From a Book- Do The Students A Favor And Get Out Of Teaching
Any college professor, lecturer or teacher that parrots from a book deserves to be fired or at least retrained. The exception is complicated subjects in math and science in which following a book and explaining its content is necessary and justified. For most subjects, to stand in front of students and lecture to them by parroting from a book, often the very book the students are required to read, is boring, not challenging, and a complete waste of the student's time and money. Mindless memorization is not an education, nor is constant exposure to mind numbing boredom. An education should be a challenging process that encourages thinking and creativity. A school should not be a refuge for lazy people, which unfortunately is far too often the case.
Jew Killing Or Palestinian Arab Statehood?
Regardless if someone is 100 per cent pro Palestinian, or 100 per cent pro Israel, a sane pragmatic person knows that neither population is going anywhere and that any effort to drive out either population is nothing but the recipe for endless war and bloodshed. A sane pragmatic person knows these very different people ultimately have to find a way to live with one another in peace, because the alternative is endless death and destruction. Even though this is politically incorrect to write in this day and age of warped mindless conformity and political correctness hysteria, it is clear that Jew killing is the objective, not statehood. One or the other must be chosen, statehood or Jew killing, and for now, it appears it is Jew killing. The deliberate stabbings and attacks against unarmed civilians, the deliberate driving cars into Jews standing on the streets or at bus stops, the deliberate efforts to kill as many Jews as possible, unarmed civilians especially, is plain wrong, no matter how many try to justify it. Even if you blame occupation and oppression, it does not give anyone the right to deliberately attack unarmed civilians. Millions of people live completely miserable lives and yet do not commit acts of violence towards others. Millions of people live ten to twenty in one room shacks, no running water, no electricity, dirt for a floor, barely anything to eat, unemployed or on a starvation salary job, and yet do not go out on killing sprees. Millions upon millions of people in this world are desperate, millions live under oppressive governments, and still they do not go out stabbing and murdering innocent, unarmed civilians. A true nonviolent movement completely rejects all violence and terrorism from both sides of the conflict, or else it cannot succeed. It is meaningless to advocate nonviolence and yet accept terrorism and violence from others on your side. True nonviolence movements succeed. Gandhi achieved it. So did Nelson Mandela. So did Martin Luther King. That is why they are each held in high esteem. Every time the opposite path of violence and terror is chosen, it leads to nothing but endless destruction, death, maiming and misery. Did violence and terror achieve anything for the Tamil people in Sri Lanka, other then death and destruction? Has it brought Palestinian Arabs one step closer to statehood? Every stabbing, every act of terror, only brings peace, statehood, and co-existence that much farther away. War, terror and violence means misery for civilians on both sides. The strongest weapon Palestinian Arabs have is the one they seem least inclined to use- a true nonviolent movement. Show the world statehood is the goal, not genocide against the Jews and Jew killing, and the overwhelming majority of people in this world, especially Jews, will support you.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Violence, Victim Hood and Entitlement- Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right
Behind every violent bully or psychopath acting in the name of religion or something else is a sniveling coward quick to defend their violence and cruelty, as long as it is not directed towards them. Two wrongs never make a right is a basic truth that seems to have eluded a large chunk of humanity. Let us say, for example, that you think one group of people has oppressed another. Victim hood is not entitlement. It is not entitlement to act cruelly, violently, and out of control, no matter how many people declare otherwise. Almost always the victims of violence and terrorism are innocent people. Violence and terror may please emotionally those that hate, but it is an utterly ineffective strategy that proves time and time again to be counterproductive and harmful to all sides.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Rule By Violence And The Sword-Two Hundred Years Or Less Of Human Domination
People are destroying and poisoning this planet. Humans will not survive even another two hundred years without causing our own extinction if we continue down this path. A world made uninhabitable, with thousands of species already driven into extinction, or that face extinction, cannot still be a habitable place for ourselves. We have to make serious choices. Do we address our daunting problems, or do we indulge our hatreds until the very end and fail to control our violence? Every excuse made to justify violence, including deliberate attacks against unarmed civilian populations, moves us farther away from sanity. Do we cut each others throats until the very end, or do we learn to live with each other and cease to accept, tolerate, and make excuses for hatred and violence? If we cannot control our violence and put in check our hatreds, then we will never conquer, no matter how technologically advanced we become, the problems that will drive us into extinction.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Those Hard Wired For Hate And Violence-Failing To Face Them
There are serious issues that will never be faced because far too many people would rather expend their energy in hate, anger and the pursuit of violence. There are also people that cannot control themselves. They need to hate, or cannot control their hate. Most people that are obsessive are not violent or filled with hate and rage. But violent, sadistic people that are obsessive can be utterly ruthless. It does not matter what is reality, because they are incapable of shaking themselves from their obsession with what they hate. And if the target of their hate is another religion, ethnicity, race or group of people different than themselves, they will spend their lives doing everything they can to harm and destroy those that they hate. They are incapable of seeing how demented is their obsession. We like to think all people are rational and filled with goodwill. But it is simply untrue. Far too many people want a scapegoat, want an external enemy to despise, and thus the pathologically obsessed hate monger can find a fertile audience. If ever humanity learns to stop excusing, ignoring, accepting or justifying hate and violence, it will truly advance.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Corrosive Racial And Ethnic Double Standards, Ignoring Or Excusing Hate And Violence
There is a sickening, corrosive double standard that has existed for a long time. Nonwhite bigotry, hate, and violence is excused, ignored or dismissed by a number of whites that pander to blacks and nonwhites. Maybe it is out of fear, maybe it is out of guilt. Either way, it is poison. It is another form of bigotry and discrimination, and all bigotry and discrimination is unacceptable, no matter what its form.
An Ignorant, But Educated, Black Professor Spews Jew Hate
An education does not mean that much, especially when the outcome is ignorant, bigoted people that continue the centuries old practice of having a scapegoat - someone else to blame for everything. This ignorant bigot is proud of her hate, thinking she is standing up to power, not realizing she is just another dime a dozen self indulgent hate monger incapable of complex thinking and taking responsibility for her own life. Unlike bigots of the white race, whose bigotry would never be tolerated in the politically correct, let us be sensitive until it is nauseating university and college elitist group think crowd, no one at the school will demand her resignation. White liberals are too busy pandering to nonwhites, or are too afraid, to ever stand up against a nonwhite bigot. All bigotry is unacceptable, no matter who does it.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
The Right Religion, The Wrong Religion, The Best Religion
If a religion promotes hatred, bigotry, intolerance, violence, then it is garbage and should not be respected or dignified in any way. Its that simple. Any religion is the right religion if it helps people to be better human beings; more giving,compassionate, less violent, more tolerant,braver, honest, kinder. The best religions uplift humanity and brings out the best in people. The worst religions do the opposite.
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