Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Short History Of Bullying, A Short History Of The World, A Short History Of The Jews

There are weak people in this world that need a scapegoat or target to despise, which is usually someone different and/or vulnerable. The target frees these people of individual responsibility, and it gives them an opportunity to be as sadistic or as obsessively and relentlessly hateful as they can be. When the door is open to demonizing someone else, there no longer has to be restraint on one's own conduct towards that which has been demonized. There is a whole universe of people out there that are sadistic, blood thirsty, and will do harm if given the chance. Children and adult bullies pick individual targets to bully and make miserable. Instead of reflecting on what they are doing, they instead convince themselves of the flaws in their bullied target that justifies their cruelty. This happens also with groups and with nations. The target will be demonized, despised, and if possible, destroyed. Millions will stand idly by, only too glad to have a target that is not themselves. Or they delight in having an external enemy that they can freely hate. And so continues human history. Ever repeated, ever flawed, ever bloodied, never learned.

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