Thursday, March 24, 2016

No Thanks Saudi/Qatar For Poisoning The Minds Of Children; The Educators Of Demented Jihadist Terrorists

There is no end to the trillion dollar wars that are unwinnable. There is no country strong enough, no economy rich enough, that can afford these endless wars. Bad ideas cause or help cause wars, and right now, the world is full of them. Especially the ones left to fester and spread. Hate, bigotry and intolerance are always bad ideas. Wars are not caused by poverty. Most of the world is impoverished and not at war. But everywhere in the world, when people, especially children, are taught to hate, taught to be intolerant, taught to be bigoted, killing and war are sure to follow. What will the future be? Endless unwinnable, impossible to afford wars fighting against hate cults, where when one hate cult is destroyed, another will pop up in its place? ISIS is a hate cult. After it is destroyed, another with the same ideology will simply take its place. When will responsible people start thinking wisely and fight smartly and preemptively? When will we finally look at what the children of this world are being taught, and how the hate indoctrinated child of today is the potential terrorist of tomorrow? George Bush and other world leaders rushed into war in Iraq. If only they took the time to look at what it is so called allies are spreading and teaching children, allies like the Saudis and Qatar, and how the hate and bigotry they are teaching children keep blowing up in the world's face. Children all over this earth are being raised and indoctrinated to hate, to be intolerant and bigoted, by so called allies and so called enemies alike, ensuring an endless supply of mindless, demented, murderous Jihadists.

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