Monday, March 14, 2016

The Cancer That Caused The Demented Islamists Of ISIS Will Still Be Present When ISIS Is Destroyed

If tomorrow ISIS is completely destroyed, the cancer that manifested itself in ISIS will still be present. It will take another form, and there will be another group of demented Islamists that will replace ISIS. Until the Islamic world puts in check its own violence and intolerance, we will be stuck with these wars, terrorism, and violence. Violent jihad, bigotry and intolerance needs to be completely renounced. Jihad needs to be internal struggle only that does not violently engage others in what should be a personal matter. Almost a quarter of the world population is Muslim. It is largely in their hands whether this world knows peace and tolerance or endless war, destruction, death and maiming, which will culminate in thermonuclear war if nothing changes. If that happens, there will be no more Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, or anything else, because people will cease to exist.

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