Thursday, March 10, 2016

Rule By Violence And The Sword-Two Hundred Years Or Less Of Human Domination

People are destroying and poisoning this planet. Humans will not survive even another two hundred years without causing our own extinction if we continue down this path. A world made uninhabitable, with thousands of species already driven into extinction, or that face extinction, cannot still be a habitable place for ourselves. We have to make serious choices. Do we address our daunting problems, or do we indulge our hatreds until the very end and fail to control our violence? Every excuse made to justify violence, including deliberate attacks against unarmed civilian populations, moves us farther away from sanity. Do we cut each others throats until the very end, or do we learn to live with each other and cease to accept, tolerate, and make excuses for hatred and violence? If we cannot control our violence and put in check our hatreds, then we will never conquer, no matter how technologically advanced we become, the problems that will drive us into extinction.

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