Monday, March 28, 2016

The Saudi/Qatar Poisoned Gift That Keeps On Poisoning- Easter Massacre Of Christians In Pakistan

Yesterday on Easter Sunday in Pakistan, at a holiday gathering in a children's park, Christians celebrated the Easter holiday. A bomb was set off, perhaps by a suicide bomber(this has not yet been determined), killing at least 65 people and wounding over 300 people. A branch of the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility, proud of their murderous accomplishment. Who funds and supports the Pakistani and Afghani Taliban? Who was the major financier and supporter of the Taliban regime when it was in power in Afghanistan? What extremely rich nations, made rich by the oil that lies beneath their ground, have spread a worldwide network of mosques, schools and madrases, in which children and people of all ages are taught the supremacy of Islam, the inferiority of the non Muslim, the sub-humanness of certain non Muslim religions, the importance of violent jihad ( waging war and armed struggle on behalf of Islam and its expansion)? The average child in Pakistan goes to a Saudi sponsored school where the "education" is nothing more than the Quran and the Saudi version of Islam. Between Saudi/Qatar on the Sunni side, and Iran on the Shia side, diversity, toleration and moderation in the Islamic world is becoming less and less. There is no shortage of brainwashed people eager to kill, and children now being indoctrinated by Saudi/Qatar on the Sunni side, and Iran on the Shia side, that will ensure many more years of senseless, mindless cruelty and war. It is not enough to seek out the murderous cowards responsible for the Easter holiday slaughter of Christians. We need to wake up to who supports, funds, educates, and even arms, these violent worldwide jihadist organizations.

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