Saturday, March 5, 2016

Those Hard Wired For Hate And Violence-Failing To Face Them

There are serious issues that will never be faced because far too many people would rather expend their energy in hate, anger and the pursuit of violence. There are also people that cannot control themselves. They need to hate, or cannot control their hate. Most people that are obsessive are not violent or filled with hate and rage. But violent, sadistic people that are obsessive can be utterly ruthless. It does not matter what is reality, because they are incapable of shaking themselves from their obsession with what they hate. And if the target of their hate is another religion, ethnicity, race or group of people different than themselves, they will spend their lives doing everything they can to harm and destroy those that they hate. They are incapable of seeing how demented is their obsession. We like to think all people are rational and filled with goodwill. But it is simply untrue. Far too many people want a scapegoat, want an external enemy to despise, and thus the pathologically obsessed hate monger can find a fertile audience. If ever humanity learns to stop excusing, ignoring, accepting or justifying hate and violence, it will truly advance.

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