Friday, March 25, 2016

Statehood And Independence For The Kurdish People

The boundaries and nations of the middle east and other places, including in Africa, were arbitrarily created by former colonial powers concerned with protecting their own economic interests. Rulers, including kings and kingdoms, were placed in power to protect these interests. The world is stuck with badly drawn nations, which have contributed to countless wars. Over 99 per cent of the middle east and North Africa have been given to Arab Muslims. Nothing for the Kurds, who are mostly Muslim but not fanatical Islamist, nothing for the Christians of the middle east except Lebanon, which has now been taken over by Iran and its proxy army Hezbollah, and a tiny state for Jews which is still under attack over 60 years after its creation. It is time to right a historic wrong, and give the Kurdish people independence. The Kurds are at the forefront of the battle against ISIS. The Kurdish controlled areas, now under Kurdish self rule, are one of the few places in the middle east where there is moderation and freedom. It is time for the long standing oppression of Kurds to end, and for this ignored and downtrodden people to receive what they have long been denied- nationhood.

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