Friday, March 11, 2016

Violence, Victim Hood and Entitlement- Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right

Behind every violent bully or psychopath acting in the name of religion or something else is a sniveling coward quick to defend their violence and cruelty, as long as it is not directed towards them. Two wrongs never make a right is a basic truth that seems to have eluded a large chunk of humanity. Let us say, for example, that you think one group of people has oppressed another. Victim hood is not entitlement. It is not entitlement to act cruelly, violently, and out of control, no matter how many people declare otherwise. Almost always the victims of violence and terrorism are innocent people. Violence and terror may please emotionally those that hate, but it is an utterly ineffective strategy that proves time and time again to be counterproductive and harmful to all sides.

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