Monday, September 12, 2016

Federal Reserve-Mandate To Make The Stock Market go Up, No Matter What They Pretend Is Otherwise

                                    To the federal reserve- why not officially declare that interest rates will forever be kept artificially low, no matter what is the consequence, and cease to exist? Or be more aggressive in your present policy of inflating stock markets and real estate, and in punishing savers, renters and others (in the real world, not the fed imaginary world, there is skyrocketing inflation in the rental markets, health insurance and health care) by simply buying stocks.
                                    The potential for a slight rise in interest rates on Friday sent the markets downward. In typical manic depressive style, today it is suggested rates will continue to stay low, and the market recovered dramatically from its depression back into euphoria. When this bubble they are creating bursts, not a single person will be held accountable, just like in 2008.

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