Many liberals like to dismiss the violent passages in the Quran by pointing to violent passages in the Old Testament and other religious books. They want there to be moral equivalency, believing fairness and the need to display open mindedness trumps reality. But it is they who are not being fair, because the victims of Islamic violence are many, and the killing, raping, and taking young women and girls as sex slaves will not stop until there is reform and change in the Islamic world. Millions of Muslims are following the violent, not peaceful, verses in the Quran. Anyone can read the Quran themselves and see that there are verses that if followed lead to never ending war, slavery, rape, murder, crucifixion, amputations, violence and terror to expand Islam and subjugate or destroy the people of other religions. Other religions have had their reformations. Other religions are not following blindly the violent passages in their religious text. Unlike in the Quran, the violent passages in other religious texts are usually descriptions of what god did, not prescriptions for what people should do.
Only in Islam are people following prescriptions to wage war against other religions and ensure that Islam dominates and subjugates or destroys the other religions. The fact that most Muslims do not follow these violent passages does not diminish the fact that enough Muslims do, and it is setting this world on fire. All of humanity, not just some, will not survive this hate driven religious war. Pretending it does not exist may make some people feel good, but it does not help the victims of this violence and terror, which happens to include many Muslims themselves.
Leftist like to excuse and dismiss Islamic violence, because in their minds, all war, aggression and evil stems from an imperialistic United States and west, and everyone else are helpless victims. Their worshiped "victims" are never held accountable, even though Islamic imperialism has conquered much of the world. In the leftists eyes all murder, killing, raping and slavery is acceptable as long as it is not being done by the west.
The extreme right shares the Islamist pathological hatred for Jews, so to them the Jews are responsible for Islamic terror and violence. Weak people need a scapegoat, and so their Jew hate comes as no surprise. Even though there are no Jews in south Thailand, south Philippines, Nigeria with Boko Haram, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and a thousand other places where there is Islamic war and terror, the weak minded, cowardly Jew haters still need to cling to their Jew is responsible for all ills narrative.
With most of the world unwilling to face the intolerance, bigotry, hate and violence running rampant in the Islamic world, millions of innocent people, including millions of Muslims, Jews, Christians, Yazidis, Bahais, and others will continue to suffer. At some point, if we continue down this trajectory, religious hatred and fanaticism will combine with nuclear weapons and it will be the end for humanity.
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