Thursday, September 22, 2016

Nation Of Islam, Selective Concern For Black Lives. Profiting From Hate And Victimization Narratives

                                           When I worked as a cop in what was then the largest housing project in the United States(which has since been torn down), I remember the Nation Of Islam being present at times for proselytizing, but not one single time standing up against the black on black violence that was running rampant and taking the lives of innocent people and gang members. The few times the Nation of Islam staged a walk in a different high crime area, it was always a big media event. If the cameras were not rolling, if there was no media coverage, then this group was absent. One ingratiating reporter from one of the Chicago based newspapers gave this group whatever free, fawning media coverage they wanted the few times they staged a high publicity walk. In the daily battle to save black lives from violence, I learned these groups could care less unless there was something they could gain and if the killing fit their hate and victimization narrative.
                                          Some Nation of Islam members were respectful in their conversations. Others were impossible to converse with in that their hatred for white people, and Jews in particular, knew no bounds.
                                            Hate is a business. Mix hate with religion, and you get inexplicable tax free status and a license to visit disenfranchised populations, like in jails, prisons and some schools, to convert more people to the ideology of hate.
                                              Free speech is one thing, but granting religious tax free status and the unfettered right to proselytize for any so called religious group that espouses hate is plain stupid. Too bad we allow our own throats to be cut.
                                              Promoting hatred, rage and anger, and blaming another race, religion or ethnicity for all the ills in the world, makes a few people very rich, but it does not create self sufficiency, freedom or independence. Instead, it does nothing but create dependency and keeps people dumb, downtrodden and too often brainwashed.
                                               Why hate groups using religion to promote their hate platforms are allowed to flourish is beyond comprehension. Take away tax free status. Take away media coverage and legitimacy to all hate groups including whiny spoiled fools the likes of the rich (rich  from Jew hate, which is a multi million dollar industry) white racist David ( as he travels back and forth to Iran, no different than the American traitors that glorified Nazi Germany).
                                                Real men do not need, and do not use, scapegoats.

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