Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Stupidity And Shared Jew Hatred Of White Supremacists And Their Islamic Supremacist Allies, WW2 Taught Nothing

                                              The large influx of Muslim refugees into Europe has white supremacists in the United States and elsewhere convinced it is a Jewish plot to destroy Europe and the white race. In their demented eyes, white Jews are not really white, even though Jews belong to a religion, culture and ethnicity, not a race, and consist of people of all races. It is the supremacist typical pseudo science nonsense. It was not enough that Hitler's Jew hating obsession resulted in the near complete destruction of Europe with over 50 million dead, and millions more permanently disabled and disfigured from the war, including American soldiers and many others whose lives were ruined in order for Hitler to indulge his supremacist and Jew hating obsessions.
                                                 Humans, the most destructive species on the planet, seem incapable of learning from history, so the whole Jew hating thing is in full bloom again. No matter how many millions must die as the Jew haters pursue their dream of annihilating Jews, no matter how close to the complete annihilation of mankind we may go during this age of nuclear weapons. They would prefer to see thousands die just to see a few Jew dies, and for hundreds of millions to die just to see millions of Jews destroyed.
                                                The Islamic supremacists among the refugees share the white supremacists' hatred for the Jew, as do black supremacists. The white supremacists blame the wars in the middle east and the refugee flood into Europe on the Jews, because weaklings need simple answers and someone to blame. The Islamists among the refugees now in Europe are making the lives of many European Jews intolerable. Islamic supremacists and white supremacists want not only a Jew free Europe, but also a Jew free Israel and world. The white supremacists pretend to care about Europe, they pretend to care about the United States, they pretend to care about the white race, but like their demented dead Hitler, they are slaves only to their demented Jew hating obsession. All societies based on a foundation of hate, intolerance, and religious, racial or ethnic supremacy are destined to self destruct. This is why the Islamic world that embraces hatred, intolerance and supremacy is imploding, ravaged by war and violence.
                                                The nazis, the Japanese during WW2, brought the world to the brink of destruction. Now the world is going in that direction again, and this time with nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, there will be no coming back.

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