Saturday, September 24, 2016

Religions Are Man Made. Faith And Religion Are Not The Same. Religious Wars Are Dooming Humanity

                                               All religions are manmade.  A person can easily have faith but not follow a religion. When any religion insists it is the only right religion, then it becomes the recipe for conflict. When a religion insists it is the only right religion and therefore it is the religion that must dominate and subdue the others, it is the recipe for war.
                                            When people are confidant that only their beliefs are correct and right, and that they are therefore superior to others, it does not come from the righteousness of God or a higher power, but only from the selfishness of a human being.
                                             Religious wars are not survivable in a nuclear age. If we do not change course and become steadfast in resisting religious intolerance, domination and aggression, humanity will be doomed.

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