Monday, September 19, 2016

Resisting Islamic Intolerance, Terror And Violence, Not Islam

                                       War, death and destruction are the outcomes from any religion, or system of beliefs, that consists of one, some or all of the following:  1. Religious superiority and the belief that all other religions are inferior and the people of other religions must be either subjugated, destroyed, forcibly converted, murdered, taken as slaves, or at best reduced to second class status.  2. Intolerance and bigotry.  3. War, violence and terrorism are accepted, encouraged and promoted as the way to expand the religion, resolve conflict and achieve religious and political goals, including in the subjugation of the people of other religions. 4. Deliberating attacking, harming, maiming and killing civilians is accepted and promoted. 5. Casting terror is an obligation. 6. Denial of responsibility for violence and terrorism by always blaming the other side. 7. Using victim hood as the excuse for one's own cruelty and terror.
                                         An author that writes about how to fight against jihadists makes the point that there are moderate Islamic nations that are allies in this fight. The  nations the author considers moderate are full of hate and incitement against certain minority religions. There is no such thing as an intolerant hate filled moderate.
                                         We must stop minimizing the enormous problem of Islamic intolerance, superiority, and jihad (i.e. when jihad is the pursuit of war, terror and violence, not internal struggle), all of which are causing rivers of blood to flow. We need to stop accepting, excusing, ignoring, promoting or condoning the intolerance, hatred and violence running rampant in the Islamic world. All Muslims, Islamic groups and Islamic organizations that reject intolerance, terrorism and violence must be fully supported.  Closing our eyes to the reality that there are Muslims, Islamic organizations and Islamic governments that embrace the violent spread of Islam, intolerance and bigotry towards other religions, subjugation of non Muslims, and the belief that Islam is supreme and must dominate and rule, will not make the killing go away.

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