Monday, September 26, 2016

Nuclear Warfare Is Not Winnable And Not Survivable

                                              In the September edition of a well known science magazine, key questions about humanity's future were asked. One scientist addressed the chance homo sapiens will survive for the next 500 years. He asserted that even the biggest threats, nuclear war or ecological catastrophe, will not completely wipe out human beings. Regardless of the scientist's credentials, how is it possible to make such assertions?
                                               Regarding ecological catastrophy, no one knows for sure the tipping point at which time a degraded, contaminated environment will make human life on earth no longer survivable.
                                              Nuclear war is not survivable, unless it is conducted on a small scale, and even then millions will die. All out nuclear war is not survivable. Too many people are ignoring or underestimating the very real danger from nuclear weapons proliferation. If mankind goes down the nuclear warfare path, it will be the end of mankind.

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