Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Bodies Of Three Courageous Americans Killed While Fighting With The Kurds Against ISIS Returned Home

                                        The bodies of three Americans killed while fighting with the Kurds against the Islamic State (ISIS) were returned recently to their families. These men made the ultimate sacrifice fighting against a genocidal Islamist organization that has raped and murdered untold thousands, and that has taken as sex slaves thousands of Yazidi women and girls, most of whom are still held captive.  These three men looked at the face of evil and took a stand. Imagine the guts it takes to go fight an evil enemy, knowing that unlike being part of the U.S. military, there will be no death benefits, no medical and disability benefits, no benefits or efforts made made if killed, captured, wounded, disabled and crippled. The courage it takes to go on your own to a war torn foreign land and fight with the Kurds, one of the few true U.S. allies in the middle east, against a genocidal enemy.

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