Thursday, February 28, 2019

Passive Policing, Number Games Are A Greater Problem Than Police Brutality

      Police work, especially in high crime areas, can be violent. If police are a cowed force, afraid to do anything out of fear of being sued or of being accused of brutality or misconduct, then all that is left is anarchy and control of the streets by gangs and criminals.
      Police brutality is unacceptable. But so is the hands off cowed police work that is widely supported as the alternative to police brutality. Passive police and brutal police are the recipe for crime. Right now, media hype and political correctness notwithstanding, passive, uninvolved, disengaged policing is the far greater problem. There are many situations that call for the lawful use of force, almost all of which is nonlethal. But when what is lawful is considered what is excessive, all that is left is do nothingness. If police retreat in the face of violence, someone will get hurt. It may not be the police themselves, if they retreat and walk away from the situation of violence. It will be civilians that get hurt. If criminals and violent people run the streets, which too often is the case, and has been for a long time, then no one should be surprised when innocent people become the victims of the uncontrolled violence.
        Police must not meet violence with an equal level of violence, especially cops working high crime areas. Violence must be met with a greater level of force than the violence encountered if violent offenders are to be subdued. A violent offender using fists, for example, must be met with the non lethal force necessary to subdue the individual and for the cop not to get hurt. This includes the use of pepper spray, tasers, and expandable metal sticks. It is not a cops obligation to get injured , disabled or killed just to appease the public or some misguided supervisor that does not understand the appropriate and proper use of force.
       Cops are needed on patrol. They are not needed for harmful and ineffective number games. The purpose of police is not to arrest or generate some other kinds of numbers. The purpose is to serve and protect, and make arrests when necessary in the pursuit of serving and protecting.
       Those on the ground patrolling should not be supporting, on their backs, an army of bureaucrats, paper pushers and unnecessary brass and supervisors. The more cops with their feet on the ground, supervisors included, not at a desk or somewhere else, the safer it will be for cops and communities.
         Effective patrol, by car, on foot, and on bicycle at times, is the bread and butter of good police work. Unfortunately, far too many have strayed far away from this.

How Lori Lightfoot Can Change The Chicago Police Department

     If police reform focuses on police attitudes instead of structural reform, then no reform will be achieved. Whether a police department focuses on arrest numbers and other numbers instead of on patrol will determine the nature of policing and its effectiveness. Lori Lightfoot, reach out to those that know about police number games and why there is a lack of effective patrol.

     Police departments that are clout heavy sanctuaries with layers upon layers of useless, often incompetent upper brass and other positions can also be discussed.

Michael Cohen, Trump, And The Need To Improve Law Schools And Lawyers

     If Trump is everything negative that Michael Cohen says that he is, then why did Cohen work so hard to get Trump elected? What is it about the law profession that attracts some of the greediest, amoral, selfish, self serving people on the planet? Three years of law school - which many think is a lifetime of entitlement.
      Law schools need to change and teach how to be a decent human being. Politics needs to stop being dominated by lawyers.
      Only a person completely lacking a moral compass would work to get someone elected to any public office, let alone president, while believing that person to be a conman.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Venezuelan Misery Is About Maduro, Not Trump

       The crisis in Venezuela is about a brutal, corrupt regime that enriches itself at the expense of the impoverished people of Venezuela.
       Those that defend the Maduro regime try to make this about Trump, not Maduro. This is not about Trump or American imperialism. This is about Maduro. The United States did not create this crisis. Maduro and his predecessor did. Trump's reckless comments and tweets notwithstanding, the United States is not going to war in Venezuela. Those that use this as the pretext to support Maduro are doing nothing more than supporting the continuation of brutality, oppression and corruption.

Will Chicago's New Mayor Reward Politically Connected Incompetents?

     Chicago had a mayor that kept getting elected over and over. He created a patronage army, for which the city suffers from to this day. A legacy of cronyism, unprofessionalism, bloated bureaucracies, laziness, wastefulness, clout, the endless rewarding of politically connected incompetents that permeates every city department, from the police on down. When it was all over, the city had to sell its most precious assets, including metered street parking, for practically nothing to pay for the mess.
      Today the city has an election for a new mayor. Will the legacy continue?

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Smollett And Farrakhan; One Victimized By Victimhood, The Other Shielded By It

          Smollett is a victim of victimhood. He was raised in a culture that values victimhood and that panders to it. A culture that makes a simplistic dichotomy between who is privileged and who is not, often based on skin pigmentation alone. A culture that holds one standard of conduct for some, and a much lower one for those considered victims. A culture with different expectations and standards for different groups.
           Smollett probably knew that if he pulled off what he schemed- victimized because of race and sexual preference- doors would open that never would have opened otherwise.
           Everytime a Farrakhan steps on stage, manipulating and exploiting racism to spin false narratives with the Jew as the most frequent target, he is applauded. Was Farrakhan ever a victim of race, having lived a pampered life that only victimhood, which includes freedom from responsibility, and Jew hate could afford? A hate that freed him from ever having to work a real job, and that brought fame and fortune. Farrakhan gets to lie and promote hate, shielded by victimhood. He gets to travel freely to Iran and discuss openly the evil Jew by himself and his Iranian counterparts, and the terrible United States, on tax deductible trips made possible by the generosity of the United States.
           Smollett manipulated race and hate the wrong way, so he gets to go to jail, if found guilty, and loses more than likely the lucrative career that he had.
           Farrakhan manipulates victimhood the right way, even though he has never been the victim of anything (other than the fact that his skin color places him automatically in the victimhood category, and even though few have lived lives as easy and pampered as his), and thus he gets riches and mingles with presidents.

Friday, February 22, 2019

CBD And Marijuana; Dead End Road For Many In Real Pain

      The CBD and marijuana money train is rolling, and now that big money fuels the train, the narrative is pushed that marijuana and CBD are miracles. There are hundreds of thousands of plants  in the world, many of which have never been studied. Many plants have yet to be discovered. In this age of biodiversity collapse, many plants face extinction. The lure of money from marihuana and hemp help ensure that  money is directed towards them and little else.
       Here is a typical hemp CBD conversation: CBD will cure your pain, help you sleep, reduce anxiety, and if it does not, it is your fault. You did not take it for long enough. You did not use the right brand. You did not let it build up in your system.
       For those that are helped by CBD or marihuana, God bless you. For those that wonder why the miracle plants do not work, do not despair, you are not alone. Marijuana and CBD are hyped up. They will help some (maybe the placebo effect - believe in something and sometimes it will work) harm a few (marijuana smoking, for example, can be harmful to the lungs and more), and be utterly ineffective for many in true pain.
       For those in acute and chronic high levels of pain, CBD and marijuana may very well be another dead end road in the desperate effort to seek relief. Do not believe you are alone in finding no relief, no matter what the hype declares. Wishing CBD and marijuana to be the miracles that many are pushing does not make them so. And shame on those that tell the suffering that their snake oil is the magic elixir.
      Chronic and acute pain at high levels are difficult to live with. Try CBD and marijuana if you must, but if you find it does nothing, do not think it is you at fault.
      Meanwhile, there is so much money behind the CBD and marijuana industry, they will ensure that fantasy and hype rule.
       Here is a true story. A person with a high level of pain tried CBD oil. After spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars, hoping it would work, and after trying different brands by CBD pushers declaring only their product was the real thing, the person bought a high concentrate of CBD that cost 200 dollars. During an acute pain episode, in which the higher than recommended dose did nothing, the person finally in despair downed the whole bottle. 200 dollars worth of CBD at one gulp. And here is what happened. The person became slightly dizzy. Maybe there was a little THC in the bottle. As for the pain. Did it disappear or at least go down? Not a bit.
        Marihuana, still illegal in most places, except for medical marihuana, will make many in true pain high, but will often be another dead end road. Try these things if you need to find out for yourself. But do not be disillusioned if you discover what many in true pain already know.
         People in excruciatingly high levels of pain should not be denied the pain medicines that they very well may require just because there is abuse by other people. High levels of pain can drive someone to suicide. The war against opioid addiction must not become a war against those truly in need. Meanwhile, there needs to be research on better methods of pain relief. As already stated, there are thousands upon thousands of plants in this world. Only a small number have been researched. Many indigenous people knew what plants in their areas relieved pain. Unfortunately, most of these people and their cultures have been wiped out. But that is another story. There is a need to research plants far beyond the limited scope of hemp and marijuana. There is a critical need to save the thousands of species that face extinction. There exists in this world plants that can relieve pain without the addictive effects of opioids. They just need to be found.

The Left's Credibility (Chomsky, Martin, Goodman,Corbyn) Is At The Colombian Border With Venezuela

          The credibility of the left is at the borders of Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela. The Maduro regime does not want to let aid into Venezuela. They hide behind the fiction that they are protecting people from imperialists, when in fact they are starving and murdering people while they enrich themselves. Will the aid get through? Will the left fight to get it through, or continue to support Maduro? Ask American leftists Abby Martin, Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky, Corbyn of Great Britain, all living soft and easy lives without ever having to experience the brutality and oppression that they support.
            As it turns out, the aid was not allowed in and unarmed people were killed at border areas by Venezuelan soldiers. 

Hate, Violence And Bigotry Flourishes When There Is A Victimhood Double Standard

     Victimhood has become a shield that deflects criticism and ignores hate, violence and bigotry when it comes from those considered victims and those placed in the victim class. There is a heavy price paid for such ignorance, born largely by innocent people; victims themselves. The acceptance of hate, violence, bigotry, and the double standard held towards these things, has helped them to flourish.
       All racism, bigotry, violence and hate should be opposed. Opposing it when it comes from some, but excusing it when it comes from others, is pandering, its own form of bigotry. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Real Jew News: Funding And Following The Demented

    There is proof positive that any hate filled man can find fame, fortune and a following by bashing Jews, the world's favorite target to hate and scapegoat.
     Religion is too often used to further an agenda of hate. This man - Jewish born who exploits Christianity to promote his anti Jewish agenda - learned that Jew hate brings fame, fortune and weak minded followers. How else could weak, pathetic, cowardly people find wide followings and riches if not for the need of many to hate the Jew? And so distorted, twisted versions of reality are spun, with the Jew as the ever menacing, all powerful villain. Weak minded followers, eager to hate and blame the Jew for everything, follow demented people, Hitler included, like mindless sheep.   
      Facts and reality do not matter to weak minded people that need to hate. Hate is an extremely hard habit to break. Many people want to believe in simplistic narratives that one group controls the world, and is responsible for all ills and problems. It is easier to hate and blame than stand on one's own two feet and take responsibility.
       The real Jew news is that Jews are a highly diverse people with a wide range of opinions and beliefs. The Jewish faith puts great emphasis on education, learning, and service to others, Jew and non Jew.
       But how can hate be spun, and how can money be made off of that hate, without simplistic narratives and a diverse people made into one evil, monolithic, all powerful entity?
        Demented Jew haters get to profit from lax U.S. tax laws that allow any hate filled person and organization to become a nonprofit. The taxpayer gets to fund these fools.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Pursuit Of Another Ethnic Cleansing Of The Jews Of The Middle East And North Africa

        Arab Muslims drove out the Jews from Arab Muslim majority lands, sending them fleeing for their lives to the State of Israel, where they and their descendents form the majority population of Israel.These Jews lost everything. Their homes, lands, properties, and in many instances, their lives.
        When Israel became a state, Arab armies attacked the fledgling state. Israel won. In the years that followed, Arab Muslim hatred towards the Jews living in their midst escalated. Jews were persecuted, murdered, and forced to flee to the new State of Israel. Things would be very different today had they not attacked Israel in the first place, both for Jews and for Palestinian Arabs. Not once is responsibility taken for the Arab Muslim ethnic cleansing of the Jews of the middle east and North Africa, which gave Israel its majority population.
         To this day, many talk about the Jewish occupation of Arab lands. Not once is it mentioned how Jews were driven out from their homes, and how their lands and properties are illegally occupied by Arab Muslims.
          As long as many Arabs, much of the Muslim world and their Jew hating supporters in the west revel in the narrative of Palestinian Arab victimhood and ignore the Arab Muslim and other Muslim ethnic cleansing of their Jewish populations, peace will be hard to achieve. Jews lived throughout the middle east and North Africa long before the rise of Islam..
           It is not the responsibility of the Jews of the middle east and North Africa, no matter how many people want it, to cease to exist. Arabs, including Palestinian Arabs, massacred and murdered Jews before and after there was a state of Israel. Now that there is a state, many Arabs, Muslims and many Palestinian Arabs believe it is their right to kill Jews and drive them from the land of Israel, just as they drove out the Jews of the middle east and North Africa living outside of Israel straight into Israel.

A Fawning Media's Rose Colored Presentation Of Islam

     A Muslim man was on television discussing how Islam is a religion of peace, and about the charity work he does with homeless people. Charity and helping the unfortunate is what Islam is all about, he declared to his adoring television hosts. A Buddhist, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, etc., would not receive the same attention for doing what good people of all religions should be doing; helping the less fortunate. This is to not to subtract from the good work this man is doing. However, it does not make Islam unique. Helping the less fortunate is a core tenet of  Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and many other religions.
      It has become important to the media to portray Islam as a religion of peace, and that those that believe otherwise are phobic and racist, or Islamophobic.
       Help given to dependant, unfortunate people at the bottom rung of society that pose no threat is not the same as the vitriolic and often violent reaction many Muslims give to those that they perceive as opposing Islam or Islamic beliefs. There is an agenda to suspend reality and believe only that Islam is a religion of peace and that only a small, fringe number of Muslims are violent or support the use of violence.
        Islam can be a religion of peace. But it can also be a religion of violence. Depending on what verses in the Quran and Hadiths one chooses to follow can determine what direction a Muslim will follow. Acknowledging and recognizing this duality does not make one Islamophobic. Violent passages in the Old Testament and in the texts of other religions are used to justify verses in the Quran that advocate violence. But there is a big difference between descriptions of violence and prescriptions for violence. There is also the fact that other religions allow for reform and modification, and therefore people are not compelled to commit acts of violence. An eye for an eye, for example, long ago ceased to exist in Judaism.
         Charity given to needy people that pose no threat is not a high enough standard for any religion. What really determines if a religion is one of peace and goodwill is how it treats and respects the people of other religions and faiths, how it treats independent thinkers in its own ranks, and how it treats human beings considered different. All the charity provided to helpless, dependent people is negated if the same religion is without mercy and compassion towards those that are different.
           True compassion is not the charity extended to the helpless. True compassion is the kindness extended to those that are different and that may even be disliked and scorned.
          Wanting Islam to be a religion of peace and goodwill does not make it so. Only Muslims can make it so. If they choose to persecute religious minorities, wage war in order to spread their faith, punish disbelievers and apostates, hate Jews and certain others, and so forth, no amount of public relations spin by a fawning media will help.

Monday, February 18, 2019

The Hate Many Muslims Have Against Jews And Israel

      The hatred for Jews among many Muslims is a nightmare that will not end well for Jews, Muslims, and everyone else. Hate never leads to a good ending.
      In general, Jews fared better under Islamic rule than they did in Christian Europe. But that is not  saying much. The bar that Christian Europe set for Jews was very low. 
      The history of Jews under Islamic rule cannot be reduced to a simple comparison to the far bloodier history of Jews under the rule of Christian Europe. Islam must come to terms with its past and present treatment of religious minorities, including Jews. Simply pointing out that the Jews had it worse under Christian rule than Islamic rule is not enough. 
       Israel must stop being used as the excuse for the widespread acceptance of Jew hate in the Islamic world. It is simply untrue that this hate did not exist prior to the establishment of Israel. The cancer of hate for Jews is growing among Muslims. Israel is used as the excuse to ignore, condone, accept, or promote that hate. Although Jews in general were far better treated under Muslim rule than how they were treated in Europe, there were times when there were massacres and persecution against Jews. Much of the Jew hate that now exists in Europe is coming from Muslims. Too many, rather than check this hate, blame Israel instead of taking responsibility. The failure to take responsibility, and the effort by some to use victimhood as an excuse to practice hate, only makes hate grow and fester.
       The majority population of Israel consists of Jews and their descendants that originated from Muslim majority lands, and not from Europe. Over 70 years have passed since Israel was created. Most Israelis were born on the soil of Israel, and know no other lands. They know that many Arab Muslims, many other Muslims and all Jew haters the world over want to wipe out them and their small state. Most Arab Muslim majority countries ethnically cleansed themselves of their Jews, driving out a greater number of Jews from Arab Muslim majority lands to Israel than the number of Arabs that fled from what is now Israel. 
        Imagine if Israel did not exist, and Jews were still living in the Muslim majority lands where they no longer are present. Algeria, once independent, denied citizenship to its Jewish population. Jew hate is widespread in Algeria, even though there are no Jews there anymore. Egypt drove out its Jews. Islamists actively persecute and murder the main minority group that is left- Coptic Christians. Many Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese and others routinely demonize Jews on their media outlets. Religious clerics and others often call for the slaughter of Jews. Can the descendents of the Jews from Egypt realistically ever return to Egypt, if Israel is destroyed? What about the Jews of Yemen, who long lived as a second class, downtrodden population? Yemen is torn apart now in a war between Shia and Sunni Islamists. Many children have died from the war and from starvation. Can the Jews that originated in Libya and Iraq go back to those war torn countries, where Islamists vow to kill all Jews, and from where Jews were massacred and the survivors were forced out and fled for their lives to Israel, having lost their homes and property? Can Jews return to Syria, Lebanon, and many other places where Jew hate is rampant, and where Jews will be slaughtered? 
         Even the Jews that lived in pre Israel Palestine faced massacres. The one sided narrative of Palestinian victimhood ignores the Palestinian Jews that were raped and massacred by Palestinian Arab Muslims.
          In the best case scenario, Jews that lived under Islamic majority rule were second class people, as prescribed by Sharia law, in which certain privileges provided to Muslims were denied Jews, and in which special protection taxes were paid. No minority, Jew or otherwise, wants to live in a situation of permanent inferiority to the majority.
          Over 90 percent of Iranian Jews fled from Iran after its Islamic revolution. Although the small number of Jews remaining in Iran are left alone, the Iranian state actively seeks the death of all the Jews of Israel, Iranian and otherwise, under the guise that Jews living in Israel are Zionists, and therefore are to be murdered. Hezbollah, determined to destroy Israel, and destroy Lebanon in the process, does not make the same distinction as its Iranian masters; all Jews are to be destroyed.
          Jews no longer live in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and many other non Arab Muslim majority places. Jews are widely demonized in Pakistan. Jew hate without the Jew is alive and spreading.
          The passages in the Quran that are antagonistic towards Jews are interpreted by some Muslim scholars that are not overt Jew haters to be specific to a situation, and are not to be interpreted as a widespread condemnation of Jews. But even these scholars pander to the widespread view that it may not be okay to hate Jews, but it is not only acceptable, but mandatory, to pander to the hate for Israel.             Islamic jihadists, including Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Iran, and many others, want all out war against Israel.
           Israel, with its back to its wall, and with its population having no place to go, has no choice but to fight to the death if there is all out war. By the time it is over, millions will have died. Millions of new refugees will have been created. Nothing will have been gained. Humanity will show once again that it was led by hate, and hate led to nothing but pain, death, poverty, misery and great suffering.
           To those that need the Jew to hate, nothing good comes from hate. The Jew, once again, (history repeats itself over and over)- is made into a demonied, all powerful enemy that must be destroyed, no matter how many millions die in the process.The Jew is mankind's oldest scapegoat.
            If people really care about Palestinian Arabs, they will do everything possible to promote peace, goodwill and reconciliation between Arab and Jew. They will stop the demonization of Jews, and do everything possible to de escalate the conflict in order that Jews, Arabs, and all the people of that small land can live together in peace. Unfortunately, many people want the conflict kept alive, not because they care about Palestinian Arabs, but because they hate Jews. 
           Muslims and all of mankind must rise above hate if mankind is to survive.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Poland Whitewashing History Dishonors True Polish Heroes

     Before WW2, approximately ten percent of the population of Poland was Jewish, over 3 million Jews. Almost the entire Jewish population was exterminated by the Nazis and their collaborators. There were Poles that actively collaborated with the Nazis to kill Jews. Facing the truth about collaborators and murderers does not diminish the fact that the Nazis also killed millions of Poles. There are documented cases where Poles murdered, raped and massacred Jews. This includes the Jedwabne massacre, where hundreds of Jews were burned to death, and at least 340 jews were murdered. Nazis were determined to exterminate all Jews. This opened the door for any Jew hater in Europe to freely murder, rape Jews and steal their property. Jews that tried to escape to the countryside and forests of Europe were hunted down by Nazis and their collaborators. They were also hunted down by other Jew haters across Europe that freely turned Jews over to the Nazis that they discovered hiding. Other times Jew haters murdered, robbed and raped Jews on their own initiative, knowing full well there were no consequences for their crimes.
      Heroes do exceptionally brave, courageous acts at the risk to their own safety and lives. They are the righteous few that do what most people will not do or refuse to do. They seek to save lives and help others. They are not cowards that revel in hate and that seek to harm, murder, rape, rob and destroy others, regardless of who those others may be.
      The Poles that risked their lives in the face of enormous danger and adversity honour the Polish people and all of humanity. Pretending that there were no Poles that committed evil crimes against Jews is untrue. (After the war, the few Jewish survivors that tried to return to their stolen homes found their lives at risk. Many were murdered.) Whitewashing history is an insult to the righteous few that were true heroes at enormous risk to their own safety. Collaborators, murderers, thieves and rapists are the complete opposite of the righteous few.
      Unfortunately, there are Polish researchers, not Jews, that face threats and harassment for uncovering the truth about what happened during WW2. Even today, hate prevails and people refuse to learn from history. An evil man consumed with Jew hate and an entire nation eagerly following, with many in Europe collaborating, went on a killing spree. By the time it was over, over 50 million people were killed and Europe lay in ruins.
     Honor the righteous Polish heroes that saved Jews. Learn where hate leads. Do not whitewash history.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Which Big City Police Departments Are Professional And Cost Efficient?

     When there is wastefulness, city residents are the ones that pay. Not only financially, but also by reduced public safety. If ever there appears more of a near extinct breed called true investigative reporters to replace the existing pack of lazy sensationalizing reporters (especially in a certain big city), maybe answers will be found as to which city police departments are truly professional and cost efficient.
      Meanwhile, the following can be researched:  1. What is the number of exempt ranks on the department? What are their roles and responsibilities? What is the number of staff assigned to each, and what are their responsibilities and salaries? The basic mission of a police department is to serve and protect through patrol. Everything else is secondary and auxiliary. Effective patrol should include patrol on foot, not just vehicular, but that is a different subject matter. Some of the secondary services needed are essential. But many are not, and may serve no other purpose than to provide some political hack with a do nothing job.
       2. What is the explanation and reason for the existence of each nonessential police unit? What is the job of each exempt person assigned to such a unit?
        3. Are all exempt rank officials and their units held accountable for their time? Do they clock in somewhere? What are their day to day responsibilities? What do they do all day?
        4. Is there a duplication of responsibility between captains and lieutenants? Why are both ranks necessary?
        5.  What are the expense accounts of exempt rank people? What perks do they receive? If they are assigned credit cards, who is it that monitors their expenses to make sure they are strictly job related?
         6. What about the use of unmarked city vehicles assigned to exempt rank officials full time? Who monitors their use to ensure they are not used for personal matters, including for vacations, etc.
         7. In an age when there is supposed to be some level of adult responsibility, and since officers in patrol units are already supervised by street sgts, what is the purpose of highly paid inspectors that serve no purpose other than to write officers up for minor infractions? There are already layers of well paid supervisors, so having highly paid inspectors do a relatively unimportant, morale draining job that sgts already are responsible for is not a wise use of resources. Many things are done on police departments because that is the way it has been done, with no consideration regarding cost and efficacy.
           8.  By doing a side to side comparison of a number of large city police departments, it is possible to see which cities are diverting resources from patrol into unnecessary units. It is possible to see which cities are management top heavy, which is an expensive burden for cities to bear in terms of safety and cost.
           The above are but a few of the things that can be explored. Problem is, in the absence of true journalists, who will do the looking? All police departments need to free themselves of clout, cronyism, political favoritism, unnecessary positions and units. Police departments need to be lean and professional, with a focus on patrol. Police departments should not be sanctuaries for well connected people to hide from work or to be pampered. They should not be bloated, inefficient, needlessly expensive bureaucracies.

The Left Is No Less Bloody Than The Right: Venezuela Now Pays The Price

        The left and the right get it wrong on many things regarding foreign affairs. The United States has supported brutal regimes that supposedly opposed communism. Some of the regimes the United States supported committed atrocities in Central America, South America and elsewhere.
       The left likes to point this out, rightly so. But their hands are no cleaner. They have supported utterly ruthless regimes that also committed atrocities.
        And now the left embraces Maduro of Venezuela. Millions have fled Venezuela. The economy has collapsed. There is widespread hunger, food and medicine shortages. But not so for Maduro and his regime; multi millionaires by stealing from the Venezuelan people. The Maduro regime murders, tortures and imprisons its political opponents.
        The left has a love affair with one of the most reactionary forces on the planet. They are silent about the many Islamic nations and organizations that openly seek to kill Jews, other so called infidels and those considered impure. The left was silent about the recent genocide against Yazidis and the sexual enslavement of Yazidi girls and women by Islamic jihadists that cite the Quran to justify the murder and sexual slavery of so called infidels. Not once did the left speak out about the ongoing ethnic cleansing of middle east Christians, Baha'is and other religious minorities living under Islamic majority rule. The list of atrocities committed by some Muslims, including by Hezbollah, Hamas, Boko Haram, Abu Sayyaf, Al Shabazz, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and more is extensive and long. No matter what the Islamic regimes and organizations say and do, they often find silence or support from the left. And so continues the slaughter in Yemen and elsewhere, met with silence once again. Iran, one of the main countries responsible for the war in Yemen; a war which is causing widespread famine and disease, finds support by many leftists even though Iran is one of the most reactionary, oppressive regimes on the planet.
         The Bush administration lied to the American people regarding Iraq. They made it seem that a madman was about to get his hands on nuclear weapons and needed to be stopped. Many on the left use this war as a way to justify their positions and the brutal regimes they support.
          The hands of the left are no less bloody than those of the right. Right now, the Venezuelan people are the ones suffering from the politics played with their lives. A convoy of food and medicine sent by the U.S. is being stopped at the Colombian border with Venezuela. The Maduro regime does not care how many more Venezuelans die from disease and hunger. Unfortunately, no matter how many more people Maduro imprisons, tortures, murders and starves, the hypocritical left will be there for him.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Will A New Mayor Professionalize Chicago And Save The City Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars?

     Chicago will soon have a mayoral election. Will the new mayor continue with the harm that a previous long standing mayor provided? That mayor loaded every city agency with political cronies, many of them incompetent - layers upon layers of unnecessary positions given to often unqualified people, all in the interest of currying favoritism and securing his power base. It came at a great cost that continues to harm Chicago. In desperation, and in order to pay for years of waste and the high expense of funding cronyism and clout, the city sold off for a song its most valuable assets.
       A good person deserving of getting elected and re-elected in future years, will examine every city department and ensure that Chicago is no longer burdened with bloated departments. A reputable outside agency that has no ties to the mayor, city or anyone else associated with the city, should be hired to clean house. Decades back, an outside firm was hired to streamline and reform the police department. Its findings were never released. The police department is the most expensive department the city funds. Removing waste, bloatedness, unnecessary positions and units, clout, cronyism, political favoritism, incompetents and mediocre leaders from every single city department will benefit all of Chicago and save the city hundreds of millions of dollars. 

Will The Democratic Party Lose Venezuela And Florida?

       Many Venezuelans have fled to the United States, with most settling in Florida. Venezuela has become unlivable for most Venezuelans. Millions of people have fled their homeland, and are now scattered throughout South, Central and North America. It never had to be this way. But it is more important for Maduro and the other power hungry corrupt officials to hold onto power no matter how many people starve, die of disease from the lack of medication and proper food, and no matter how many people they have to murder, torture and imprison in order to stay in power.
       Only a cold blooded ideologue could possibly support multi millionaire Maduro (the bus driver made into a millionaire by theft through public office), a cold blooded man that does not care how many die and are killed just so he and his cronies stay in power. So called leftists, including Abby Martin, Amy Goodman, Corbyn, Chomsky and many others, fall eagerly in line with Iran, Russia, Turkey, Hezbollah and the other oppressive regimes and organizations that support Maduro.
       When Castro took over Cuba, most of the Cubans that fled settled in Florida. In response to Castro's socialism, many Cuban Americans turned to the republican party and conservatism.
        Unless the Democratic party seriously opposes the corrupt Maduro regime, and makes it clear that democratic values are humane and have nothing to do with Maduro's socialism, (and for that matter, they need to reignite the strong support for the only small democracy in the middle east that they used to have, and not be afraid to stand against Islamic supremacism and autocratic Islamic states and organizations that spread violent jihad and religious intolerance), they will lose most of the Venezuelan voting block just as they long ago lost many of the Cuban American voters. If they lose the support of Venezuelans, they will most likely lose the state of Florida, which right now is almost split between democrat and republican. Republicans have the upper hand, but only slightly. Unless Democrats take the initiative regarding Venezuela, they risk losing the support of Venezuelans going forward, the very people that may determine whether Florida is a red or blue state for years to come.

Acceptance Of Violence, Bigotry And Hate By Those Considered Victims

     Bigotry, supremacism, racism, violence and hate is usually only opposed when it fits selective narratives. When people considered victims perpetuate violence, hate, supremacism, or racism, it often goes unchallenged or is justified. Many people ignore or condone racism, hatred, violence, supremacism and bigotry because they patronize and pander to those they consider victims. Others ignore it out of some kind of warped political correctness.
       The concept that victims cannot be abusers should have long ago been disavowed because of the many people that have been abused, tormented, persecuted and oppressed by those considered in the victim class. The idea that victims, including minorities and others placed in the victim class, cannot be hate filled bigots, supremacists, violent, and racist because they are not the primary holders of power is complete nonsense and is in and of itself racist. Even people on the bottom rung of society have power over someone and something. Any human being is capable of bigotry, hatred, cruelty, supremacism and violence, no matter their station in life. When people are given a pass for their violence, bigotry and inappropriate and harmful actions because they are considered victims, it is innocent people that pay the price and that are harmed. 
         A truly progressive society, not the pandering progressiveness that exists now, opposes all bigotry, supremacism and hate, no matter where it comes from.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

White Supremacists And Why They Need The Jew

     White supremacist leaders need the Jew. Without the Jew to hate, they have nothing else to offer their followers. They have no one else to blame. They have no other way of uniting their followers. As long as white supremacists leaders keep their followers focused on the Jew, money will keep pouring in for them, and so will followers. No one will look then at how cowardly, greedy and weak minded are these Jew hating leaders. Focusing on the Jew is the best way for demented humans to make sure no one focuses on them.
      The human need to scapegoat, to have a target to hate and blame for everything, is a powerful human vice. Weak minded people that cannot stand on their own two feet and need to be told who to hate and who to blame for everything are easily seduced by hate groups.
       If a supremacist ever wakes up from the fog of hate, and if it is not too late in their life, they will see how hate is a dead end road. Hate, Jew hate and otherwise, does not lead to productive, responsible lives. It does not bring respect. The phony respect they think they receive from fellow Jew haters is not respect. Jew hate is a crutch that weak people need. Strong minded, brave people are courageous and kind. They are not mindless followers. They do not need another group of people to target, blame and scapegoat.
      Jew haters like to make Jews out to be some kind of all powerful, menacing force that is one glob, in which their is no individuality among Jews. But it is they, not the Jew, that has relinquished their individuality for the mindlessness of hate.

Monday, February 11, 2019

What Farrakhan Gets From The Jew

          The white devil thing got played out, and stopped being a good source of money and recruits. Then Farrakhan latched on to something better. Go after the target that a lot of people already despise and demonize. Go after the Jew. Because Jew hatred is already rampant among many Muslims, and finds support by many non Muslims, Farrakhan realized he came upon a money maker. Demonize the Jew and fame and fortune will follow.
           Blame the Jew for everything, which is what Jew haters do, and people will rally to your side. People like scapegoats and a target to blame for everything. When the scapegoat is made to appear all powerful and menacing, then the person demonizing the Jew looks like a hero and person of strength to weak minded followers. In reality, Jew hatred is a crutch that weak people, not the strong and brave, rely upon.
           Islam is clear that Muhammad is the final prophet. Farrakhan and his Nation Of Islam get to have another prophet after Muhammad, without facing the wrath of many Muslims, because he gives the Muslims that hate Jews a healthy dose of the Jew hate that they crave. The crutch of Jew hate overrides everything else.
           And so Farrakhan gets to rewrite history and blame the Jews for slavery and everything that is evil, oblivious to the dark reality that Jew hate in itself is evil. The enormous role Arab Muslims played in capturing, trading and enslaving black Africans gets conveniently ignored. Slavery was as much a part of the Islamic world as it was part of Christian Europe. Slavery still exists in some parts of the Islamic world.
           But facts and reality do not matter to Jew haters. What matters is keeping hate alive.
          When Farrakhan passes, as we all will do one day, there will be other Farrakhans to take his place. Rallying people around hate and a scapegoat is as old as human history.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Farrakhan, Duke- How To Get Rich On The Back Of The Jew

     It is a tried and true formula that can bring fame and fortune to a leader, especially if the leader is a demagogue, and harm to many others. Unite people by rallying them around a scapegoat to despise. Make sure to build up the scapegoat as an enemy that is out to harm you and the people united around you, even though the reverse is true, and even though the enemy you create most often wants nothing more than to be left alone.
     Demonize the enemy, or scapegoat. Make them seem all powerful. The more powerful you make the enemy appear, the stronger it makes you look in opposing the enemy you created. The more you look strong and powerful, the more people will flock to you and follow you. The more people flock to you, the richer and more famous you become.  
     Scapegoating does not make the people doing the scapegoating stronger. It makes them weak and dependent on their hate and hate mongering leader. History proves time and time again where hatred and scapegoating leads. History also demonstrates time and time again how people excuse or ignore the scapegoaters, thus allowing the hate to flourish. 
     Farrakhan, Duke feed off of the Jew to make themselves appear strong. They feed off of the Jew because they know it brings them attention and more followers. It is a human flaw that people love an enemy to hate, and will flock to a leader that legitimizes and provides that hate. 
      A demented, warped man found that hate, the same Jew hate that Farrakhan, Duke and millions others embrace, and was put in charge of an entire nation with a powerful army. By the time it was over, almost the entire Jewish population in Europe was exterminated. But it did not end there. Millions more were murdered. Over 50 million people were killed during that war. Europe lay in ruins by following a warped, demented man that offered nothing but a scapegoat to demonize, along with hate and racial superiority. 
       People make excuses for Farrakhan. His hatred, scapegoating and racial and religious supremacism are ignored or excused. Some people point out the good Hitler did. Many people do the same for Farrakhan. But the supposed good that comes to some individuals by uniting them around hate never ends well. 
       History repeats itself because people never learn from it. The siren calls of hate, supremacism and scapegoating are too strong for many to resist. Unfortunately, too many people, out of some kind of perverse political correctness, are selective as to which supremacists and hate mongers they will oppose. And thus, Farrakhan gets a pass that his white skinned like minded Jew hating compatriots may not get. 

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Jew, Original Sin, And Why Humanity Will Not Advance

     Humanity will not advance, and serious problems will not get addressed (including environmental degradation, plastics poisoning the oceans, wars, poverty, famine, nuclear weapons proliferation, habitat destruction, biodiversity collapse, etc.), until humanity frees itself of its need to have a scapegoat (or target) to hate and blame for everything.
      The Jew has been humanity's preferred scapegoat. Some Jew hating Christians blame the death of Jesus on Jews. They hate Jews, but do not mind worshiping Jesus, a Jew, or paying respect to Mary, a Jew, and all the early disciples of Jesus, most of whom were Jews. It is over 2000 years since the crucifixion of Jesus. Is there a single Jew alive that is even remotely connected to the death of Jesus? But to the Jew hater, Jews are one monolithic entity, incapable of independent thought and action, and all equally guilty and worthy of persecution. If someone is really a Christian, they would understand that if Jesus is the son of god, which is what true Christians believe, then Jesus had to be crucified in order to be resurrected. Without the resurrection, there would be no Christianity. The Romans, who were the ones that crucified Jesus, were forgiven by Jesus on the cross, who said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do".
        The forgiveness that was in the heart of Jesus did not pass down to generations of people that claimed to follow Jesus, but eagerly persecuted Jews and those that did not accept Jesus. How someone can follow Jesus and yet hate Jews is beyond comprehension. Did Jesus teach hate? Did Jesus teach persecution? He did not. A Jew hater may call himself a  Christian, but no true Christian can be a Jew hater.
          Jews were made to pay dearly for the death of Jesus, which was long used as the excuse to persecute and murder Jews. Centuries of persecution in Christian Europe culminated in the mass slaughter of the Jews.
            In 1948, Jews finally got their own state. The newfound Jewish state was immediately attacked by Arab armies. The Arabs lost. This was the time when Arabs fled from what is now Israel during a time of war. Arabs, meanwhile, drove out their Jews. More Jews were driven out from Arab Muslim majority lands in the middle east and North Africa than there were Arabs that fled or were driven out from what is now Israel. Many of the Arabs that fled from Israel, now called Palestinians, have been kept as refugees by other Arabs. Israel absorbed the Jews from Arab Muslim majority lands.
             1948 cannot be changed. but in the minds of many that hate Israel and seek its destruction, Jews must be driven out and the lands must be returned to Arabs and to Muslims. They conveniently forget that the Jews driven out from Arab Muslim majority and other Muslim majority lands have nowhere to go. They conveniently forget that Arab Muslims and other Muslims ethnically cleanses themselves of their Jewish populations. These Jews and their descendants make up the majority population of Israel. They cannot return to Jew hating places such as Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Algeria, Libya and more. If they did , they would be persecuted and murdered. The rights of the Jews driven out from Arab Muslim and other Muslim majority lands are no less deserving, no less valid than the rights and claims of Palestinian Arabs. Furthermore, there were massacres of Jews by Arabs living in Palestine, or pre-Israel. The Arabs, now called Palestinians, massacred Jews in Hebron, Jerusalem, Jaffe, and elsewhere. Also, certain Palestinian Arab religious leaders aligned themselves with Hitler, hoping the genocide would extend to the Jews living in Palestine. This bit of history is conveniently ignored, because it does not fit the narrative of Palestinian victimhood and Jewish sin.
               Many Arab Muslims and other Muslims, along with Jew hating followers, want an ethnic cleansing of Israel's Jewish population. even though more than 70 years have passed since the founding of the State of Israel. They are no less determined to destroy the Jewish state than were the Arabs that attacked Israel in 1948.
                 For the millionth time, the only way to resolve this conflict is for all sides to accept the legitimacy of the other, and seek peace and reconciliation instead of the continuation of armed conflict, violence and terror. What the Islamic jihadists like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Iran and more call resistance is nothing more than the long standing effort -not resistance- to slaughter  Jews.
                 Nasrallah, Hezbollah's leader, tells the Jews to leave Israel before the slaughter takes place. Leave and go where? Back to Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan? Back to where? Back to a Europe that was the graveyard for Jews, and for which over 70 years have passed with generation after generation of Jews raised on Israel's soil, with no connection to Europe or anywhere else. The massive influx of Muslims into Europe, with many raised to hate Jews, has made Europe unsafe for many Jews.The Jews of Israel have their backs to the wall. Will the world allow for a new genocide? Or will rationality, decency and compassion finally set in where this conflict will be resolved through peaceful means and mutual respect? Until then, as long as the world has the Jew to hate and the Jewish majority country of Israel to try to destroy, humanity will not advance.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Islamic Supremacy, White Supremacy; All Supremacy Is Cancerous

     Islamic supremacy is no less cancerous than any other form of supremacy. White supremacists, black supremacists, Islamic supremacists; all supremacists must be resisted. Unfortunately, it has become politically correct to challenge white supremacy and nothing else. This is its own form of pandering racism from which nothing good will result.

Bombings In The Philippines: Islamic Jihadists Killing for Allah

       Recent bombings at a Catholic cathedral in Jolo, Philippines, took the lives of over 20 people, and injured over 100. The bombings are still being investigated. Abu Sayyaf and the Islamic State claimed responsibility.
      The usual round of condemnations followed. As usual, many claim this is an aberration of Islam, and not Islam itself. But the Muslims that commit terror, and those that support them, think otherwise. They believe that terror and war by any means against so called nonbelievers, or infidels, is not only justified, but is the true Islam, and the example Mohammad himself set.
      The Islamists and Islamic jihadists the world over do not hide their intentions. They make it clear that only Islam is the correct and acceptable religion for the world to follow, and that everyone must either convert to Islam, or risk being enslaved, murdered, or at best become a dhimmi, (which means that in exchange for protection, a tax called jizya must be paid, and that they are not entitled to certain freedoms and privileges that are afforded Muslims. Dhimmis are essentially second class people under Islamic, or sharia rule).
       Islamists and Islamic jihadists, those that eagerly embrace Islamic supremacy, intolerance, hatred and violent jihad, are not going away. The failure to confront this hideous pathology and shy away out of some kind of warped political correctness only makes the matter worse.
       The Philippines is a poor country. Many innocent people died. Many of the survivors of the bombings will be permanently disabled. Who will care for them and their families? Many survivors will suffer greatly as they heal from their wounds. And for what? All because of the belief, held by far too many, that in order to win favor with God, or Allah, jihad, martyrdom and terror must be done.

The Endless List Of Things Blamed On Jews

     Because many people are weak minded and need a target to blame for everything that they do not like, and because Jews are history's most preferred target and scapegoat, the list of things the Jews are accused of is endless.
     Jews steal clouds and snow and contribute to climate change, according to an Iranian general.
     Even though almost every communist was not a Jew, and even though Jews were heavily persecuted by communists, communism gets blamed on Jews by many Jew haters. Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Tito, Mengistu, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min, Castro, and the millions of communists the world over that to this day consist of hardly a Jew, all gets blamed on the Jew.
     Those that hate the Saudi leadership accuse them of being Jews, the worst insult an Islamist can throw. The Saudis, meanwhile, along with Iran, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan, and most of the other Islamic regimes, fall all over each other in their eagerness to show how much they despise Jews and their one small state.
     Illegal immigration gets blamed on Jews. No matter that millions of impoverished, desperate people south of the border do everything they can to enter the more prosperous United States, and probably never heard of a Jew; their efforts to reach the states gets blamed on Jews.
     Slavery all of a sudden was caused by the Jews, according to so called black nationalists who eagerly embrace Islam, even though Arabs, along with Europeans, enslaved millions of Africans. Black slavery by Muslims in certain parts of the world still exists, as does the genocide against the black Muslims of Darfur, all conveniently ignored by them.
      Islamists openly declare their desire to take over the world, yet they and other Jew haters  accuse Jews of controlling the world and trying to take it over.
      An Algerian MP accuses Jews of trying to set up a state in Algeria, a land from which Jews were driven out, and from where Jews were denied citizenship when Algeria became independent. An Egyptian law professor, despite being educated, accuses Jews of wanting to take over Medina and Mecca.
       Jews get accused of causing wars, strike, famine, and on and on. All over the world, wars rage that have nothing to do with Jews, but still they are blamed.
       The list of things blamed on Jews is far more extensive than that which is briefly described here. Refuting the ridiculous accusations is a waste of time. Weak minded people want to hate, and it is hard to take that crutch from them.
       This list would be laughable if the Jew haters were laughable. But they are not. They may be weak minded, but do not underestimate their genocidal intent.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What Maduro and His Supporters - Domestic And Foreign - Fear Most

        The Maduro regime fears one simple thing. A fair election.
        The leftists in the states and in Europe that support this crooked, brutal regime claim Maduro is a man of the people. These misguided leftists, in their comfortable homes far away from the suffering in Venezuela, support everything the United States opposes, no matter how oppressive and corrupt a regime might be.
         The oppressive regimes that support Maduro want what he wants- no election. This way they and Maduro can keep looting the country until there is nothing left.
         The Venezuelan people should be allowed to determine their own destiny. Only a fair and free election can accomplish this.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Jews Driven From Muslim Majority Lands To Israel, And The Continued Effort to Destroy Them

    Most of Israel's population consists of Jews and their descendants that were ethnically cleansed from Arab Muslim and other Muslim majority lands, including Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon and more. Jew hatred is rampant in many of these lands where there are no longer any Jews. It is not enough that they drove out their Jews. They now want to see the Jews they drove out and their descendants massacred in the State of Israel. The Palestinian cause is the pretense many use to hide their real agenda- destruction of Jews. Palestinian Arab terror is openly supported by many Jew hating Muslims and other Jew haters the world over.
     Muslims kill Muslims by the hundreds of thousands, even millions, such as what is taking place in Yemen, Syria, Darfur, Somalia and elsewhere, and barely an eyebrow is raised. If somehow Israel cannot be implicated and demonized, few are interested in how many people are killed or starve in one of the world's many raging conflicts.
     Israel absorbed its Jewish refugees from Arab Muslim and other Muslim majority lands. The Arabs made sure many Palestinian Arabs remain in refugee camps from 1948 until the present to ensure the conflict never gets resolved. It is the height of hypocrisy to speak about stolen lands, and ignore the lands, properties and lives taken from the Jews of the middle east and North Africa. (And this is to say nothing about the Jews of Europe, in which their lands and property were stolen, and almost their entire population was exterminated.)
     What will be the path of the future? A continued effort to demonize and destroy the small Jewish state and have years more of war, misery and suffering? Or will there finally be mutual recognition by all sides of the legitimacy of the other, and the willingness to live with one another in peace?
      Islamic jihadist organizations and nations, including Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, and many more, have made it clear what they want. Far too many in the west and elsewhere are eager to accommodate them.