Friday, February 15, 2019

The Left Is No Less Bloody Than The Right: Venezuela Now Pays The Price

        The left and the right get it wrong on many things regarding foreign affairs. The United States has supported brutal regimes that supposedly opposed communism. Some of the regimes the United States supported committed atrocities in Central America, South America and elsewhere.
       The left likes to point this out, rightly so. But their hands are no cleaner. They have supported utterly ruthless regimes that also committed atrocities.
        And now the left embraces Maduro of Venezuela. Millions have fled Venezuela. The economy has collapsed. There is widespread hunger, food and medicine shortages. But not so for Maduro and his regime; multi millionaires by stealing from the Venezuelan people. The Maduro regime murders, tortures and imprisons its political opponents.
        The left has a love affair with one of the most reactionary forces on the planet. They are silent about the many Islamic nations and organizations that openly seek to kill Jews, other so called infidels and those considered impure. The left was silent about the recent genocide against Yazidis and the sexual enslavement of Yazidi girls and women by Islamic jihadists that cite the Quran to justify the murder and sexual slavery of so called infidels. Not once did the left speak out about the ongoing ethnic cleansing of middle east Christians, Baha'is and other religious minorities living under Islamic majority rule. The list of atrocities committed by some Muslims, including by Hezbollah, Hamas, Boko Haram, Abu Sayyaf, Al Shabazz, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and more is extensive and long. No matter what the Islamic regimes and organizations say and do, they often find silence or support from the left. And so continues the slaughter in Yemen and elsewhere, met with silence once again. Iran, one of the main countries responsible for the war in Yemen; a war which is causing widespread famine and disease, finds support by many leftists even though Iran is one of the most reactionary, oppressive regimes on the planet.
         The Bush administration lied to the American people regarding Iraq. They made it seem that a madman was about to get his hands on nuclear weapons and needed to be stopped. Many on the left use this war as a way to justify their positions and the brutal regimes they support.
          The hands of the left are no less bloody than those of the right. Right now, the Venezuelan people are the ones suffering from the politics played with their lives. A convoy of food and medicine sent by the U.S. is being stopped at the Colombian border with Venezuela. The Maduro regime does not care how many more Venezuelans die from disease and hunger. Unfortunately, no matter how many more people Maduro imprisons, tortures, murders and starves, the hypocritical left will be there for him.

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