Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Acceptance Of Violence, Bigotry And Hate By Those Considered Victims

     Bigotry, supremacism, racism, violence and hate is usually only opposed when it fits selective narratives. When people considered victims perpetuate violence, hate, supremacism, or racism, it often goes unchallenged or is justified. Many people ignore or condone racism, hatred, violence, supremacism and bigotry because they patronize and pander to those they consider victims. Others ignore it out of some kind of warped political correctness.
       The concept that victims cannot be abusers should have long ago been disavowed because of the many people that have been abused, tormented, persecuted and oppressed by those considered in the victim class. The idea that victims, including minorities and others placed in the victim class, cannot be hate filled bigots, supremacists, violent, and racist because they are not the primary holders of power is complete nonsense and is in and of itself racist. Even people on the bottom rung of society have power over someone and something. Any human being is capable of bigotry, hatred, cruelty, supremacism and violence, no matter their station in life. When people are given a pass for their violence, bigotry and inappropriate and harmful actions because they are considered victims, it is innocent people that pay the price and that are harmed. 
         A truly progressive society, not the pandering progressiveness that exists now, opposes all bigotry, supremacism and hate, no matter where it comes from.

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