Monday, February 11, 2019

What Farrakhan Gets From The Jew

          The white devil thing got played out, and stopped being a good source of money and recruits. Then Farrakhan latched on to something better. Go after the target that a lot of people already despise and demonize. Go after the Jew. Because Jew hatred is already rampant among many Muslims, and finds support by many non Muslims, Farrakhan realized he came upon a money maker. Demonize the Jew and fame and fortune will follow.
           Blame the Jew for everything, which is what Jew haters do, and people will rally to your side. People like scapegoats and a target to blame for everything. When the scapegoat is made to appear all powerful and menacing, then the person demonizing the Jew looks like a hero and person of strength to weak minded followers. In reality, Jew hatred is a crutch that weak people, not the strong and brave, rely upon.
           Islam is clear that Muhammad is the final prophet. Farrakhan and his Nation Of Islam get to have another prophet after Muhammad, without facing the wrath of many Muslims, because he gives the Muslims that hate Jews a healthy dose of the Jew hate that they crave. The crutch of Jew hate overrides everything else.
           And so Farrakhan gets to rewrite history and blame the Jews for slavery and everything that is evil, oblivious to the dark reality that Jew hate in itself is evil. The enormous role Arab Muslims played in capturing, trading and enslaving black Africans gets conveniently ignored. Slavery was as much a part of the Islamic world as it was part of Christian Europe. Slavery still exists in some parts of the Islamic world.
           But facts and reality do not matter to Jew haters. What matters is keeping hate alive.
          When Farrakhan passes, as we all will do one day, there will be other Farrakhans to take his place. Rallying people around hate and a scapegoat is as old as human history.

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