Monday, February 18, 2019

The Hate Many Muslims Have Against Jews And Israel

      The hatred for Jews among many Muslims is a nightmare that will not end well for Jews, Muslims, and everyone else. Hate never leads to a good ending.
      In general, Jews fared better under Islamic rule than they did in Christian Europe. But that is not  saying much. The bar that Christian Europe set for Jews was very low. 
      The history of Jews under Islamic rule cannot be reduced to a simple comparison to the far bloodier history of Jews under the rule of Christian Europe. Islam must come to terms with its past and present treatment of religious minorities, including Jews. Simply pointing out that the Jews had it worse under Christian rule than Islamic rule is not enough. 
       Israel must stop being used as the excuse for the widespread acceptance of Jew hate in the Islamic world. It is simply untrue that this hate did not exist prior to the establishment of Israel. The cancer of hate for Jews is growing among Muslims. Israel is used as the excuse to ignore, condone, accept, or promote that hate. Although Jews in general were far better treated under Muslim rule than how they were treated in Europe, there were times when there were massacres and persecution against Jews. Much of the Jew hate that now exists in Europe is coming from Muslims. Too many, rather than check this hate, blame Israel instead of taking responsibility. The failure to take responsibility, and the effort by some to use victimhood as an excuse to practice hate, only makes hate grow and fester.
       The majority population of Israel consists of Jews and their descendants that originated from Muslim majority lands, and not from Europe. Over 70 years have passed since Israel was created. Most Israelis were born on the soil of Israel, and know no other lands. They know that many Arab Muslims, many other Muslims and all Jew haters the world over want to wipe out them and their small state. Most Arab Muslim majority countries ethnically cleansed themselves of their Jews, driving out a greater number of Jews from Arab Muslim majority lands to Israel than the number of Arabs that fled from what is now Israel. 
        Imagine if Israel did not exist, and Jews were still living in the Muslim majority lands where they no longer are present. Algeria, once independent, denied citizenship to its Jewish population. Jew hate is widespread in Algeria, even though there are no Jews there anymore. Egypt drove out its Jews. Islamists actively persecute and murder the main minority group that is left- Coptic Christians. Many Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese and others routinely demonize Jews on their media outlets. Religious clerics and others often call for the slaughter of Jews. Can the descendents of the Jews from Egypt realistically ever return to Egypt, if Israel is destroyed? What about the Jews of Yemen, who long lived as a second class, downtrodden population? Yemen is torn apart now in a war between Shia and Sunni Islamists. Many children have died from the war and from starvation. Can the Jews that originated in Libya and Iraq go back to those war torn countries, where Islamists vow to kill all Jews, and from where Jews were massacred and the survivors were forced out and fled for their lives to Israel, having lost their homes and property? Can Jews return to Syria, Lebanon, and many other places where Jew hate is rampant, and where Jews will be slaughtered? 
         Even the Jews that lived in pre Israel Palestine faced massacres. The one sided narrative of Palestinian victimhood ignores the Palestinian Jews that were raped and massacred by Palestinian Arab Muslims.
          In the best case scenario, Jews that lived under Islamic majority rule were second class people, as prescribed by Sharia law, in which certain privileges provided to Muslims were denied Jews, and in which special protection taxes were paid. No minority, Jew or otherwise, wants to live in a situation of permanent inferiority to the majority.
          Over 90 percent of Iranian Jews fled from Iran after its Islamic revolution. Although the small number of Jews remaining in Iran are left alone, the Iranian state actively seeks the death of all the Jews of Israel, Iranian and otherwise, under the guise that Jews living in Israel are Zionists, and therefore are to be murdered. Hezbollah, determined to destroy Israel, and destroy Lebanon in the process, does not make the same distinction as its Iranian masters; all Jews are to be destroyed.
          Jews no longer live in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and many other non Arab Muslim majority places. Jews are widely demonized in Pakistan. Jew hate without the Jew is alive and spreading.
          The passages in the Quran that are antagonistic towards Jews are interpreted by some Muslim scholars that are not overt Jew haters to be specific to a situation, and are not to be interpreted as a widespread condemnation of Jews. But even these scholars pander to the widespread view that it may not be okay to hate Jews, but it is not only acceptable, but mandatory, to pander to the hate for Israel.             Islamic jihadists, including Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Iran, and many others, want all out war against Israel.
           Israel, with its back to its wall, and with its population having no place to go, has no choice but to fight to the death if there is all out war. By the time it is over, millions will have died. Millions of new refugees will have been created. Nothing will have been gained. Humanity will show once again that it was led by hate, and hate led to nothing but pain, death, poverty, misery and great suffering.
           To those that need the Jew to hate, nothing good comes from hate. The Jew, once again, (history repeats itself over and over)- is made into a demonied, all powerful enemy that must be destroyed, no matter how many millions die in the process.The Jew is mankind's oldest scapegoat.
            If people really care about Palestinian Arabs, they will do everything possible to promote peace, goodwill and reconciliation between Arab and Jew. They will stop the demonization of Jews, and do everything possible to de escalate the conflict in order that Jews, Arabs, and all the people of that small land can live together in peace. Unfortunately, many people want the conflict kept alive, not because they care about Palestinian Arabs, but because they hate Jews. 
           Muslims and all of mankind must rise above hate if mankind is to survive.

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