Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Real Jew News: Funding And Following The Demented

    There is proof positive that any hate filled man can find fame, fortune and a following by bashing Jews, the world's favorite target to hate and scapegoat.
     Religion is too often used to further an agenda of hate. This man - Jewish born who exploits Christianity to promote his anti Jewish agenda - learned that Jew hate brings fame, fortune and weak minded followers. How else could weak, pathetic, cowardly people find wide followings and riches if not for the need of many to hate the Jew? And so distorted, twisted versions of reality are spun, with the Jew as the ever menacing, all powerful villain. Weak minded followers, eager to hate and blame the Jew for everything, follow demented people, Hitler included, like mindless sheep.   
      Facts and reality do not matter to weak minded people that need to hate. Hate is an extremely hard habit to break. Many people want to believe in simplistic narratives that one group controls the world, and is responsible for all ills and problems. It is easier to hate and blame than stand on one's own two feet and take responsibility.
       The real Jew news is that Jews are a highly diverse people with a wide range of opinions and beliefs. The Jewish faith puts great emphasis on education, learning, and service to others, Jew and non Jew.
       But how can hate be spun, and how can money be made off of that hate, without simplistic narratives and a diverse people made into one evil, monolithic, all powerful entity?
        Demented Jew haters get to profit from lax U.S. tax laws that allow any hate filled person and organization to become a nonprofit. The taxpayer gets to fund these fools.


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