Friday, February 22, 2019

CBD And Marijuana; Dead End Road For Many In Real Pain

      The CBD and marijuana money train is rolling, and now that big money fuels the train, the narrative is pushed that marijuana and CBD are miracles. There are hundreds of thousands of plants  in the world, many of which have never been studied. Many plants have yet to be discovered. In this age of biodiversity collapse, many plants face extinction. The lure of money from marihuana and hemp help ensure that  money is directed towards them and little else.
       Here is a typical hemp CBD conversation: CBD will cure your pain, help you sleep, reduce anxiety, and if it does not, it is your fault. You did not take it for long enough. You did not use the right brand. You did not let it build up in your system.
       For those that are helped by CBD or marihuana, God bless you. For those that wonder why the miracle plants do not work, do not despair, you are not alone. Marijuana and CBD are hyped up. They will help some (maybe the placebo effect - believe in something and sometimes it will work) harm a few (marijuana smoking, for example, can be harmful to the lungs and more), and be utterly ineffective for many in true pain.
       For those in acute and chronic high levels of pain, CBD and marijuana may very well be another dead end road in the desperate effort to seek relief. Do not believe you are alone in finding no relief, no matter what the hype declares. Wishing CBD and marijuana to be the miracles that many are pushing does not make them so. And shame on those that tell the suffering that their snake oil is the magic elixir.
      Chronic and acute pain at high levels are difficult to live with. Try CBD and marijuana if you must, but if you find it does nothing, do not think it is you at fault.
      Meanwhile, there is so much money behind the CBD and marijuana industry, they will ensure that fantasy and hype rule.
       Here is a true story. A person with a high level of pain tried CBD oil. After spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars, hoping it would work, and after trying different brands by CBD pushers declaring only their product was the real thing, the person bought a high concentrate of CBD that cost 200 dollars. During an acute pain episode, in which the higher than recommended dose did nothing, the person finally in despair downed the whole bottle. 200 dollars worth of CBD at one gulp. And here is what happened. The person became slightly dizzy. Maybe there was a little THC in the bottle. As for the pain. Did it disappear or at least go down? Not a bit.
        Marihuana, still illegal in most places, except for medical marihuana, will make many in true pain high, but will often be another dead end road. Try these things if you need to find out for yourself. But do not be disillusioned if you discover what many in true pain already know.
         People in excruciatingly high levels of pain should not be denied the pain medicines that they very well may require just because there is abuse by other people. High levels of pain can drive someone to suicide. The war against opioid addiction must not become a war against those truly in need. Meanwhile, there needs to be research on better methods of pain relief. As already stated, there are thousands upon thousands of plants in this world. Only a small number have been researched. Many indigenous people knew what plants in their areas relieved pain. Unfortunately, most of these people and their cultures have been wiped out. But that is another story. There is a need to research plants far beyond the limited scope of hemp and marijuana. There is a critical need to save the thousands of species that face extinction. There exists in this world plants that can relieve pain without the addictive effects of opioids. They just need to be found.

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