White supremacist leaders need the Jew. Without the Jew to hate, they have nothing else to offer their followers. They have no one else to blame. They have no other way of uniting their followers. As long as white supremacists leaders keep their followers focused on the Jew, money will keep pouring in for them, and so will followers. No one will look then at how cowardly, greedy and weak minded are these Jew hating leaders. Focusing on the Jew is the best way for demented humans to make sure no one focuses on them.
The human need to scapegoat, to have a target to hate and blame for everything, is a powerful human vice. Weak minded people that cannot stand on their own two feet and need to be told who to hate and who to blame for everything are easily seduced by hate groups.
If a supremacist ever wakes up from the fog of hate, and if it is not too late in their life, they will see how hate is a dead end road. Hate, Jew hate and otherwise, does not lead to productive, responsible lives. It does not bring respect. The phony respect they think they receive from fellow Jew haters is not respect. Jew hate is a crutch that weak people need. Strong minded, brave people are courageous and kind. They are not mindless followers. They do not need another group of people to target, blame and scapegoat.
Jew haters like to make Jews out to be some kind of all powerful, menacing force that is one glob, in which their is no individuality among Jews. But it is they, not the Jew, that has relinquished their individuality for the mindlessness of hate.
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