Monday, November 14, 2016

A Simple Job Program For The Chronically Unemployed , Disenfranchised, And Those Without Opportunities

                             Simple welfare reform for able bodied people, addressing the chronically and long term unemployed, providing alternatives to the black market gang culture, can be accomplished with a simple, straightforward government sponsored or financed work program based on the premise of the civilian conservation corp. Chronic unemployment is now multi generational. A simple program where people go to a pickup point and are taken to different locations to pick up garbage has benefits on many levels. It is good for the environment. It provides jobs and structure to people that may never find, or have never found this available in the private sector. It is an easy program to administer. It provides life skills of work discipline and more.
                             It will not be cheap, but providing people with alternatives to gang life, to a life of unemployment, to jail or prison, to the black market drug trade, is still cheaper than the alternatives the inefficient, violent criminal justice system offers.
                              Like it or not, millions of Americans need an entry level hand that can be a career in itself. Millions do not have the skills required by high tech industries. Millions lack proper education. Millions are held back by criminal backgrounds. A permanent disenfranchised class does not serve the national interests. We do not need more cannon fodder for gangs and the drug world. We do need people to clean up America and to live productive lives.

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