Sunday, November 20, 2016

Defining The World By Skin Color, Religion, Or Ethnicity; The Inability to Evolve Beyond Hate

                                  Weak people need simple answers and a target to hate. Instead of viewing the world as the complex place that it is, weak people need to make things simple, and what is simpler and baser than indulging in hate? People that know better and should resist hate, too often are selective about who is doing the hating, making excuses for one group while condemning another. While the world faces enormous problems that threaten the survival of humanity, weak people concern themselves only with the color of their skin, or what religion they belong to, or their ethnicity, doing their utmost to make sure that those that are different are excluded and persecuted. And instead of broad basely not accepting hate, those that know better too often indulge their own prejudices by selective and hypocritical morality.

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