Obama promised change you can believe in, and people fell head over heals over the promise. Never mind that 8 years later, it is unrealized dreams. Including how the U.S. pulled out of its commitments in Iraq, having left Iraq and Syria wide open to a group of genocidal Islamists. It is not enough for Obama to claim success because he followed in the heals of one of the most incompetent, foolish presidents that ever came to power. George Bush rushed into wars that to this day have been disastrous for the world. He and his cronies get to rest in luxurious retirements, or in their continued presence in high paying positions, while the world suffers from their lies, deceit, and eagerness to wage war. An eagerness that was virtually unchecked, including by the U.S. corporate media that years ago ceased to be a free press.
Trump made lofty promises of change. He will bring good jobs back to America. He will revitalize blighted urban low income minority communities and provide jobs. Was there a critical examination of how this will be achieved, and if he really had a viable, achievable plan? He promised to destroy ISIS, offering nothing substantive.
We are inundated with commercials and advertisements from the for profit and nonprofit world from the time we are infants. A constant barrage of often misleading information, false, unchecked promises and claims. By the time we are thinking adults, we are already numbed, dumb downed people that believe what we are told if it comes from a source we are conditioned to believe is reputable. Add to that a school system that stresses conformity.
In the nonprofit world, organizations only have to claim to help animals, the environment, to stop cruelty, to help the poor, to help children, to help the rain forest, to help the chimpanzees, to help the dogs, cats, bats, and on and on, and that is enough to separate people from their pocket books. All the while there is a lack of critical examination of what it is these organizations actually do, and their efficacy.
It is a day and age of no accountability. Just feed the hype, and people will eagerly buy it. As long as an organization or person has enough prestige, power, and money, people blindly follow. From the president on down, just say the right words, make the right promises, feed the right hype, and success, contributions, money and even elections are assured.
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