Saturday, November 5, 2016

The War Does Not End At Mosul

                                       People have a way of ignoring and dismissing the worst in humanity until it festers and boils over into war. For many years now oil rich regimes and kingdoms such as Iran on the Shia side, and Saudi, Qatar and others on the Sunni side have been spreading all over the world the most intolerant, bigoted, hate filled interpretations of Islam. The battle should have been waged decades upon decades ago in the world of ideas, long before it became literal battles on the ground. The west chose easy oil over moral considerations, and never made demands to end the spread of hate, intolerance, and religious supremacy.
                                       The genocidal rapists known as ISIS will be destroyed. But the religious indoctrination that creates these sadistic fanatics is not being destroyed and only continues to grow.

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