Friday, November 18, 2016

Islamic Bigotry, Hatred And Intolerance, Not Islam, Must Be Resisted

                                        A significant number of people in the Islamic world are learning religious intolerance, bigotry, religious superiority, the use of terror and violence to achieve religious and political ends, and jihad as the way to expand Islam through war, terror and violence. If the ideology of hatred, intolerance and bigotry is not faced, then humanity will forever be fighting the end product; ISIS like deranged religious fanatics that murder and rape at will the so called infidels and constantly seek to inflict war and terror. Does the world wish to fight these costly, destructive wars and battles, or is it better to start addressing the ideologies of hate and bigotry that creates the hate filled brainwashed fanatics?
                                       No bigotry is acceptable. All bigotry, including towards Muslims, must be resisted. Instead of making excuses for hatred, intolerance, terrorism and violence, this must become unacceptable no matter where it comes from. This means facing up to the harsh reality of Islamic intolerance and bigotry, and resisting it in the same way that all bigotry and hatred must be resisted.

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