Thursday, March 30, 2017

China Destroys South China Sea Coral Reefs. Scarborough Shoal Is Next. Duterte And The Philippines Must Act

     The coral reefs in the South China Sea were of far greater value when left alone than what China has turned many of them into.  These coral reefs, rocky outcrops, shoals, atolls, and coral reef islands, were home to abundant marine life. China, and all the nations that share the South China Sea, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and others, need fish. Not one single human being can eat what destroyed coral reefs produce, which is absolutely nothing.
       When China dredges the seafloors, and pours the sand produced from seafloors onto coral reefs, the seafloors are destroyed as are the coral reefs. The military bases, airstrips, radar stations, and other structures China builds on these artificially created islands will never produce what the ruined coral reefs produced; fish and other marine life. 
         China claims the Scarborough Shoal, which an international tribunal ruled belongs to the Philippines, not China. If China dredges the Scarborough Shoal and pours sand onto the coral reefs, the Scarborough Shoals as an important marine resource and food source for the Philippine people and others will be lost forever. 
           It is irrelevant if the president of the Philippines loves China or hates China, or if he loves or hates the United States. He must protect the Scarborough Shoal. This should start with the clear message to China that any development of the Scarborough Shoal will result in the complete end of business relations with the Philippines. China has many interests in the Philippines- mining, minerals, and much more. Destroying the Scarborough Shoal must not be allowed.
          The people of China, and all the nations that share the South China Sea, need the sea to be healthy. People eat fish. They do not eat buildings, military installations, radar stations, airstrips, basketball courts, or any of the structures people put on once healthy reefs.  

Venezuela; A Cautionary Tale

     Venezuela has abundant natural resources and oil. It is ecologically rich, with diverse wildlife and numerous forests. It was once, and hopefully will be again, a desired tourist destination.
      Poor leadership and corruption have decimated this once thriving country. Educated, professional people are fleeing, compounding the woes. The government targeted political opponents, forcing many into joblessness and poverty.
      Poor leadership and corruption have turned Venezuela into a poverty stricken nation beset by hunger and crime. Environmental degradation and deforestation are accelerating.
     This should not be Venezuela's fate. If only its leftist president, and drug running vice president, would have the decency to resign, or at least change.
      Poor leaders, corrupt leaders, regardless of their political persuasion, ruin countries.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Sad Reality Of Russia And Russian Television (RT)

     An all too common story of rotten leadership....The leaders steal a country blind. While the majority of people barely get by, the leaders turn themselves, their families, friends and cronies into billionaires and millionaires. The people, while being stolen blind, go along like patriotic sheep as their energies are directed towards foreign enemies. The few brave dissenting voices are murdered. The government denies involvement.
      Protests on the streets are quickly put down and ignored by a complicit media. Outside of the country, the state sponsored media spins endless propaganda, supporting murdering and thievery while pretending to be progressive voices. The complicit media and oligarchy, eager to hurt their enemies no matter how much it harms the world, support a fanatical Islamist regime, even though such support goes against their own self interest.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Freedom Of Religion Must Not Mean Acceptance Of Religious Intolerance And Violence

     No one can control what religion they are born into. No one should be discriminated against because of their religion. But at the same time that there needs to be tolerance to people of all faiths, this tolerance should not extend to religious ideas that promote intolerance and violence.

Sbarro Pizza Restaurant 2001 Suicide Bombing. The Wall Israel Needs And The Islamist Arab Woman That Helped Build It.

     In August, 2001, a 20 year old Palestinian Arab woman scouted out a restaurant where a suicide bomber could cause maximum casualties. She accompanied the suicide bomber to the restaurant, where he blew himself up. All of these details can be found on Wikipedia. 15 people were killed. The murdered included 7 children, a pregnant American, and a Brazilian citizen. Everyone killed was a civilian. Many people were severely wounded and permanently disabled. One severely wounded woman, with burns over much of her body, had over 60 nails lodged into her body. Over 130 people were wounded by the bombing.
      Recently the Arab woman was in the news. Even though she was arrested by Israel and received multiple life sentences for the crime, she was released early in a lopsided idiotic exchange Israel made with Hamas. She now lives in Jordan, a country with a majority Palestinian Arab population. Because Jordan is a majority Muslim country ruled by a Muslim king, no demand is made by Palestinian Arabs that Jordan become a Palestinian state. The child killer remains unrepentant and proud of what she did. She is free, which the people permanently disabled from what she did never will be. One woman remains in a vegetative state this many years after the attack. She was with her less than three year old baby, who survived the attack.
        The reason the murderer is in the news is because the United States tried to extradite her on charges of murder for the pregnant American woman and another American killed in the attack. Jordan would not allow for the extradition, so she remains free.
         She brags about what she did. She uses occupation to justify her murders. Occupation is the excuse for psychopaths like her to murder. She wants Jews killed and Israel destroyed, no matter how many Jews and Muslims must die in the process. She believes only Muslims can be allowed to rule. Evil people use religion and politics to justify their evil.
          For those that believe this Israeli/ Arab conflict is about occupation, know that if a Palestinian Arab state were created tomorrow, connecting the west bank with Gaza, and with East Jerusalem as its capital, the conflict would not end. It would be no different than pre 1967, when Egypt controlled the Gaza strip, Jordan controlled the west bank and east Jerusalem, and Arabs were eagerly trying to kill Jews.
            Only a fool does not recognize the Islamic component of this conflict, in which Jews are demonized, and are considered despised infidels that must be destroyed.
             A two state solution cannot work if an Arab state next to a geographically diminished Israel will only be used as a springboard to kill Israelis.
             Every time people talk about the rights of the descendants of Arabs that fled from what is now Israel during the war of 1948 when the new state of Israel was attacked by Arab armies, they conveniently forget about the greater number of middle east and north African Jews that were driven out from Muslim majority lands and forced to flee to the state of Israel, where their descendants now make up the majority population of israel.
              Do the descendants of Jewish refugees driven out from Muslim majority lands go around deliberately blowing themselves up so they can kill defenseless Muslim civilians? Do the Jewish survivors of Islamist attacks go around deliberately blowing themselves up in order to to harm Muslim civilians? Do the Yazidi and middle east Christian survivors of Islamist genocide, rape and enslavement go around and deliberately blow themselves up in order to harm Muslim civilians? They do not. And if any did, they would not be glorified except by fringe like minded psychopaths. Because it would never be tolerated.
               If this conflict was just about occupation, it would have ended already. The world does not want to face the terrifying reality that in the Islamic world, far too prevalent is the belief in the right to kill. It is not just something Israel faces. It keeps conflicts alive all over the world that have nothing to do with Israel. S. Philippines, S. Thailand, Kashmir, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Darfur, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and many other places.
                 For those that hate Jews and Israel and use occupation to goad on Muslims to keep killing and keep this conflict going, it is the height of hypocrisy how so many of them live in the United States, Canada, Australia, and other countries that were created by conquest and occupation. And for Muslims that decry occupation and believe it gives them the right to kill, the history of Islam is a history of violent conquest, subjugation and occupation. Nothing gives Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Yazidis, or any other religion where the adherents of that religion have been harmed by Muslims the right to deliberately harm Muslim civilians. Islam has a long history, no matter how many want to whitewash it, of conquest and killing, starting with Muhammad killing and raping the Jewish tribes people and other tribes people in what is now Saudi Arabia. For a Muslim to believe, backed by Jew hating supporters in the west, that their religion gives them the right to kill, means war without end, and ultimately humanity's extinction.
                  Without the wall that this child killer forced Israel to build, Israel would be flooded with suicide bombers. The fact that this unrepentant child killer and many others think that Islam gives them the license to kill defenseless civilians ensures this conflict stays enflamed. If she were a fringe, frowned upon child murderer, instead of a celebrated child killer that is proud of what she did, there would be hope.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Destabilizing Countries And The World; Religious Violence And Gangs

     A civilization is not defined by its shopping centers or technology. Whether it will advance or decline is determined by its morality, which includes the fundamental ability and willingness to control violence, and not be controlled by it. In many high crime areas of the United States, gangs control neighborhoods. Outside of the states, there are places where gangs are making entire countries unlivable.
     The gang violence in the states is controlled anarchy; where chaos is allowed, inexplicably, in contained areas. Rather than stop the violence, politicians on one side or the other use it to validate their political agenda. One black racist religious leader, who has done nothing in his long lazy career of work avoidance except blame others, and a certain group in particular, exploits the violence in black communities in order to gain more riches and sheep like followers. 
      Hate groups, violent religious fanatics, gangs and guns. And a drug trade that makes criminals, terrorists, and psychopaths rich-  a toxic mix of controlled violence spinning out of control. 
        Responding appropriately and intelligently to religious violence, to gang violence, to the violence of hate groups, should not be the domain of one political party or another. A civilized society does not brush violence under the table, endlessly ignoring or excusing it. Nor does it tolerate the violence. Religious tolerance should not mean accepting religious violence and intolerance. 
            The unwillingness to face violence, including religious violence, is a civilization's death sentence.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Empty Promises Brings Fame, Fortune, And A Presidency

     A number of animal organizations and individuals gained fame and wealth by words, empty promises and useless programs in regards to dog fighting and animal cruelty. Their promises and propaganda go unchallenged. Even worse, people eat up their promises.
     People are easily swayed by the promises of an organization, or by individuals that have titles or wealth. 
     Now we have in the head position of the United States a man that we can only pray is not as thin skinned and unqualified as he seems. 
     What brought him to this position of enormous power? He told people what they want to hear, and people were impressed by his wealth. 
     What will the next four years bring? More riches for the rich? Promises that will never be kept? More corruption in the financial and white collar world? Immigration officers chasing down the hardest working laborers in the United States that are honest, decent people? Health care that will no longer protect millions and that is not an adequate replacement for the flawed Obamacare? Massive military increases that rewards a few, increases the national debt, and makes no one safer? Diminished environmental protections and consumer protections so that we can all increase our risk of getting cancer and lose the little nature we still have left? 
     Unchallenged promises and no accountability are not good for animals or for people.

Trump And The Republican's Health Care Reform; Broken Promises

     A tax on wealthy people to help fund medicare will soon be removed. The republican party, ever ready to defend the interests of the wealthy, will continue to make sure the United States remains a nation deeply in debt. Meanwhile, the flawed Obamacare, instead of being fixed and improved, is going out the window with nothing better to take its place.

Monday, March 20, 2017

No One Is Racing To Save Coral Reefs. A Thin Skinned Leader And The Continued Path Of Do Nothingness

       Despite recent reports, there are no scientists racing to stop the death of coral. Hardly anyone, if anyone at all, is racing to stop the destruction of coral and marine life. In the past thirty years alone, over half the world's coral has been lost. This destruction has only been accelerating. Even though coral reefs are vital for the health of the oceans, including the countless species of fish and other marine life that need coral reefs to survive, even though coral reefs provides protection from weather related events such as typhoons and hurricanes, and even though countless people need healthy coral reefs for their livilhoods and as an irreplaceable food source, most people do not care.
       They do not care about the thousands of tons of plastics and other toxic garbage that is daily dumped or finds its way into the oceans. They do not care about the enormous overuse and abuse of coral reefs by cruise ships and their tourist customers, by developers, by tourism and industry, and by the continued misuse, poisoning and destruction of the oceans.  
        People do care about their religion, with many eager to kill on behalf of their god and destroy entire peoples and the planet.  
        People care about money, their pets, their religions, their politics, their sports and entertainment, their vanity, but something as important to human survival as coral reefs and healthy oceans draws a big blank.
        Every day the trashing and poisoning of the ocean is one day closer to the end of human survival. Every single day means thousands of tons of plastics, styrofoam and other contaminants  enter into the oceans, without anything being done to stop this slow but lethal poisoning. The real wealth of the planet disappears, as the mythical wealth of financial markets accelerates.
        Meanwhile, there is no leadership or direction regarding stewardship of the planet. No religious, political or economic leadership. While millions obsess on how to kill Jews or some other group, while a thin skinned president tweets about nonsense, while religious fanatics and other fanatics race to possess nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, the planet dies.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Democracy Not Now; The Progressive Left's Embrace Of Fascism And Hypocrisy

     The left continues its selective embrace of violence, intolerance, hatred and bigotry. Their hypocrisy strengthens what they say they oppose, like the far right.
      There are evils in this world that have nothing to do with Israel or the west. But if Israel in particular cannot somehow be implicated, the progressive left is unconcerned. 
     Rules the progressive left (and many others) lives by - oppression is bad. But Islamic oppression must be ignored because they have victimhood status. Victims must never be criticized or challenged. Victims are always right.
     There must be equal rights for women, but hugely unequal rights in the Islamic world, including stoning women to death, must be ignored.
     There must be equal rights for gays and lesbians, but murdering gays and lesbians in the Islamic world, including by the state, must be ignored.
      There must be religious freedom, but not so for Islamic nations. They can do as they want, including state sponsored murder for blasphemy and apostasy. 
     Minorities must not be oppressed or discriminated against. But Islamic oppression of non Muslim minorities must be ignored.
      Genocide, mass rape, and mass murder must be ignored if it is in the Islamic world, or if it is black on black genocide, such as what has been occurring  in the Congo, or if it is Arab against black genocide, such as in Darfur.
     Islamic nations do not have to be democratic. They can be oppressive, religious theocracies. As long as they are not Jews, they can do whatever they want.
      Islamic imperialism, war mongering and aggression must be ignored. Only western imperialism and warmongering can be attacked.
       Regarding Israel, the only acceptable narrative is that it is an oppressive, occupying nation. No mention must be made that the small Jewish state, on a small piece of land, is in the midst of a giant Islamic sea where hundreds of millions of Muslims want nothing more than to kill Jews. This is not a paranoid statement. It is the openly stated aspiration that the smallest amount of research easily uncovers. No mention can be made that Israel itself is a democratic state with religious freedom.
        No mention can be made of the hundreds of thousands of Jews that were driven out from Arab Muslim majority lands in the middle east and North Africa, and forced to flee to the state of Israel. The descendants of these Jews from the middle east and North Africa now make up Israel's majority population. Only Palestinian Arab refugees can be spoken about. Jewish refugees from Arab and other majority Islamic nations must be ignored. 
         Demonizing Israel is politically correct. Criticizing Palestinian Arabs or other Arabs or Muslims is racist and not politically correct. 
         Jew hatred is acceptable. Bigotry is selectively acceptable.
         Only the faults of Israel can be spotlighted. No spotlight can be cast on Islamic nations, especially if they are anti west. 
         When Stalin was mass murdering, the left were cheerleaders, refusing to believe reports of what really was taking place in the Soviet Union. It was not the workers paradise the left imagined. 
          The progressive left remains hypocritical in their denunciations of racism, bigotry, and violence, and in their selective, exclusionary quest to end oppression. Insufferable leftists have made enormous contributions to human suffering.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Magical Scientists And The Fight To Save Coral Reefs

       A news report declared that scientists are racing to save the last of the coral reefs. No mention was made regarding what they actually accomplish. The use of the word scientists elicits elitist worshipping instincts and an assumption that because they are scientists, they must be saving the day.
         In an area where there are a rare species of coastal dolphins, scientists from a conservation organization monitor, study and count the dolphins. Meanwhile, daily the area gets further degraded, including by plastic and other trash that enters into the ocean. The dolphins and health of the habitat continues to decline. Blind faith in scientists (and their studies) or in an organization allows accountability and efficacy to be thrown out the window. 
         There are no magical people saving coral reefs, rainforests, wildlife and the oceans. It is not that easy. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Jew Hating Obsession Keeps The World Washed In Blood

     The need for a scapegoat, an enemy to hate, despise and blame for everything, has helped keep this world washed in blood. The Jew remains the world's preferred scapegoat. While the world focuses on the Jew and Israel, most everything else gets excused or ignored. Eyes are shut to Syria, Congo, Iraq, Yemen, Darfur, Afghanistan, Somalia, S. Thailand, Kashmir, S. Philippines, Libya, and a thousand other places. All eyes focused on Israel has been the excuse to ignore real genocide and mass murder, as well as child marriage, torture, religious minority oppression, and other injustice. A scapegoat frees people and nations from responsibility. In regards to the Israelis and Palestinian Arabs, the demonization of Israel keeps that conflict inflamed, and ensures war and suffering, not peace, prevails.
       The Jew hater will ramble on endlessly about the alleged crimes of the Jew and Israel, displaying a pretend hypersensitivity and concern for human life. But if the Jew or Israel are not involved, there is complete unconcern. No matter how many people are murdered, no matter how many women and children are raped, no matter how many people are tortured and oppressed, it means nothing to the Jew hater. If murder, torture, rape and genocide cannot be used as propaganda against the Jew, they could care less what happens to other humans. And if it the Jew that is murdered, they rejoice.
       While the world faces nuclear proliferation and serious environmental problems, poverty, wars, and enormous human suffering, the weak minded Jew haters do nothing except indulge their pathological obsession. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Should You Use Soap Containing Triclocarban Or Triclosan Antibacterial Agents?

    It has been proven that regular soap is as effective, or even more effective, than antibacterial soaps. If you care about your own health, then learn how these antibacterial agents adversely affect people and the environment, including how they make their way into the waterways and tissues of fish and other marine life and work their way up the foodchain. Simple internet searches will reveal a lot.

British Cruise Ship Damages One Of Indonesia's Most Pristine Coral Reefs

     A ship from a British cruise ship company recently damaged one of Indonesia's most pristine coral reefs at Raja Ampat. Rather than wait for high tide, the ship was removed by a tugboat, which caused even more damage to the reef. The cruise ship industry continues to be one of coral reefs' worst nightmares. (Refer to previous blog). Ironically, it was reported that the ship was coming from a bird watching expedition.

Cruise Ships And Coral Reef Destruction. A Simple Plan To Save Shallow Water Coral Reefs

     Even though coral reefs are necessary for the survival of a high percentage of fish and other marine life, even though hundreds of millions of people depend on healthy reefs for their livelihood and food, and even though coral reefs provide protection from typhoons, hurricanes and other weather related events, they are still being destroyed at alarming rates. Changes in ocean temperature and acidity, pollution, plastics and other garbage are already wreaking havoc.
      With so much pressure and damage already being done to coral, there are concrete steps that must immediately be taken to protect what is left. Restrict swimming, snorkeling and fishing in all areas where there are shallow water coral reefs. Most near shore coral reefs in shallow waters are already dead or damaged beyond repair by human activity. People walking and stepping on coral, boating, fishing, and anchoring boats on coral reefs, collecting coral, swimming on coral and hitting coral with their fins, hands or feet, and raising sediment by all of these activities, have done irreparable damage..
        The cruise ship industry now takes thousands, even millions of people to coral reef locations and exotic islands, taking no responsibility for what these people do at these destinations. The industry must take responsibility for ensuring that wherever they take people, the coral reefs are adequately protected. In days past, distant reefs might have had a few adventure tourists swimming on the reefs. Thanks to the cruise ship industry, now thousands of people make their way to the same destinations. Many coral reefs have died or are dying from this assault.
          All coral reefs in shallow waters must be protected while there is still time. This means restricting human activity. Water trails can be created, as they have been already in some protected coral reefs, where people follow trails that lead around the coral reefs, not on top of them.
           No longer allowing unlimited access to shallow coral reefs will ensure these coral reefs have a chance of surviving. Having local people work as wardens to protect coral reefs will provide employment. Coral reefs are a huge tourist draw. It is in the interest of the cruise ship industry to see that they are here for future generations to see. Big monied conservation and animal/wildlife organizations can also help pay for coral reef protection and in the hiring of wardens. The money this will cost them pales in comparison to the money they pay in executive salaries and in their self promotion and marketing. Coral reef protection can also be funded by entrance fees to coral reef areas.
              Coral reefs are a rare and dying asset. More precious and colorful than jewelry and gold, but not nearly as valued. Unlike jewelry and gold, coral reefs are vital to the health of humans, marine life and the oceans.

Carlos The Jackal Pig On Trial In France- When Revolutionary And Religious Causes Give Shield To Murdering Cowards

     Carlos The Jackal pig fancied himself a revolutionary. This gave him the shield to do what this miserable coward really fancied - murder. For a number of years, innocent civilians suffered from this man's enjoyment of murder. Too often religious and revolutionary causes are the magnets that draws psychopathic misfits, giving them legitimacy to commit murder that neither they, nor the religious or revolutionary cause, should ever have. Psychopathic misfit cowards gravitate towards terror, and as long as terrorism remains socially and religiously acceptable and promoted by many, these pathological misfits will keep killing.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Jordanian Murderer Of 7 School Children Receives Hero's Welcome

     A Jordanian soldier shot and killed 7 Israeli school girls that were on a school field trip, and wounded 7 others in 1997. The girls were 13 and 14 years old. Jordan released the man today, after he served 20 years in prison. He is without remorse, and received a hero's welcome.
      Regardless if someone likes or hates Israelis, Jews, or any other group, the deliberate killing of unarmed children can never be justified. But there are those that try. For this cowardly Jordanian child killer, now a hero in his village for killing Jews, a new low gets set again.
       The only thing that keeps Israelis from being exterminated is a strong army and separation from their enemies. If Jew killing continues to be socially accepted and encouraged by many Arab Muslims and others in the Muslim world, along with non Muslim Jew haters, then it will not matter if there is a two state solution, a one state solution, or occupation; nothing will end this conflict. If tomorrow a Palestinian Arab state is established on the west bank, with a link to Gaza, and with East Jerusalem as its capital, territory that was in the hands of Arabs prior to 1967 and that was used to attack Israel, there will still not be peace. Not as long as the deep, pathological hatred for Jews persists, along with the inability of far too many in the Islamic world to accept the people of other religions as fellow human beings and brothers in humanity.
        Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, or anyone that in cold blood deliberately shoots to death unarmed, innocent school children, deserves more than 20 years in prison. The fact that a child murderer received a hero's welcome upon his release is not a hopeful sign for the future.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Phony No Kill, Pets Must Be Saved Movement

     Are the organizations and movement behind "no kill" really saving and valuing the lives of pets?   Let us look at one large, major city in the United States where the movement is strong.
1. The city animal care and control facility has one of the lowest ratios of animal control officers to its population. This means most dogs and cats on the streets end up dead or wounded, especially in the high crime, resource poor large low income sections of the city. Few animal control officers means few animals are removed from the streets and that many calls to the city regarding stray and injured animals are responded to in an untimely manner. 
2. The city euthanasia rate may be lowered, but that is because dogs and cats are dying on the streets out of sight, out of mind. Is it humane to ignore the fundamental responsibility of removing dogs and cats from the streets, many of which are sick, wounded (hit by cars, wounded by people, etc.) diseased, or even dangerous, and to let many of these animals die on the streets? Fewer animals removed from the streets results in lower euthanasia rates, allowing success to be declared. Is that the kind of success that someone that truly cares about animals wants?
3. The very powerful, well funded, politically connected "no kill" animal organizations sweep through the city facility, removing many highly adoptable animals. These are animals that would be adopted if simply left in the city facility. Meanwhile, difficult to adopt animals are often left behind. The more animals the "no kill" organizations adopt out, the more potential lifetime donors these organizations accumulate. (It is an example of money going to money, in that a number of these organizations already are hugely funded and wealthy).
4. Difficult to adopt dogs and cats can be returned to the city facility, so that if the animals are euthanized, the "no kill" organizations can still claim to be no kill.
5. Thousands upon thousands of calls made to 911 (police) regarding dog fighting and animal cruelty receive a poor response, resulting in enormous suffering. When brought to the attention of a number of these organizations (along with animal organizations that claim to fight animal cruelty) it became clear that if they could not manipulate anti animal cruelty and dogfighting sentiment for their own gain, they were not interested.  
6. Pressure from the no kill movement to not euthanize has contributed to filthy, miserable, overcrowded conditions and animal hoarding across the country.
     Is it moral to focus on the fate of a very tiny number of dogs and cats to the exclusion of all the other animals, including dogs and cats? Is it ethical to have so much wealth and money flow to these organizations in light of the serious environmental problems and high levels of human and animal suffering that exist in this world? 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

ISIS Genocide And Crimes Against The Yazidis And Religious Minorities Must Raise Difficult Questions

     The first priority regarding the Yazidis must be to free all the Yazidi women and children that have been taken as slaves by ISIS Islamists. Religious minorities the world over need to be better protected. After the holocaust, the world declared over and over that genocide, religious persecution and mass murder would no longer be allowed. And yet these promises proved empty.
      Difficult questions need to be asked regarding the genocide against middle east Christians and Yazidis of the middle east. 
       What is it that drew Muslims from around the world to join ISIS? What is the theological basis that gives these Muslim men and women the belief that they have the right to enslave, rape and murder people they consider non believers or infidels? Why did the world not intervene to stop the genocide? Why is so little being done to free the Yazidi women and children still held as slaves?
         Even after ISIS is long defeated, ISIS type groups will still be around and will keep reappearing. Thousands of children are indoctrinated daily into believing in Islamic supremacy, bigotry and hatred towards other religions, and in the right to commit war, violence and terror in order to spread the interpretations of Islam they are being taught.. 
         Religious tolerance does not mean acceptance of the religious intolerance, hatred and bigotry of anyone.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Amal Clooney At The UN Regarding The Yazidi Genocide

     Amal Clooney spoke at the UN, citing the critical need to preserve evidence of the genocide against the Yazidi people by ISIS Islamists, and to prosecute those responsible. What is most important right now is that there is a concerted effort to free the thousands of Yazidi women and young girls held as slaves by ISIS Islamists These unfortunate women and children are being raped and tortured daily. ISIS attacked Yazidi villages. They destroyed villages and committed mass murder. They took young girls and women as slaves. ISIS believes that Islamic law gives them the right to murder, rape, and make slaves of the Yazidis.
      Freeing the Yazidi women and children from their slavery, torture and horrific sexual abuse should be of the highest priority at the all too often useless and impotent UN and what remains of the civilized world.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Future If The Environment Is Not Protected

         Whales and dolphins will wash ashore, their insides filled with plastic bags or other plastic materials, or from a different human inflicted harm. Sea turtle and seabird populations will crash, as will most marine life. The oceans will be too filled with plastic material and other contaminants, too damaged to support the abundance of marine life necessary to sustain a human population now over 7 billion (and soon to be over 9 billion). Already over 90 per cent of the large fish in the oceans are gone.
         Good agricultural land will keep being destroyed to make way for development. Countries that export rice or other food stables will continue to have their populations increase while their ability to feed their own populations decreases. 
         Rainforests will continue to disappear. Wildlife will continue its rapid decline, especially most large species. Mangroves, coral reefs and other invaluable habitats will continue to be lost.
         Billions of people will barely be able to survive in an increasingly impoverished, polluted and degraded world.
         People and countries will continue to be at each other's throat, completely ignoring the pending environmental disaster as they indulge themselves in their hatreds. Militaries and military based industries will continue to expand and be enriched, even as the world becomes depleted. 
         People will not be able to put aside their religious and political differences in order to adequately address the disasters. 
         Technology, academia, and religion will continue existing in a dream world detached from the degradation and deterioration.
         Nuclear weapons will be evermore present, with the world just one lunatic leader or fanatic away from a nuclear holocaust.  
         Weak minded people ever in need of a scapegoat will continue to blame the Jew or another group for everything, as their numbers of like minded weaklings swell.  
          Everyday there are more wounds inflicted upon the planet. Everyday thousands of tons of plastics, styrofoam and other contaminants make their way into the oceans. Every day more wildlife and habitat are lost. Everyday the world becomes a more polluted, poisoned place. 
          It will be a bleak future if nothing changes for the better.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Animal Welfare Should Never Be Separate From Child Welfare

     The more children are raised to be kind, compassionate and brave, not only will it be a far better world, but the less there will be of animal cruelty and all cruelty. Concern for animals should never be detached from concern for children.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Role Of Many Animal Lovers And Activists In Keeping Alive Animal Cruelty

     If the day ever comes when many animal activists and animal lovers put the welfare of animals ahead of their own need to feel good, things will change for the better. If ever the day comes when concern for animals becomes less like a mindless cult, things will change for the better. If ever the day comes when the obsession ends regarding the so called rescue of tiny numbers of dogs and cats, to the exclusion of the welfare of over 99 per cent of all other dogs, cats and other animals, things will change for the better. If ever the day comes in which greedy, selfish people and organizations do not make fortunes and build careers on the backs of suffering animals, things will change for the better. Until then, animal cruelty and dogfighting will continue as rarely enforced crimes. Many animal organizations will continue to exploit animal suffering. Animal cruelty and dogfighting will continue and increase, as will the pain and misery.

Dog Fighters And Animal Abusers And The Animal Organizations That Help Them

     Animal cruelty and dogfighting are common, frequent occuring crimes that are rarely enforced and remain largely off the radar of law enforcement. (Token forces, whether by police or private animal organizations, are a public relations show, and do far more harm than good. They free broader law enforcement from taking responsibility, and help make it incredibly easy for dog fighters and other animal abusers to never get caught. In the case of private animal organizations investigating these crimes, usually without police powers, they often accomplish nothing more than provide dog fighters and animal abusers with an opportunity to realize they have been discovered and move their animals elsewhere. Also, dogfighters and animal abusers do not follow the set schedule of these token, ineffective and often harmful forces.)
       Minimal to no law enforcement of dogfighting and animal cruelty benefits these animal organizations. The weaker law enforcement appears, the stronger these organizations come across. In this way, people continue to send them donations and support. These organizations help ensure that almost every single dog fighter and animal abuser will never get caught. The few dramatic cases of severely abused animals that get publicized give the perception that the worst of the abuse is stopped. Far from it. Almost every single animal that is severely abused will never be helped or rescued, and the offenders that fight and abuse animals will almost never get caught because of the continued dysfunctional lack of an appropriate, broad based police response, and from the widespread continued exploitation of these crimes.
        To the animal organization that claims to be doing something about animal cruelty and/or dog fighting, from one who has spent decades futilely fighting against dog fighting and animal cruelty, the lack of a proper police response, and the exploitation of these crimes by animal organizations, have the decency to finally open this up to public scrutiny and debate.
         Because animals cannot speak, because they are voiceless and vulnerable, they continue to be exploited by the very people and organizations that claim to speak on their behalf.

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Stock Market As A Source Of Complacancy

     A financial analyst made an argument that complacency contributes to the sluggish economic growth that the United States has been experiencing. He gave an explanation as to where this complacency comes from, which did not include the below.
      Perhaps complacency is also caused by policies to inflate stock markets and make the value of saving worthless. What is the value of work, or of taking chances to create businesses, when governments and others have made it clear that the quickest, easiest, labor free road to riches is the stock market? A post crash generation has grown up learning that stock markets always go up, and it is the easiest way to make money with minimal effort. Why work hard when all one has to do is attach himself or herself to the mother of all breast milk, the worldwide stock market casino?
       Entire industries and jobs revolve around the production of nothing other than moving money around, whether it is in gold or financial markets. The value of labor keeps getting diminished, and increasingly relegated to an undocumented worker underclass that is now being made more vulnerable and helpless than ever. Speculators get rewarded, and laborers punished. This will not endlessly continue to be without consequences.
        Some smart financial experts advise long term investing in low cost index mutual funds or etfs that track the markets (a strategy that beats most actively managed funds and advisers at far lower cost). Young people can ride out any market downturns. For older folks, if this continuing meteoric stock market rise is a bubble waiting to burst, driven by recklessness, they may not live long enough to recover from the blow.

Demented Leaders, Masters At Distortion and Deception

     There are demented leaders that many people follow like sheep or willing slaves. These demented leaders exploit evil and injustice in order to justify their own evil and hate. They decry past and present injustices, but not because they care about justice. Demented leaders lie, incite, twist, distort, falsely claim to speak truth to power, because they know that by rallying people around an enemy, someone or some group to hate, they will win fame, fortune, power and adulation.
     Demented leaders come from all races. They are masters at nurturing hate, nurturing bigotry, creating targets and scapegoats. They keep the spotlight on someone else, never on themselves. Who are these demented leaders? It is easy to name names, but what is the point? When they die - these demented folk that imagine themselves larger than life- others simply take their place. While they live, they spread poison like water, finding no shortage of people eager to lap it up.

The Stock Market Is Not A True Measure Of Wealth

     The stock market does not reflect the real wealth of the world, which includes the health of the environment, upon which all people depend.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, just one example of the daily deterioration and loss of wealth is the unaddressed disaster of thousands of tons of non biodegradable plastics, styrofoam, and other contaminants and poisons that enter daily into the oceans. Every single day is another assault that deteriorates the health of this planet.
       The stock market does not consider environmental deterioration, pollution, habitat loss, rainforest destruction, wildlife decimation, the daily destruction of the oceans by garbage, trawlers scraping ocean floors and other destructive fishing practices, and much more.
         The stock market does not consider nuclear proliferation, religious fanaticism, hatred and violence, or other looming threats. World poverty does not faze the markets.
          If the policies that ensure savers get punished, speculators get rewarded, workers continue to get little, ends up being nothing but one big bubble that causes a recession or worse when burst, no one will accept responsibility. Meanwhile, real wealth continues to decline, regardless of  how high the euphoric stock market rises.