Thursday, March 16, 2017

Magical Scientists And The Fight To Save Coral Reefs

       A news report declared that scientists are racing to save the last of the coral reefs. No mention was made regarding what they actually accomplish. The use of the word scientists elicits elitist worshipping instincts and an assumption that because they are scientists, they must be saving the day.
         In an area where there are a rare species of coastal dolphins, scientists from a conservation organization monitor, study and count the dolphins. Meanwhile, daily the area gets further degraded, including by plastic and other trash that enters into the ocean. The dolphins and health of the habitat continues to decline. Blind faith in scientists (and their studies) or in an organization allows accountability and efficacy to be thrown out the window. 
         There are no magical people saving coral reefs, rainforests, wildlife and the oceans. It is not that easy. 

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