Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Jew Hating Obsession Keeps The World Washed In Blood

     The need for a scapegoat, an enemy to hate, despise and blame for everything, has helped keep this world washed in blood. The Jew remains the world's preferred scapegoat. While the world focuses on the Jew and Israel, most everything else gets excused or ignored. Eyes are shut to Syria, Congo, Iraq, Yemen, Darfur, Afghanistan, Somalia, S. Thailand, Kashmir, S. Philippines, Libya, and a thousand other places. All eyes focused on Israel has been the excuse to ignore real genocide and mass murder, as well as child marriage, torture, religious minority oppression, and other injustice. A scapegoat frees people and nations from responsibility. In regards to the Israelis and Palestinian Arabs, the demonization of Israel keeps that conflict inflamed, and ensures war and suffering, not peace, prevails.
       The Jew hater will ramble on endlessly about the alleged crimes of the Jew and Israel, displaying a pretend hypersensitivity and concern for human life. But if the Jew or Israel are not involved, there is complete unconcern. No matter how many people are murdered, no matter how many women and children are raped, no matter how many people are tortured and oppressed, it means nothing to the Jew hater. If murder, torture, rape and genocide cannot be used as propaganda against the Jew, they could care less what happens to other humans. And if it the Jew that is murdered, they rejoice.
       While the world faces nuclear proliferation and serious environmental problems, poverty, wars, and enormous human suffering, the weak minded Jew haters do nothing except indulge their pathological obsession. 

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