Saturday, March 4, 2017

Dog Fighters And Animal Abusers And The Animal Organizations That Help Them

     Animal cruelty and dogfighting are common, frequent occuring crimes that are rarely enforced and remain largely off the radar of law enforcement. (Token forces, whether by police or private animal organizations, are a public relations show, and do far more harm than good. They free broader law enforcement from taking responsibility, and help make it incredibly easy for dog fighters and other animal abusers to never get caught. In the case of private animal organizations investigating these crimes, usually without police powers, they often accomplish nothing more than provide dog fighters and animal abusers with an opportunity to realize they have been discovered and move their animals elsewhere. Also, dogfighters and animal abusers do not follow the set schedule of these token, ineffective and often harmful forces.)
       Minimal to no law enforcement of dogfighting and animal cruelty benefits these animal organizations. The weaker law enforcement appears, the stronger these organizations come across. In this way, people continue to send them donations and support. These organizations help ensure that almost every single dog fighter and animal abuser will never get caught. The few dramatic cases of severely abused animals that get publicized give the perception that the worst of the abuse is stopped. Far from it. Almost every single animal that is severely abused will never be helped or rescued, and the offenders that fight and abuse animals will almost never get caught because of the continued dysfunctional lack of an appropriate, broad based police response, and from the widespread continued exploitation of these crimes.
        To the animal organization that claims to be doing something about animal cruelty and/or dog fighting, from one who has spent decades futilely fighting against dog fighting and animal cruelty, the lack of a proper police response, and the exploitation of these crimes by animal organizations, have the decency to finally open this up to public scrutiny and debate.
         Because animals cannot speak, because they are voiceless and vulnerable, they continue to be exploited by the very people and organizations that claim to speak on their behalf.

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