Thursday, March 23, 2017

Destabilizing Countries And The World; Religious Violence And Gangs

     A civilization is not defined by its shopping centers or technology. Whether it will advance or decline is determined by its morality, which includes the fundamental ability and willingness to control violence, and not be controlled by it. In many high crime areas of the United States, gangs control neighborhoods. Outside of the states, there are places where gangs are making entire countries unlivable.
     The gang violence in the states is controlled anarchy; where chaos is allowed, inexplicably, in contained areas. Rather than stop the violence, politicians on one side or the other use it to validate their political agenda. One black racist religious leader, who has done nothing in his long lazy career of work avoidance except blame others, and a certain group in particular, exploits the violence in black communities in order to gain more riches and sheep like followers. 
      Hate groups, violent religious fanatics, gangs and guns. And a drug trade that makes criminals, terrorists, and psychopaths rich-  a toxic mix of controlled violence spinning out of control. 
        Responding appropriately and intelligently to religious violence, to gang violence, to the violence of hate groups, should not be the domain of one political party or another. A civilized society does not brush violence under the table, endlessly ignoring or excusing it. Nor does it tolerate the violence. Religious tolerance should not mean accepting religious violence and intolerance. 
            The unwillingness to face violence, including religious violence, is a civilization's death sentence.

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