Monday, March 13, 2017

Jordanian Murderer Of 7 School Children Receives Hero's Welcome

     A Jordanian soldier shot and killed 7 Israeli school girls that were on a school field trip, and wounded 7 others in 1997. The girls were 13 and 14 years old. Jordan released the man today, after he served 20 years in prison. He is without remorse, and received a hero's welcome.
      Regardless if someone likes or hates Israelis, Jews, or any other group, the deliberate killing of unarmed children can never be justified. But there are those that try. For this cowardly Jordanian child killer, now a hero in his village for killing Jews, a new low gets set again.
       The only thing that keeps Israelis from being exterminated is a strong army and separation from their enemies. If Jew killing continues to be socially accepted and encouraged by many Arab Muslims and others in the Muslim world, along with non Muslim Jew haters, then it will not matter if there is a two state solution, a one state solution, or occupation; nothing will end this conflict. If tomorrow a Palestinian Arab state is established on the west bank, with a link to Gaza, and with East Jerusalem as its capital, territory that was in the hands of Arabs prior to 1967 and that was used to attack Israel, there will still not be peace. Not as long as the deep, pathological hatred for Jews persists, along with the inability of far too many in the Islamic world to accept the people of other religions as fellow human beings and brothers in humanity.
        Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, or anyone that in cold blood deliberately shoots to death unarmed, innocent school children, deserves more than 20 years in prison. The fact that a child murderer received a hero's welcome upon his release is not a hopeful sign for the future.

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