Friday, March 3, 2017

Demented Leaders, Masters At Distortion and Deception

     There are demented leaders that many people follow like sheep or willing slaves. These demented leaders exploit evil and injustice in order to justify their own evil and hate. They decry past and present injustices, but not because they care about justice. Demented leaders lie, incite, twist, distort, falsely claim to speak truth to power, because they know that by rallying people around an enemy, someone or some group to hate, they will win fame, fortune, power and adulation.
     Demented leaders come from all races. They are masters at nurturing hate, nurturing bigotry, creating targets and scapegoats. They keep the spotlight on someone else, never on themselves. Who are these demented leaders? It is easy to name names, but what is the point? When they die - these demented folk that imagine themselves larger than life- others simply take their place. While they live, they spread poison like water, finding no shortage of people eager to lap it up.

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