Monday, March 27, 2017

The Sad Reality Of Russia And Russian Television (RT)

     An all too common story of rotten leadership....The leaders steal a country blind. While the majority of people barely get by, the leaders turn themselves, their families, friends and cronies into billionaires and millionaires. The people, while being stolen blind, go along like patriotic sheep as their energies are directed towards foreign enemies. The few brave dissenting voices are murdered. The government denies involvement.
      Protests on the streets are quickly put down and ignored by a complicit media. Outside of the country, the state sponsored media spins endless propaganda, supporting murdering and thievery while pretending to be progressive voices. The complicit media and oligarchy, eager to hurt their enemies no matter how much it harms the world, support a fanatical Islamist regime, even though such support goes against their own self interest.

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