Friday, March 3, 2017

The Stock Market Is Not A True Measure Of Wealth

     The stock market does not reflect the real wealth of the world, which includes the health of the environment, upon which all people depend.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, just one example of the daily deterioration and loss of wealth is the unaddressed disaster of thousands of tons of non biodegradable plastics, styrofoam, and other contaminants and poisons that enter daily into the oceans. Every single day is another assault that deteriorates the health of this planet.
       The stock market does not consider environmental deterioration, pollution, habitat loss, rainforest destruction, wildlife decimation, the daily destruction of the oceans by garbage, trawlers scraping ocean floors and other destructive fishing practices, and much more.
         The stock market does not consider nuclear proliferation, religious fanaticism, hatred and violence, or other looming threats. World poverty does not faze the markets.
          If the policies that ensure savers get punished, speculators get rewarded, workers continue to get little, ends up being nothing but one big bubble that causes a recession or worse when burst, no one will accept responsibility. Meanwhile, real wealth continues to decline, regardless of  how high the euphoric stock market rises.

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