Monday, March 20, 2017

No One Is Racing To Save Coral Reefs. A Thin Skinned Leader And The Continued Path Of Do Nothingness

       Despite recent reports, there are no scientists racing to stop the death of coral. Hardly anyone, if anyone at all, is racing to stop the destruction of coral and marine life. In the past thirty years alone, over half the world's coral has been lost. This destruction has only been accelerating. Even though coral reefs are vital for the health of the oceans, including the countless species of fish and other marine life that need coral reefs to survive, even though coral reefs provides protection from weather related events such as typhoons and hurricanes, and even though countless people need healthy coral reefs for their livilhoods and as an irreplaceable food source, most people do not care.
       They do not care about the thousands of tons of plastics and other toxic garbage that is daily dumped or finds its way into the oceans. They do not care about the enormous overuse and abuse of coral reefs by cruise ships and their tourist customers, by developers, by tourism and industry, and by the continued misuse, poisoning and destruction of the oceans.  
        People do care about their religion, with many eager to kill on behalf of their god and destroy entire peoples and the planet.  
        People care about money, their pets, their religions, their politics, their sports and entertainment, their vanity, but something as important to human survival as coral reefs and healthy oceans draws a big blank.
        Every day the trashing and poisoning of the ocean is one day closer to the end of human survival. Every single day means thousands of tons of plastics, styrofoam and other contaminants  enter into the oceans, without anything being done to stop this slow but lethal poisoning. The real wealth of the planet disappears, as the mythical wealth of financial markets accelerates.
        Meanwhile, there is no leadership or direction regarding stewardship of the planet. No religious, political or economic leadership. While millions obsess on how to kill Jews or some other group, while a thin skinned president tweets about nonsense, while religious fanatics and other fanatics race to possess nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, the planet dies.

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