Iran and other Islamists try to justify their war against Israel by their claim that Jews drove out Muslims (which is not a correct narrative and one that completely ignores the greater number of Jews that Arab Muslims ethnically cleansed and drove out) and therefore Muslims have the endless right to commit terror and war against Jews. Even if this narrative is correct, does a wrong committed in the past entitle Muslims with the endless right to commit war and terror? The real motive, Jew hatred, is disguised by phony concern for Palestinian Arabs. The leader of Iran's Lebanese occupation army, Hezbollah, has declared he wants all Jews to gather in Israel so they are concentrated in one place and can be massacred there.
There is also the belief that many hold in the Islamic world that once lands go under Islamic control, if the lands are lost to infidels - Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and other religions- it is the duty of Muslims to wage endless war or violent jihad to regain the lands. Even if the lands have been lost for centuries, the wars must go on to return the lands to Islamic control. Many in the politically correct west refuse to see this element in Islamic theology as a driver of war. The Islamic belief that only Muslims must rule in the lands that were past or present controlled by Muslims, and that religious minorities can only be at best second class citizens that pay special taxes, or at worst are forced to convert or are murdered, with women and girls taken as sex slaves, which is what Islamists just did to the Yazidis, keeps the world washed in blood.
In a place like Yemen, where thousands are dying in a vicious war between Shia and Sunni Muslims, and where hundreds of thousands face starvation, the two sides see each other as infidels and as not real Muslims. Religion keeps that vicious conflict alive, with Iran and Saudi opposing each other and ensuring that many thousands more will die, starve and be crippled.
The politically correct west refuses to see the religious components in Islam that need to be reformed or else these wars will never stop. The politically correct crowd, joined by the Jew hating crowd, want to blame everyone except Muslims for the wars, terror, killings, rape and genocide emanating from the Islamic world. It is true that the west has made terrible mistakes, including the U.S. invasion of Iraq where there is still the complete failure to hold anyone accountable. So much suffering has resulted from what the U.S. and west did in Iraq and elsewhere. But this still does not excuse or explain away the hate, bigotry, war, terror and violent jihad emanating from the Islamic world.
If being driven from their lands is the reason for Muslims to commit war and terror, then what about the millions of people and their descendants driven from their lands by Muslims? For thousands of years before Islam even came into being, Jews, who already believed in one God, lived in what is now Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Israel, the west bank, Syria, Libya, Egypt, and many other places where they were driven from their lands starting at the time of Muhammad (who slaughtered and drove out the Jewish tribes living on the Arabian peninsula in what is now called Saudi Arabia, to the recent ethnic cleansing of middle east Jews from Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, Syria, and other Muslim majority lands). Muslims, in their expansion and conquest, drove out Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and the people of other religions. If all the Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Hindus and others demand back the lands that Muslims stole, the killing will never stop.
It is time to end once and for all the right of anyone to commit war and terror as the way to resolve conflicts and rectify grievances. It is time for the apologists in the west to be called out for their support of this evil, often motivated by Jew hatred. Islamists and their Jew hating supporters do not care if the entire world is destroyed in their pursuit of genocide against the Jews. The excuse that Muslims were driven out by Jews as the bases for endless war, if applied to everyone, means that Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and others will also endlessly attack and wage war and terror.
Muslims were driven out from India when India gained independence. Hindus were driven out from Pakistan. Jews were driven out from their homes throughout the middle east and North Africa by Muslims. Arabs fled from what is now Israel during the war of 1948. Millions have fled from the wars in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia, the Congo region, and many other places. Hundreds of thousands have been murdered or displaced in the ethnic cleansing of the black Muslim people of Darfur by Arab Muslims. The United States, Australia, Canada, countries throughout North, South and Central America and the Caribbean were created by the ethnic cleansing and land theft of native populations. Arab Muslims and other Muslims violently spread Islam throughout the world, stealing the lands of native people and enslaving and murdering native populations. (There are exceptions where the conversions were peaceful).
Is the path going forward going to be that every historical wrong, real or not, must be corrected by violence and terror? Or is this a standard only hypocritically applied? And only allowed for certain Muslims?
It is time to end the hypocrisy and hate that is the reason nations like Iran and others want to wage war against the Jews. It is not about Palestinian Arabs, no matter how much they pretend otherwise.