Saturday, September 30, 2017

North Korea And A Hydrogen Bomb Over The Pacific

     North Korea is threatening to explode a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean. Exploding nuclear weapons over the Pacific and over small Pacific islands have been done before with devastating results. There is the perception that the oceans have an unlimited capacity to absorb all of the harm that people inflict. If North Korea proceeds, the area bombed will wipe out wildlife. Humans, some seem to think, need bombs to eat, not fish. The atmospheric radiation will cause cancer. Nothing good will result except to show once again that people have little regards for their environment, and no regards for their long term survival.

Race, Political Correctness And The Willingness To Ignore Violence

     A true conversation about race cannot be a one sided lecture. Personal responsibility, dysfunctional parenting, and violent youth cannot endlessly be blamed away. It is right to oppose racism and bigotry. It is wrong to excuse, ignore, or accept violence that does not fit a politically correct narrative. Enough people have been killed or harmed already by uncontrolled violence that too many wish to ignore or excuse.

Black Lives Matter Selectively To Black Lives Matter

     Black lives matter to Black Lives Matter only if it fits with their political agenda. Almost every black person killed by violence in the United States is murdered by another black person. This is ignored and inspires no outrage by a movement that is about a political agenda, and not about the lives of black people or anyone else.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Police, Violent Criminals, De Escalation And Escalation

     There are violent criminals, violent gangs, and violent hate groups that know well how to intimidate people and get them to back down, including police officers. Police departments that play ridiculously stupid number games, preserve systems of clout and cronyism, lower standards, and fail to put front and center the basic police mission of serve and protect by patrol, help criminals.
      It is important for cops to know how to de escalate situations. But it is also important for cops to know how to respond to aggression, violence and intimidation. Passivity and de escalation are the exact response that violent criminals often want. Knowing when to de escalate and when to escalate are important. De escalation skills and responses are important. However, many situations require the opposite response, a fact that is increasingly forgotten.

Police Use Of Force, Sanctity Of Life And The Preservation Of Clout

     A big city police department, more then happy to keep in place a corrupt system of clout and cronyism to ensure the politically favored and connected are in power (no matter how incompetent they might be), want to appease the public by showing how politically correct it has become. It has changed its use of force policy, incorporating the words sanctity of life. For those cops, mostly retired, that came on the job well over thirty years ago, there always was a restrictive use of force policy. Most importantly, there was the plain and simple human element of common sense. If grown men and women need to be told that there is sanctity of life by the time they are in their twenties, the age most people join police departments,  then they should not be on police departments to begin with.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

What The End Of Proactive Police Work Provides

         More violence. More homicides and crimes that could have been prevented. More lives ruined and destroyed.
          Cops need to be on the streets on patrol. In high crime areas, this is best achieved by cops that walk the same beats day in and day out, along with cops in squad cars and at times on bikes. This means restructuring entire police departments. Cronyism and clout cannot be allowed.  Ending do nothing positions must be eliminated. Number games and smoke and mirror police work must end. Police brass must work the streets like everyone else. Proactive police work, within the framework of the law, must return.

Politicians Who See Racism As The problem, And Want Neutered police

     They got what they wanted - a neutered, ineffective police department filled with political cronies. They believe that cops are nothing more than racists running around with guns, and that cops, not gangs and violent offenders, are the problem. Now that cops are no longer proactive, and do as little as possible, there is less chance they will offend the ever sensitive criminals and violent thugs.
      Good people lacking the financial means to move away from high crime areas have been made more vulnerable.
       Neutered police means increased violence and deaths that never had to happen.

Why Some Elitists See Police As Mindless, Murderous, Racist Zombies

     Privileged and entitled people often cannot conceive of the fact that people in other stations in life may not have their money, but that does not mean they are any less intelligent or capable.

Political Correctness And Lowered Standards

     Police departments need the most qualified people to be cops, as do many other institutions. Political correctness has resulted in lowered standards and lowered hiring standards, which results in increased violence.

Race, Income Inequality, And The Business Of Race And Racism

       It is easier to focus on race than income inequality. This way, privileged people can show how sensitive and politically correct they are without ever having to do much of anything.
       Exploiting and profiting from race and racism is a lucrative industry for a number of black, white and brown people. This does not mean that racism does not exist. Racism exists, but so does its exploitation.

Bad Cops, Privileged Lives, Crime And Violence

        Cops that work high crime areas encounter violent offenders. Each encounter carries the risk of a violent outcome. Crime, violence and poverty are not the result of bad policing, regardless of how some people want to stick to narratives that suit their political agendas. Or that like narratives that free them from personal responsibility.
        This is not to say there are not bad cops. Bad cops, just like bad people in other occupations, do exist and must be weeded out. No profession, police or otherwise, should tolerate misconduct, abuse or corruption.
         But bad cops are not the cause of dysfunctional families and dysfunctional communities. Bad cops did not create bad parenting. Bad cops did not create the massive, violent underbelly of American society. Bad cops did not create the enormous gang and drug problem.
         People that live privileged lives too often believe in simplistic reasons for complex problems. This frees them from any inconvenience on their part.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Why Touted Reform And Federal Oversight Is Meaningless For The Chicago Police Department

     If a police department is riddled with clout and cronyism, it does not matter how much federal oversight is implemented, nothing will change for the better. Chicago politicians were happy to go along with federal oversight and police reform because it completely ignored the corrupt use of clout and cronyism in police promotional practices.
      Recently a police sgt under investigation was the subject of a story in a major Chicago newspaper (July 8, 2017). Mention was made that the first deputy superintendent was responsible for the meritorious promotion of the sgt that the police department now seeks to fire. Why no one questioned the first deputy superintendent regarding why he meritoriously promoted this sgt is beyond comprehension.
       If a police department uses meritorious hiring, it must be clearly defined. The people that determine who qualifies for a meritorious promotion must be professional people that have no connection to an applicant. If there is a connection, the evaluator must disqualify himself or herself from evaluating that particular candidate.
       It is impossible to have a professional police department that perverts the true meaning of meritorious. A professional police department has no place for clout, cronyism, and political favoritism.    

Friday, September 22, 2017

Animal Organizations And Disasters

    Running to a disaster area to recover a few dogs and cats is great publicity for animal organizations, as they ignore the dogs and cats in their own backyard. In one big city, for example, thousands of dogs and cats are left on the streets to die slow deaths, out of sight, out of mind. Recovering those animals is not a lucrative, high publicity endeavor, and so they are left to die.

Chicago Animal No Kill - Let Dogs and Cats Die On The Streets

     While thousands of dogs and cats are allowed to die on the streets of Chicago in blighted communities, out of sight, out of mind, the claim can be made that euthanasia rates have been lowered. The less animals brought into the city animal shelter, the fewer animals there are to euthanize.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Dogs And Cats And The Misuse Of The Word Rescue

     Pet shops sell a dog or cat, knowing it is a one time sale that gets taxed. Animal shelters sell a dog or cat, pay no taxes on the sale, and know that the adopter can be solicited endlessly for contributions. Words such as rescue are used, an emotionally charged word that has been rendered meaningless.
      Did the rescue involve rushing into a burning building? It did not. The mere act of adoption from an animal shelter now means rescue, which makes the mundane appear heroic. People are more willing to contribute to whoever makes them feel good.

Animal Shelters And Pet Stores, Similarities And Differences

        1. Pet stores pay taxes. Animal shelters do not.
        2. Both sell dogs and cats and get money from the sale.
        3. Animal shelters expect, or hope for, a lifetime of contributions after selling the pet. Pet shops do not. It is a one time sales transaction. One pet sale for an animal shelter can mean thousands of dollars in contributions generated.
        4. Animal shelters usually get dogs and cats for free. Pet shops usually do not.
        5. It is possible some animal shelters and some pet shops get dogs and cats from puppy mills. There is a lot of money to be made from the sale of dogs and cats, and just because animal shelters are nonprofit does not mean they are any less money oriented than pet shops.
         6.  Some animal shelters are nothing but nonprofit tax havens for animal hoarders and animal abusers.
         Non profit animal shelters have proliferated, as this can be a very lucrative, tax free business. It is poorly regulated. Some of the big name animal organizations take in huge amounts of money. They help a tiny number of animals, and make fortunes in the process.
          Serious issues such as dog fighting and animal cruelty continue to be exploited by many animal organizations and animal shelters, or remain out of their radar.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Ocean Garbage Patch Cleanup Will Not Stop Plastic Poisoning Of The Oceans

       The ocean cleanup campaign to remove plastic from huge garbage patches in the oceans, while welcome, will barely make a dent in the enormous problem of ocean poisoning by plastic.
       Almost all plastic contaminants breaks down into smaller particles that do not degrade and that disperse, never reaching the garbage patches.
       The amount of plastic that the ocean garbage patch cleanup removes daily will not even come close to the amount of plastics that daily enter the oceans.
       Far more important things must be done. This includes devoting labor and resources to preventing plastics and other oil based non biodegradable materials from entering into waterways and into the oceans, removing plastics from along coastlines and waterways, changing how food and other items are packaged, reducing the use of oil based non biodegradable materials, and much more.

Tap Water And Plastic Poisoning Of The Oceans

      In response to news that a high percentage of tap water around the world contains unseen plastic fibers and particles, people will more than likely continue to ignore the daily plastic poisoning of the oceans and other waters and focus instead on drinking bottled water. Bottled water does not free people from this danger. Furthermore, the unseen plastic particles are not just in water, but also in the air and in food. People cannot individually escape, much as they may want to, what is being done to the oceans.

The Wars Of Hate And The Environmental War That Is Not Fought

     The only war that humans should be fighting is the war to stop environmental degradation. Everything else, the propensity of people to hate and wage war and violence against those they hate continues unabated.
       People must separate their religions and beliefs from war, hate and violence if humanity is to have a chance.
       A recent study found that when people drink tap water, unseen plastic fibers and particles are in the water over 94 per cent of the time in the United States alone. Bottled water does not free people from this risk.
        Every single day thousands upon thousands of tons of plastics and other non biodegradable oil based contaminants enter into the world's oceans. The unrelenting human assault on the environment continues in many ways, almost all of it unaddressed. It is easier for people to hate and act violently than it is to save their planet and themselves.

The Plight Of The Rohingyas Continues

     The news regarding Rohingyas keeps getting worse. The basic human principle that civilian populations not be deliberately harmed or attacked, no matter who they are, no matter where they are, keeps getting violated.
       Fleeing Rohingya refugees are also facing exploitation and hardship. Refugee populations must be protected. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Jihadists And Their Supporters; Hatred For Israel

     In the eyes of Islamic jihadists, only Muslims have the right to rule. And so Israel must be destroyed. To them, there can be no peace, no accommodation, no peaceful resolution to the conflict.
     Many useful idiots for Islamic jihadists purposefully ignore the jihadist nature of the conflict.
     Jihadists and their supporters unite in their hatred for Israel, ignoring everything else that takes place in the world. And so, as war rages in Somalia, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Myanmar, South Philippines, South Thailand, Northern Nigeria, and in so many other places, few lift a finger to stop the bloodshed.

Pursuit Of War, Ethnic Cleansing And Blamelessness In The Islamic World

          In the past few years, Islamists have committed genocide against the Yazidis, ethnic cleansing against middle east Christians, waged relentless war to kill Jews in Israel, attacked non Muslims in Kashmir, murdered moderate Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere, attacked and killed Coptic Christians in Egypt, waged war against Christians in South Philippines, war against Buddhists in South Thailand, war against Christians and moderate Muslims in Nigeria, Somalia and Kenya, attacked non Muslims in West Gunai and elsewhere, waged murder and terror all over Europe, North America and elsewhere, turned Yemen and Afghanistan into hellholes, and much more.
          During the many years of killing and bloodshed by Muslims against non Muslims, the Islamic Nations of the world did nothing. Other than direct their citizens towards hating Israel, the Islamic world protested nothing. They never accept responsibility for spreading hatred, bigotry and jihadism.
          They portray themselves as victims, even though almost a third of the world is Muslim, even though most of the world's oil is in their hands, even though their kings, princes, sheiks and mullahs are multi billionaires and multimillionaires, even though the entire middle east (except for the tiny country of Israel), north Africa and much of Asia is in their hands.
          They blame Jews, Israel, or someone else for all of their problems, but never themselves.
          They talk about the displacement of Arabs they now call Palestinians in 1948, but never once mention how Arab Muslims attacked Israel when it became a state and caused the displacement.
          They never mention how Arab Muslims displaced and ethnically cleansed the Jews that lived in their midst, stealing their lands, and sent them fleeing for their lives to Israel, where they now want to destroy them.
           They never mention persecution, ethnic cleansing and land theft of non Muslim minorities living in Muslim majority countries.
          They never mention how they made no effort to settle Arab Muslims that fled from Israel in 1948, or Arab Muslims that have fled from the wars in Syria, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere. 
          The oil rich Islamic nations will not settle Rohingyas now living in refugee camps. They are only good at spreading jihad and bigotry. 
          The useful idiots on the left and right, happy to go along with everything the jihadists do as long as the agenda is anti Israel and anti Jew, keep alive the hatred, jihad and endless killing.
          Pakistanis are protesting the treatment of Rohingyas because Rohingyas are Muslim. But in the many years of Pakistanis persecuting Hindus, Buddhists,and others, not a word of protest. Pakistan is not giving Rohingya refugees a home.
          Rohingyas have been turned away by many Islamic nations. Islamic nations that accuse Myanmar of the very crimes they have committed. 

The Politically Correct Crowd That Panders To Muslims

      Many in the politically correct crowd pander to Muslims when they believe Muslims are victims (their way perhaps of showing how sensitive they are), and close their eyes when Muslims are victimizers. It does not help Rohingyas, Yazidis, middle east Christians, or anyone else.

Basic Rules Of Conduct In Armed Conflict And War

      Do not deliberately attack and harm civilian populations.
      Do not use civilian populations as shields by which to attack others.
      There are no exceptions because the attackers are a group favored by some, or the attacked are a group hated by many.

Rohingyas, Yazidis. Waging War Against Civilians. Waging War And Using Civilians As Shields

     Civilian populations, no matter who they are, no matter where they are, must be protected. It is unacceptable for civilians to be deliberately targeted and harmed by any armed group, be it from an armed militia or from the army of a government.
      In the past few years, the Yazidis were mass murdered by Islamists. Yazidi women and girls were taken as slaves by Islamists simply because they belong to a different religion. Many Islamists believe that Islam gives them the right to murder, brutalize and rape those considered polytheists. Thousands of Yazidi women and children are still in the hands of brutal Islamists that are raping and torturing them. 
       Rohingyas are being murdered and driven out from Myanmar. The Rohingyas are Muslims living as a minority in a Buddhist majority country. Many minorities face persecution in the countries where they live. Minorities the world over are vulnerable. Rohingyas and Yazidis right now are more than vulnerable. Their safety and protection must become a world priority. 
       Deliberately attacking and harming civilian populations is always wrong. There are no exceptions. 
        Deliberating waging war from civilian populations and using civilians as the cover for armed activity is also wrong without exception. When Islamist groups or anyone wage war from civilian populations, hiding amongst civilians, it is they that are responsible for the loss of civilian lives. Too many falsely equate the deliberate attacking of civilian populations with the killing of civilians that results when armed groups wage war and use civilian populations as shields.
        When Boko Haram, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Abu Sayyaf, Al Shabazz, and all terror groups that wage war from civilian populations, use civilians as shields, it is they that bear responsibility for civilian casualties.
          It is always wrong to wage war using civilians as cover or shields.
          It is always wrong for any armed group to deliberately attack and harm civilian populations.
          The Rohingyas need protection.
          The Yazidi women and children must be freed.
          Civilians must not be deliberately attacked or harmed.
          Civilians must not be used as shields by attackers.

Friday, September 15, 2017

The Congo, Not Just The Amazon, Is Being Destroyed

        While the Amazon is being destroyed and tribal people are being wiped out or reduced to poverty, it raises questions about the other great rainforests of the world and their indigenous people.
        What is happening in the Congo, the second largest rainforest? It is already documented that the Congo is being destroyed by mining and deforestation. The bushmeat trade continues to decimate wildlife. Parts of the Congo continue to suffer from war and armed conflict. Rape still plagues the region, and women and girls are not safe in many places. Mining interests continue to exploit and abuse children and adult workers, and poison land and water.
         Destroying the two largest rainforests, which are the lungs of the planet along with the oceans, adversely affect the health and climate of the planet in ways not fully known. It is not a localized problem.

Uncontacted And Isolated Amazon Tribes; No Money To Protect Them Or Their Rainforest

      A group of Indians that included women and children were massacred by gold miners in the Amazon. Why are isolated and uncontacted tribes not protected. Why is the Amazon not protected? Where is everyone that screams how important it is to protect rainforest? Where are the multibillion dollar conservation and wildlife organizations? Why is the Brazilian government, which swears in its constitution to protect indigenous tribes, letting tribal people be massacred?
      The Brazilian agency that is supposed to protect indigenous people, FUNAI, had its budget cut severely. There is no one protecting isolated and uncontacted tribes; the people that are the most vulnerable.
       And so miners, loggers, ranchers, agricultural interests, encroach onto their lands, destroying the forest and the people themselves. They bring disease, and by cutting the forests, reduce tribes people to poverty stricken beggars that no longer have a way to support themselves. Or they outright murder tribespeople.
       The FUNAI budget for uncontacted tribes was reduced from approx 7.5 million reais in 2014 to approximately two million reais, or about 650,000 dollars.
        650,000 dollars to any big monied conservation, wildlife, or animal welfare, humane type organization is chump change that does not even cover the expenses of their well heeled and traveled, pampered executives.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Amazon Tribal people Are Massacred. Conservation Organizations, Brazilian Government, Keeps Them Unprotected

      Approximately ten members of a remote Amazon tribe are reported to have come into contact with a group of gold miners, who then massacred the group, which including women and children. It is believed that up to a fifth of the tribe may have been wiped out. News reports relate that the Indians were gathering eggs along a river when they came into contact with the miners. It is alleged that the miners may have cut up the bodies of the murdered victims and thrown them in the river in order that no evidence can be found.
       Uncontacted and isolated tribes are supposed to be protected. The Brazilian agency for Indigenous Affairs, Funai, reports that another massacre in the region that took place in February is still being investigated. Funding for Funai has been slashed. Funai had nineteen bases that were used to monitor and protect isolated tribes. Due to lack of funding by the government, five of the 19 bases were closed, and staff and funding for the other bases were significantly reduced. Three of the bases closed are in Javari Valley, where "approximately 20 out of 103 uncontacted tribes registered in Brazil" are believed to live, and which is the area where the recent massacre took place.
        These massacres are under investigation. These are difficult investigations not only because of the size of the areas involved and the difficulty in accessing them, but also because of the limited resources provided to pursue such investigations.
         Protecting tribal people is written into Brazil's constitution. Tribal advocacy groups assert the Brazilian government has failed to protect tribal people and their lands.
         Powerful mining, logging, ranching and agricultural interests covet the amazon. They have in their pockets a deeply corrupt president, Temer, who has no regards for the interests of Amazonian tribes.
          Powerful and deep pocketed conservation organizations are active in the Amazon. Selling the public on the idea that they are protecting the Amazon and its wildlife is a huge source of money for these organizations.
          So why are these tribes and their lands not properly protected? At the very least, why have none of these organizations, with the billions of dollars they collectively have, not stepped up to ensure no Funai base is closed, and that all Funai bases are properly manned?
           Protecting tribal peoples and their lands should be in the interest of every conservation organization. These tribes have existed in the Amazon for thousands of years. Unlike the miners and others that could care less about the rainforest and do not mind destroying it to pursue their commercial interests, tribal people are not destroying the very lands and forests on which they depend. They are not the ones de-foresting, mining and destroying the Amazon.
           Protecting isolated and uncontacted tribes and their lands are the surest way to protect the Amazon. Where are the deep pocketed conservation organizations while the forests of isolated and uncontacted tribes are destroyed and tribal people are massacred?

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Social Media Executives; Helping Nazis, Jihadists, And Other Lunatics

     If only the executives of social media companies look in the mirror and ask themselves - is greed and money worth providing the platform for every deranged hate filled lunatic on the planet? They do not have to let this happen. They can monitor their platforms and deny access to those who spread hate, bigotry, racial and religious supremacy, jihadist and nazi ideology, violence and terror.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

RT Television Provides All The Proof That Russia Wanted Trump Elected - But Why?

     Why did Russia want Trump elected? Why is he their man? If you do not believe this to be true, then watch pre election episodes of Russian government television, RT, and see for yourself who they promoted. The unanswered question is why.

Obama's Red Lines And Abandonment Of Middle East Minorities

     If only Obama did not create red lines that he did nothing about. If only middle east minorities and moderates were not abandoned. If moderates and minorities continue to diminish in the middle east and North Africa, there will be hell to pay.

Russian Support Of Shia Islamists Does Not Serve Russian Interests

     ISIS is an evil, bloodthirsty organization that has committed genocide and great harm. But ISIS is not a reason to support Shia Islamists that are also committing mass murder. The Assad government, supported by Iran, Hezbollah and Russia, have committed war crimes, torture and mass murder. Russia will learn the hard way, just as the United States learned when it supported Sunni jihadists who fought the Soviets in Afghanistan, that nothing good comes from supporting any jihadists, be they Shia or Sunni. Jihadists will do everything they can to ensure the world remains engulfed in blood and terror. No matter how much Russian officials think their support of Shia jihadists harms American interests, they are foolish if they cannot see how their own interests are also harmed. A destabilized world run by fanatics and jihadists, with nuclear weapons added to the equation, does not make for a bright future.

Al Gore And The Open Door To Russian (RT) And Qatari (Al Jazeera) Propaganda

     Russian television (RT) has for years been giving a forum to all kinds of crackpots, some of whom push extremist views of intolerance and hate. Why should the Russian government, owner of RT, have unfettered access to the American audience with RT not labeled a propaganda arm of the Russian government?
      When Al Gore sold his share of Current TV to Qatari owned Al Jazeera (Qatar then pushed its Islamist agenda, not the pro environmental agenda that Al Gore promised and that Current TV was already providing), the Russians must have figured that if an American vice president cared more about money than American interests, Russia could go full steam ahead with its RT propaganda. 
       Like or hate Donald Trump is irrelevant to the way Russian government interests actively promoted Trump through RT and through a certain U.S. based social media company. It is easy to retrieve RT programs during the election and see who it is they actively promoted. This is not about loving or hating Trump or Clinton. It is about a foreign government, one often hostile to American interests, that actively campaigned for an American presidential candidate.
       RT and Al Jazeera are propaganda arms of foreign governments. They could care less about the United States or about anything other than their own interests. It is about time the United States wakes up and stops cutting its own throat.

Social Media Companies- Proudly Spreading Hate, Bigotry And Violence

      Even though mainstream media is full of serious flaws, they do not allow themselves to be the platform for every deranged hate group on this planet. Not so for the huge, powerful, extremely wealthy social media companies. They are more than glad to provide a platform so that every deranged, genocidal, murderous bigot can spread their message, gain wealth in the process, and attract more followers to their demented worlds of hate.
       It comes with a consequence, and now hate groups are growing in size, stupidity and viciousness. The billionaire and millionaire social media big shots could care less.
       Every whiny hate mongering crybaby has been given a platform to spread their hate.
       As the environment continues to degrade, as biodiversity continues to collapse, as our oceans continue to be destroyed from plastics and other contaminants, social media companies get richer and fatter, and so do the hate mongering idiots that think life involves nothing more attacking, blaming and destroying their favorite scapegoat. If only social media companies and their executives pursued decency with the same vigor by which they pursue money.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Black And White Racist Leaders; A Way Weaklings Make Money

     A whiny racist, this one with black skin, was on a television program talking about black racial greatness in his sing song seductive style that lures suckers in.
    Meanwhile, those of us that have to live lives that are more complicated and involved than mindless worship and devotion to the color of our skin, must face the trials and tribulations that racial and religious supremacists never have to face. While lives are lost and ruined by the natural disasters unfolding as this is written, racist and religious supremacist leaders continue to rake in easy dollars. When they die, the stupid color of their skin does not float to heaven with them.
    A white racist is as ignorant as the black racist, except he thinks white skin color, not black skin color, makes him superior. Black and white racists have no culture. They only have hate and ignorance. Rich cultures exist throughout the world, and they are not about something superficial as skin color. Skin color is not an accomplishment.
   Hate is a business that the white and black racist money grubbing leaders play like a violin.

Three Years As A Punching Bag. Race And Violence

     A white boy went to an integrated junior high school where he was in a classroom with the most aggressive black kids in that grade. He was a small, skinny underdeveloped kid that was quiet and made an easy target. For three years, ages 11, 12 and 13, he was beat, punched, and used as a punching bag. By the time he left the 8th grade, having experienced three years of getting beat, he had become an insomniac riddled with anxiety and a nervous blinking habit. The constant anxiety took away his ability to concentrate and he lost thereafter his ability to relax, like or do well in school.
       Whatever dreams and high hopes he imagined for himself were gone. School was a nightmare that existed only to get through.
        The motives for why adults did not intervene, including his parents, the parents of other kids that were bullied and beaten, teachers, coaches and others, have to do with weakness and cowardice. Fear for some, indifference for others. Perhaps the desire to be liked by the black aggressors. Perhaps enjoyment in knowing torment was reserved for someone other than themselves, even if it was a child.
        There are people that throw their weight around to take advantage and harm others. No race has a monopoly on bad behavior and the capacity for being a bully. Plenty of vulnerable black and white kids get abused by other black or white students that are stronger, violent and aggressive. Bullies and the bullied come from all races and ethnicities. Bullies target who they perceive to be vulnerable and weaker. 
         One man, who ended up as an adult immersing himself in religion, and who was the victim of childhood bullying, explained why his parents, who were not mentally ill and that had good jobs, did nothing to stop his bullying. His parents refused to believe black kids were capable of violence and bad behavior. In their minds, black people can only be victims, not victimizers.
          We live in a world that fails to contain violence. Many people live in privileged little worlds that allows them the luxury of seeing black people and those they consider oppressed in an idealized way. Black people to them are idealized victims. They infantilize blacks and other groups they consider oppressed. They do not see, blinded as they are by self righteousness, the harm in pandering and infantilizing.
            Their pandering, infantilizing and failure to hold all people accountable for their actions, for their behavior, for how they parent, is just as ignorant and toxic as overt racism. Refusing to hold people responsible for how they act and parent does no favor to anyone, and only contributes to violence.
            The underbelly of America is violent. It is violence that few want to face. Many people make excuses for violence, and offer nothing but self righteous narratives regarding victimhood, oppression and the right of victims to be violent and destructive. Left or right narratives of infantilization or sub humanness always have, and always will produce nothing positive. Many from the left infantilize, while many from the right subhumanize. Both are toxic.
               People need law and order, but people also need opportunity and hope for the future. Generations of poor parenting and violent, gang infested communities perpetuate a vicious cycle that is difficult to change. Infantilization, not just overt racism, is a poison that prevents change for the better.
                Meanwhile, the victims of bullying that are being beaten, black, white and everything in between, need adults, not cowards, to intervene. Childhood trauma is something that even resiliency cannot overcome. 

Saturday, September 9, 2017

White Kids Bullied And Abused By Black Kids

      There are white kids that are the victims of black bullies, no matter how the politically correct crowd wants to believe it can only go the other way. Bullying, especially when it is physical or sexual abuse, is never acceptable. The politics of race when it comes to harming children and teenagers only makes matters worse. Bullying is completely unacceptable, regardless of who is doing the bullying.

Bullied Kids Cannot Stop The Abuse Without Adult Intervention

     There are kids that are aggressive, and will bully any target that they perceive as weaker. We are referring here to bullying that is physical; kids that are being beaten, punched, physically battered. If adults keep a blind eye to the bullying, it only makes the bullying worse. Bullies will not contain their aggression if there is no one that stands up to them. The idea that physically abused bullied kids can stop the bullying if they implement certain strategies is naive. Bullying will not stop unless there are adults with the strength and decency to ensure it stops. Kids that are physically weaker than their bullies cannot realistically stop the physical abuse if there is no adult intervention.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Hurricane Irma, Watching A Nightmare Unfold

     Hurricane Irma sweeps through the Caribbean, on its way towards the Florida Keys and then mainland Florida. Hopefully the loss to lives, health and well being will be at a minimum. The hurricane has already caused the loss of lives of people on Caribbean islands that it has hit, and massive damage to property. This is a powerful hurricane. It is a reminder of how frail we are, and how powerful are the forces of nature. It will require a massive effort to help the Caribbean islands that have been devastated, and the places in Florida and elsewhere that will be affected.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Plastic Contaminated Water; No One Cares

    A leaflet considered defamatory to Islam was enough to inspire outrage and for one person to blow himself up at an American base in Afghanistan, wounding many.
     Print one article about Jews or Israel, and the Jew hating crybabies will come out by the thousands leaping at the opportunity to spew their cowardly hate.
     People will kill and riot over their God or Gods, over their perceived superiority based on the color of their skin, ethnicity or religion, or any number of things where they can demonstrate their willingness to be mindless, bloodthirsty sheep.
     People will empty their pocketbooks over a dog, cat, religion, leader, or from the propaganda of some money grubbing charity. 
     But inform people that their planet is dying, and there is barely a stir. 
     Every day thousands upon thousands of tons of plastics and other non biodegradable waste enters into the oceans. Plastic particles are virtually indestructible contaminants. No one cares. No one lifts a finger to try and stop this assault to the oceans by plastic, almost all of it coming from land based sources. Plastics in enormous amounts, including microplastics and fibers, are daily entering into lands and waters by a number of different sources.
     Plastic is already harming and killing seabirds, marine turtles, whales, dolphins, manta rays, fish and other wildlife. Plastic is in the fish and marine life that people eat. Plastic microparticles and fibers are now in the air. They are found in "honey, sugar, beer" and other foods people eat and drink.
     A study just released informs the public that billions of people are drinking tap water that contains plastic fibers. The U.S. has a tap water plastic contamination rate of 94.4 per cent. Lebanon is at 93.8, India at 82.4 per cent. Microplastic has also been found in bottled water. 
    What will be the response? Is humanity capable of mobilizing itself to save and protect the world in which we live, or is humanity only capable of mobilizing around narrow, parochial, often hate filled interests?

Opiods, The American Work Ethic And Illegal Immigrants

     In response to an article about the high level of opioid use in the United States that is keeping up to 20 per cent of men out of the labor force, a contractor made a comment that if not for hard working illegal immigrants, the United States would be in trouble. He added that illegal immigrants that are criminals should be deported, but not honest, hard working people.
      Ronald Reagan gave a pathway to legitimacy for illegal immigrants that were hardworking and honest. People nowadays want to demonize and punish this population. One thing that continues to change for the worse is a decline in a strong work ethic. Drug addiction, from both prescription and street drugs, also continues to be an enormous problem.  A strong work ethic is common in the population of illegal immigrants - the people willing to do the hard jobs that few Americans are willing or able to do. Meanwhile, the drug habits of Americans destabilizes neighborhoods, communities, and entire countries. American drug habits have made criminals, gangs and terrorists rich and powerful. And there is no end in sight. It is just easier, and apparently politically palatable, to simply go after hard working, honest illegal immigrants.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Source Of Lawlessness And Crime In The U.S.; DACA And Illegal Immigrants?

      If Jeff Sessions wants to end lawlessness, corruption, terrorism and crime, then stop using illegal immigrants as the scapegoat and face the reality of where terrorism, crime and lawlessness really comes from.
       Let us use as an example one law enforcement career, much of it spent in what was one of the most violent, high crime communities in the United States. There was a huge drug trade, powerful gangs, and plenty of lawlessness. Homicide rates in Chicago were much higher in the early 1990's than they are now. Gangs were killing each other over control of territory, essential to running the crack cocaine market that had exploded in Chicago.
       There were rampant shootings, stabbings, beatings, domestic violence, gang violence, dogfighting and animal cruelty. Drug dealers and drug addicts were everywhere. The gangs controlled the streets and housing projects. 
       The housing projects in that area are gone. The gangs have not disappeared. They moved to other areas, as did most of the drug dealers and drug addicts. 
       The housing projects included the Robert Taylor Homes, Stateway Gardens, Ida B. Wells, Washington Park Courts, and more. It can easily be found how exceptional high were the homicide and violent crime rates.
        All of that lawlessness, gang violence, murders, robberies, batteries, and dogfighting moved to other areas, where crime rates have spiked. Not one single illegal immigrant that the United States attorney general and president want to blame for crime was involved.
        Illegal immigrants have long been working hard, difficult jobs that few Americans want to do. No one minds taking their labor while giving them few or no benefits or rights. Many pay taxes, for which they receive nothing in return. Sure, a few are criminals. That is the reality of any population. But to incorrectly assert that this population has a higher number of criminals than American citizens is plain wrong. If anything, it is far less because the average illegal immigrant wants only to help their family by working hard at a legitimate job and to avoid trouble. Almost all want nothing to do with the violent American gang culture that poisons low income neighborhoods all over the United States. (Regarding terrorism, it is the furthest thing from the minds of this hardworking, law abiding population. There are American born citizens, and people here legally in the United States, that have already committed acts of terror or that are more than willing to commit an act of terror if given the chance.) Most illegal immigrants have a strong work ethic and love and respect this country.
        Can the same be said for the huge number of Americans that are in American gangs, American hate militias and in religious hate and racial organizations?  Do you think they love the United States and respect its laws? 

Animal Cops, The Scam Continues

     It is a money maker for a number of animal organizations and certain media companies. The money and publicity they receive ensures the common occurring crimes of animal cruelty remains out of the realm of law enforcement (with rare exceptions separate from ineffective animal cop type teams) and in the greedy little hands of the animal organizations and media giants that profit from keeping exceptional that which is common (i.e. animal cruelty and dogfighting).
      Law enforcement gets to continue to do little to nothing, animal organizations get to continue profiting, and almost every animal that is the victim of animal cruelty and dog fighting will never be helped.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

North Korean Nuclear Weapons; A Russian,Chinese, Not Just American Nightmare

    The world is held hostage to the actions of countries in possession of nuclear weapons. As humanity sits on edge, wondering what North Korea will do next, and how Trump will respond, even if this tense situation de-escalates, the threat of nuclear weapons will not go away. It is only getting worse, as other nations and terrorist organizations pursue nuclear weapon ambitions.
        It is in the interest of China, Russia, and every nation on this planet to see that this threat is contained. Nations must put aside politics, religions, rivalries, hatreds, and everything else that divides them, and realize that if nuclear weapons are unleashed, the conflicts between people and nations will become the last thing on everyone's mind.
        Nuclear weapons and North Korea, nuclear weapons anywhere, are not an American problem. It is a world problem. One of the greatest contribution world leaders like Putin, Trump and Xi Jinping can make towards securing a future for mankind is to stop nuclear weapons proliferation and significantly reduce the number of these weapons.

Islamic Nations Turn Their Backs On The Rohingyas

     Rohingyas fleeing persecution are being turned away from Bangladesh. Some of the people turned away are wounded and sick. Children and women are included in this group. Malaysia and Indonesia, wealthier nations than Bangladesh, are also turning away Rohingyas. There are Rohingyas that have died after being turned away. There are Rohingyas adrift at sea with nowhere to go.
     Some of the richest countries in the world are oil rich Islamic nations. They squander their wealth on spreading jihad, hate and intolerance. Their doors never open to Muslims fleeing war and poverty. They turn away from desperate Rohingyas fleeing war, poverty and persecution,

Rohingyas, Not Islamic Jihadists, Must Be Protected

     Minorities living in Islamic majority lands have long faced persecution and ethnic cleansing. This includes the Yazidis, middle east Christians, middle east and North African Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Baha'is and others. There is also the highly destructive and unproductive all out effort by many Islamic jihadists and their Jew hating supporters to destroy the one small Jewish state in the world. Many want no reconciliation or peace between Palestinian Arabs and and Jews because their real agenda is Islamic domination and the complete annihilation of Israel's Jewish population.
      The pervasive and toxic doctrine of Islamic expansion by war, terror and violent jihad keeps the world washed in blood.
      Islamists have enslaved the Yazidi people, after killing their men and taking thousands of Yazidi women and girls as slaves. Thousands of Yazidis are still held captive by Islamists, where these helpless women and young girls are being raped and tortured daily.
       Islamic jihadists use every excuse to justify their violence. Some Islamists argue that wrongs against Muslims or verses in the Quran gives them the right to kill, rape and enslave.
       The brutality, cruelty and evil of the Islamists and jihadists does not give anyone the right to act as they do. No wrong justifies another. Two wrongs never make a right.
        There are those that have no sympathy towards the Rohingyas because of what Islamists and jihadists have done. But the cruelty of others is never an excuse to lose one's humanity.
        The need to protect civilian populations from harm is not contingent on faith, religion, race, or politics. Deliberate attacks and the deliberate harming of noncombatant civilian populations is wrong no matter where it takes place and no matter by whom. Islamic jihadists abuse this principle by deliberately hiding in civilian populations or by using civilians as shield, for which there is a failure to hold jihadists accountable.
         Waging war and using civilian populations as a cover is a war crime, and must stop being ignored by the useful idiots that support the Islamic jihadists. At the same time, no civilian population should be the deliberate target, or deliberately harmed, by any government army, militia, or armed organization.
         Rohingya civilians, women, children, and all Rohingya non combatants, must be protected.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Maduro Diet - Eating Dogs, Cats, Flamingoes And Anything that Moves In Venezuela

     Hunger and starvation are driving desperate Venezuelans to do things that were unthinkable before corruption and dictatorship ruined that country. People are eating dogs, cats, horses, pigeons, and protected species like flamingoes and anteaters. Zoos have been broken into where tapirs, peccaries, horses and other animals have been slaughtered and eaten.
      Zoo animals are starving. It will not be long before large zoo animals like hippos, elephants, zebras, not just tapirs and horses, either starve to death or are slaughtered by desperate people. 
      While people go hungry, while food  and medicine shortages are widespread, while previously under control diseases like measles and malaria are spreading, the regime leaders and their families live like kings and queens. They and their children are millionaires and billionaires. Hugo Chavez is said to have been worth a billion dollars by the time he died. Vice president Tarek El Aissami, who has opened Venezuela up to drug interests and Hezbollah and other jihadist operatives, is estimated to be worth hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars. 
       After having stolen so much, the regime is determined to hold on to power, no matter what the cost. They claim to be socialists fighting for the people, as they beat, murder, jail and starve the Venezuelan people.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Red Cross Expose Will Not End Inefficacy, Harm And Corruption In The Nonprofit World

      A Newsweek story that appeared on the internet last week raised a number of red flags concerning the Red Cross..... "Red Cross won't release Harvey relief numbers, continuing a long, troubling trend........... A 2015 investigation by NPR and ProPublica concluded the Red Cross had built only six permanent homes in Haiti, even though it collected almost 500 billion in donations......A quarter of the money donated to the American Red Cross after the 2010 earthquake went toward internal spending - 124 million in total."
       It is an easy story to reference through a simple internet search. This story should be the impetus to finally look critically at the nonprofit world. But if the past is the predictor of the present and future, it will not be. Nothing will change, and business as usual will continue.
      The multi trillion dollar world of nonprofits continues to be a place of little accountability. 
       Although there are nonprofits that are above board and that operate with integrity, there are many nonprofits (considered reputable) that do not.
       When it comes to voiceless populations, especially in the realm of animal welfare, animal cruelty, dog fighting, conservation, wildlife protection, and more, the exploitation by a number of organizations considered legitimate and reputable is widespread and pervasive. It is exploitation that is completely off of the radar.
        It is easy for these organizations to run ineffective, often harmful programs that they insist helps stop animal cruelty or dogfighting, or that helps wildlife or something else. Voiceless populations cannot reveal the truth, and those with voices do not care. Shamefully, no one critically examines the efficacy of these organizations.
        And so on and on it goes.....corruption, ineffectiveness and harm in the nonprofit world. 
         People claim to care about animals and the environment, but not enough to put animals and conservation ahead of domestic animal, wildlife and conservation organizations. People are more loyal to nonprofits than to the causes and populations nonprofits are supposed to serve.

The Pope's Environmental Statements. The Unaddressed Crisis

      There is an environmental crisis. It is not pending. It is not years away. It is here now. Even if humanity does not wipe itself out with nuclear weapons, humanity will not survive long term if it keeps degrading the environment beyond repair. Every day thousands of tons of plastic enter into the oceans - plastic and oil based waste that are virtually indestructible. Depleting the oceans, plastic poisoning and other poisoning, war, trawling the seabeds, overfishing, destroying coral reefs, mangroves, seagrasses, and rainforests are but some of mankind's destructive practices killing earth's richness, biodiversity, and survivability for humans and many other species.
       It is easy to talk about this crisis. But words are not actions.
       Religions can numb people into believing humans can procreate without limit. It is impossible for this planet to sustain a population this large. Already the large extant human population has decimated the environment and is creating an ever dismal future for others.
       Population growth directly impacts the consumption some religious leaders insist must be curtailed. Meanwhile, religious and political leaders of all faiths rarely live lives of simplicity. Many set instead examples of extravagance and indulgence. To his credit, this pope is not a man of extravagance.
        There is too much at stake, too much that is unsustainable, too much that is being lost and that is already lost, for religious leaders from all faiths, including the pope, who is the leader of the largest single religious denomination, not to consider what role religions and religious doctrines have in a world that is being destroyed.