Sunday, September 10, 2017

Black And White Racist Leaders; A Way Weaklings Make Money

     A whiny racist, this one with black skin, was on a television program talking about black racial greatness in his sing song seductive style that lures suckers in.
    Meanwhile, those of us that have to live lives that are more complicated and involved than mindless worship and devotion to the color of our skin, must face the trials and tribulations that racial and religious supremacists never have to face. While lives are lost and ruined by the natural disasters unfolding as this is written, racist and religious supremacist leaders continue to rake in easy dollars. When they die, the stupid color of their skin does not float to heaven with them.
    A white racist is as ignorant as the black racist, except he thinks white skin color, not black skin color, makes him superior. Black and white racists have no culture. They only have hate and ignorance. Rich cultures exist throughout the world, and they are not about something superficial as skin color. Skin color is not an accomplishment.
   Hate is a business that the white and black racist money grubbing leaders play like a violin.

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