Monday, September 25, 2017

Police, Violent Criminals, De Escalation And Escalation

     There are violent criminals, violent gangs, and violent hate groups that know well how to intimidate people and get them to back down, including police officers. Police departments that play ridiculously stupid number games, preserve systems of clout and cronyism, lower standards, and fail to put front and center the basic police mission of serve and protect by patrol, help criminals.
      It is important for cops to know how to de escalate situations. But it is also important for cops to know how to respond to aggression, violence and intimidation. Passivity and de escalation are the exact response that violent criminals often want. Knowing when to de escalate and when to escalate are important. De escalation skills and responses are important. However, many situations require the opposite response, a fact that is increasingly forgotten.

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