Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Russian Support Of Shia Islamists Does Not Serve Russian Interests

     ISIS is an evil, bloodthirsty organization that has committed genocide and great harm. But ISIS is not a reason to support Shia Islamists that are also committing mass murder. The Assad government, supported by Iran, Hezbollah and Russia, have committed war crimes, torture and mass murder. Russia will learn the hard way, just as the United States learned when it supported Sunni jihadists who fought the Soviets in Afghanistan, that nothing good comes from supporting any jihadists, be they Shia or Sunni. Jihadists will do everything they can to ensure the world remains engulfed in blood and terror. No matter how much Russian officials think their support of Shia jihadists harms American interests, they are foolish if they cannot see how their own interests are also harmed. A destabilized world run by fanatics and jihadists, with nuclear weapons added to the equation, does not make for a bright future.

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