Monday, September 18, 2017

The Wars Of Hate And The Environmental War That Is Not Fought

     The only war that humans should be fighting is the war to stop environmental degradation. Everything else, the propensity of people to hate and wage war and violence against those they hate continues unabated.
       People must separate their religions and beliefs from war, hate and violence if humanity is to have a chance.
       A recent study found that when people drink tap water, unseen plastic fibers and particles are in the water over 94 per cent of the time in the United States alone. Bottled water does not free people from this risk.
        Every single day thousands upon thousands of tons of plastics and other non biodegradable oil based contaminants enter into the world's oceans. The unrelenting human assault on the environment continues in many ways, almost all of it unaddressed. It is easier for people to hate and act violently than it is to save their planet and themselves.

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