Sunday, September 3, 2017

Maduro Diet - Eating Dogs, Cats, Flamingoes And Anything that Moves In Venezuela

     Hunger and starvation are driving desperate Venezuelans to do things that were unthinkable before corruption and dictatorship ruined that country. People are eating dogs, cats, horses, pigeons, and protected species like flamingoes and anteaters. Zoos have been broken into where tapirs, peccaries, horses and other animals have been slaughtered and eaten.
      Zoo animals are starving. It will not be long before large zoo animals like hippos, elephants, zebras, not just tapirs and horses, either starve to death or are slaughtered by desperate people. 
      While people go hungry, while food  and medicine shortages are widespread, while previously under control diseases like measles and malaria are spreading, the regime leaders and their families live like kings and queens. They and their children are millionaires and billionaires. Hugo Chavez is said to have been worth a billion dollars by the time he died. Vice president Tarek El Aissami, who has opened Venezuela up to drug interests and Hezbollah and other jihadist operatives, is estimated to be worth hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars. 
       After having stolen so much, the regime is determined to hold on to power, no matter what the cost. They claim to be socialists fighting for the people, as they beat, murder, jail and starve the Venezuelan people.

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